
Bodyguard (Trash of the Counts family )

Choi Jung Soo has to protect original Cale from the old enemies of Team Leader Kim Rok Soo

Revinsane · Anime & Comics
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Order of Vengance (1)


It was a dark room, darkness as far as the eyes could see. This darkness was illuminated only by a single candle at the center of the room. A small and tiny flame was burning on its wick. So small it could be snuffed out in a moment.

From the shadows a person face emerged.

Only his face was visible due to the candle lights, everything else was pitch black.

The light falling on the man s, features cast a long shadow across his face, blurring most of his face.

The only thing clearly visible was the huge scar running across his right eye. And you could see that he had rested his elbows on the table. His hands and fingers had intertwined with each other, and he was resting his chin on the back of his palm.

He said,

"I suppose you all know why we are here today "

He paused

There was no movement among the shadows.

In the silence and darkness, the candle, s small light continued burning, casting small shadows around itself.

However, the man continued saying

"We are here today because we all have one common Goal "

"We all seek vengeance on one man "

He paused and slowly uttered the words

"Team Leader Kim Rok Soo"

The name seemed to cause some reaction, the shadows began to move in the darkness and people started to emerge from the shadows.

Three people emerged from the darkness the light of the candle cast shadows on their faces as well.

Their faces were blurred however you could make out their rough body shapes.

One of them had a long hat on their head that bared resemblance to the Mad Hatter, s hat from Alice in Wonderland.

One of them had a mask on their face which was designed as a smiling fox. The mask, s mouth was smiling, but it eyes seemed hollow. If you ever saw the mask elsewhere you would feel a shiver run down your spine and you would avoid it like a plague

The last person seemed, to simply have very long and flowing hair, which seemed to reach their feet. Along with very white and pale skin.

None of them said anything, they simply stared at the scarred man.

The man looked at them one by one and then at the darkness,

He said,

"All of here have had your lives ruined"

"Your Dreams Shattered "

"Powers snatched "

"You have nothing to lose anymore"

He reached his hands into his pocket and took out a photo.

It was the photo of Young Employee Kim Rok Soo and the rest of original Team 1.

The people in the photo were all hugging a frowning Kim Rok Soo.

The man said,

"This man I am sure you recognize him despite how weak he looks"

"There has been a rumor circulating around that he has gone mad and senile and thinking of retiring "

He paused and looked out at three people and the darkness

He raised his voice, and said,

"Our resentment has yet to be quenched!"

"Do you all want revenge!"

there were many voices which responded




A crowd of faces began to emerge from the darkness.

Candles were, soon lighted everywhere more faces were soon visible

There were all kinds of people in the crowd, and they all had one thing in common

The man raised his fists into the air and said,

"I hereby declare the creation of the Order of vengeance!"

the crowd responded rapidly

"Hail the Order of vengeance!"

"Hail the Order of vengeance"

The scarred man opened his chest and laughed

"Hahahaha Kim Rok Soo your days are now numbered!"

The man took the photo of young Kim Rok Soo with the original Team 1 and held it over the flame of the candle. The photo gradually turned black and disintegrated into ashes...
