
Bodyguard's lover

September 1, 2020 I have been assigned to be a bodyguard for the Mafia leader's daughter. I hear that she has gone through thousands and that none of them could control or keep track of her. I am here to prove her father wrong that I can take up the job and succeed in keeping his daughter safe. The only thing is He gave me specific rules: 1. DO NOT SHOW YOUR FACE, WHERE MASK AT ALL TIMES. 2. DO NOT TALK YO HER AT ANY POINT IN TIME. Those are the words I hear echoing in my head. The words of her murderous father. December 14, 2020 I made a mistake, A terrible one. I think I fell for the wrong person. one wrong look and her father will kill me. January 19, 2021 I made the best mistake of my life. I am happy now. [4,000-5,000 Word Count]

Lizzie_Taylor · Teen
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4 Chs

Will You?

I have spent almost a year in this safe house. Clarey and I have never been closer and Brayson is getting Intel on my so-called family. I also talked to Gio about something I want to ask Clarey, but for now I must wait. I walked out of my bedroom and looked around to see if anyone was here, currently it was just Clarey and I. It looked like everyone else was out. I wonder what Clarey's answer will be. I really hope she says yes because over the past year I have fallen in love with her. She is everything to me, my truelove, and my Soul mate. I wouldn't change one thing about her well; I want to change her last name that's for sure. But anyways, I need to find a ring later today with Brayson. He knows a jewelry dealer I can go to for Clarey's ring.

**Later, that day**

I get up wand walk over to the record player; I look through all the records and I pick out Billy Jole's album and it started to play "piano man". I went back over and sat down. Clarey walked out when she heard the music playing. "I didn't think the record player still worked; my dad never plays music anymore." She looked at the player with a frown. I get up and go towards her, "What do you mean he doesn't play music anymore?" She looks up at me with sadness in her eyes. "Ever since my mother disappeared, he banned everyone from playing music, mostly because it reminded him of her too much. That is also why I never ask about her anymore. He used to get mad when my brother and I would ask about her." I take her hand and hold on to it tightly, "Its alright my love, I understand. Things were hard back then and still are." She holds onto my hand tightly and then legs go; she moves towards me and hugs me. I hold on to her letting her know that she was safe and that I wasn't going to leave her. Clarey's phone starts to ring so she lets go and answers, while she was doing that I walked into the back room and looked around, I didn't want to wait any longer to ask her.

I see a jewelry box in the closet on the top shelf. I take it down and put it on a table, I open the box and there was an assortment of necklaces, bracelets, and rings. I pick up the first ring that caught my eye, it was a gold ring with two small diamonds and one medium diamond in the middle. On the inside of the ring it said,

"Forever and Always"

The ring was perfect, I walk out of the room with it in my closed hand. I then go outside and get on the phone with Gio, "Hey, I found a ring in one of the spare rooms. And I was wondering if I could use that instead of buying a new one?" I waited for Gio to answer, "Yes, you may use any of the rings in the spare room." I smiled, "Thank you!" I hang up the phone and walk back inside and get a small ring box that was in the spare room as well. I put the ring inside the box and stuck it in my pocket. "Hey Clarey, do you want to go for a swim in river with me?" I stood in the Livingroom and waited for an answer. Clarey walked out of our room and looked at me, "Sure!" she smiled and went to go change, I walked in as well and got changed and got items together. I took the ring box out of my other pants and put it in my swim short pocket. "I will be in the living room when you are ready to head down to the river. Okay?" She poked her head out of the bathroom and shook her head. I then make my way out of the room and into the living room. I was nervous to ask her to marry me, but also excited because I believe she will say yes. And if she does say yes, it will be the most happies moment of my life. I can just see it, Clarey and I at the alter saying our vows and being married. Having a life together, having children and growing old. She is the one, the one for me. I can't wait! I watch her come out of the bedroom, "You ready?" She smiled, "Yeah let's go!" I walked to the front door and open it for her, she walked out of the house, and I walked out after Clarey did and I locked the front door. We both start heading down the hill to the river. I held her hand as we both walked down to the river, I was smiling and so was she. This is going to be one of the best days of our live. We finally got down to the river, I set down our towels I take the box out secretly and place it under some leaves and put my towel on top of it as well and we sit down and feel the breeze hit our faces softly.

The breeze felt amazing I looked over at Clarey. "Want to go for a swim?" She nodded and got up with me. We both walk over to the river she gets in and so do I. I look at her and smile, I go over to the tree and climb up on it. I look around and then chuckle. "Rawwwwwww" I jump off the tree and into the river, the water splashed onto Clarey. She laughs after the water hits her. I get up out of the water and sit in the grass area where our towels are. Clarey gets out of the water and walks up to me, "Why you up here?" I look at her. I take the box out from underneath the towel and I get up on one knee, "Clarey Romano, you are the stars in my night sky, the love of my life! Will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Clarey looks down at me, she had tears in her eyes. She fell to the ground and shook her head yes very fast. I smile and put the ring on her finger, she them falls into my arms and holds me tight while she cried.

**Later, that day**

Clarey and I were lying in bed, I was holding her in my arms. Her stomach wasn't dealing with her tonight. She's had an upset stomach for the past two hours. The stomachache hit her after dinner, maybe she ate too much or whatever she ate didn't settle well. Gio nocked on our door and looked in, "Is she alright?" I get up slowly to make sure I didn't wake her, "Her stomach has been bothering her since dinner was over." He shook his head, "okay, hopefully it will be over in the morning, because her friends will be over tomorrow." I sighed, "Yeah I heard. She was happy but she just wasn't all here because she feels sick." He nodded and walked away and closed the door. I go back over to the bed and lie down next to her again, I hold her in my arms once again, she got comfortable and then was resting.

**2 months later**

I was sitting in the backroom, listening to Clarey, Nikki and a new girl name Jasmine go over wedding plans. Not sure why they want me to just sit here because last time I checked Clarey told me she wants to plan the wedding by herself. And I am fine with that. Only I do not want to mess up her special day. I get up from my chair and walk out the door; I guess they didn't notice because I was never called back. And like I said, that is not my territory, and I am completely clueless on that subject. Once I got back to my room I lied down on the bed and stare at the ceiling. After a while I hear my phone go off, I get up and go over. "Hello?" As I hold the phone up to my ear, I only hear static and light breathing. "Hello, who is this?" And there is still no answer. Who is on the other side of the call and why are they not talking? "Okay well if you are not going to answer I am just going to hang up." I went to hang up the call, and then suddenly, I could hear soft breathing coming over the phone, I put the phone back up to my ear and listened. As I wait for an answer Gio walks by my room, he looks at me and raised his eyes brown. "Are you okay son?" I couldn't answer him with words, so I shook my head yes. He walked into my room. I listened for the person to start talking. Then a man's voice came over the phone. "You better watch out for that beautiful little lady of yours, and that precious cargo. If you don't, you'll lose them both." The man hung up after the last word. All I could hear afterwards was the beeping of the phone.

Gio walks over to me and puts his hand on my shoulder, "Are you alright?" I looked at Gio and I put the phone down. "This guy just called me… He told me to watch out..." I looked up at Gio. "Watch out for what?" I looked at the ground, "What out for Clarey... or... or I might lose her..." I looked at Gio with tears in my eyes. I am so confused, and he said at the end lose them both. What does he mean by lose them both!?! Is she pregnant? No how could she be, we were very careful. I sat down on the bed and held my head. Gio walked over, "It will be alright Matthew, we will get this figured out." I sighed. "I'm just worried that she is in danger." Gio sat down next to me, "That is not something you should have on your mind right now. You need to make sure that your wedding is planned and already because you and Clarey's wedding is in two weeks." I nodded; I get up and go to the room where Clarey and the others are. I sit down next to Clarey, and I hold her hand. I was kind of shaking scared to mention anything to her, but she needs to know. She can't just be left in the dark.

She looks over at me, "I am almost done with the planning. I think it is going to be an amazing baby!" she smiled at me.

She got her papers and books together then puts them away into the cabinet next to the filing cabinet. We then both walked out of the room. Gio walked out of his office and looked at us both.

Matt looked very worried and my father, well he looked like he was going into war mode. "Dad, Matt is everything alright?" She looks at us both; while I turned around, "I got a call earlier, someone is after us Clarey. I am… not sure who or why they are after us." Gio looked at Clarey and then at me. "Clarey, we have to move you and Matthew to a new location to be safe for the time being. So, I need you to pack your things and get ready to leave. We do not have much time. I do not want to hear any complaining Clarey this is to protect you both."

Gio left the room. "Matty, why do We have to leave?" I took her by the hand and sat down with her. She started to get scared. I get up out of my set and I leave the room. I walked back our room. She walks back with me and then she gets into bed and cuddles up with a blanket until she is lying in a cocoon. "Baby please, talk to me." I saw the Clarey was in the bed, she had wrapped the blankets around her body and is now hibernating. "Please." She never came out of the blankets. I sit next to her on the bed, and I put my hand on her back, "Clarey please come out from under the covers." Since she wasn't coming out from under the covers I go under the covers, and I hold her. I wrapped my arms around her waist and then pull her closer to me. She held on to my arms and held them tight. She was scared I could tell. Ss I just lied there and held her close to me so she would no longer feel scared. We lived there for hours it felt like. Clarey had fallen asleep a while ago, so I lifted the blankets over our heads to get some fresh air. I look over at the clock and it was three in the morning. We must be packed and ready by noon today to head over to the new safe house. Which I don't think Clarey has come to terms with yet. And I am thinking she probably won't come to terms with it until they force us to leave.

I woke up around seven in the morning. I get up and head over to the bathroom. I was trying to clean up so I can start packing our stuff. We must be ready by noon, and if we are not ready then we will have to leave things behind. Which there is nothing I would miss, well except for Clarey I would miss her way too much. So, I get up and walk over to the luggage again and finish packing all our stuff. Packing took almost two hours, but I did finish in time. I walked over to the bed and sat down next to Clarey. "Hey baby it's time to wake up and get going." Clary lied there and moaned because she didn't want to wake up and leave. "Five more minutes please." I sat there and sighed, "Baby we can't wait five more minuets the car is ready, and we need to leave now. " Gio opens the door and looks at Clarey and I, "You two must be going now, there is not much time."

I stand up from the bed and nod. "Clarey, you need to say goodbye and get out of bed, we need to leave now." Gio walks over and kisses her on her forehead and then he left the room. I pick Clarey up from the bed and walked to the car with her. She was cradled in my arms sit asleep. She was holding on to her blanket to keep herself warm and comfortable. Once I got to the car, I set her down in the back and closed the door. She gets herself settled and then I walked over to the other side and got in as well. I get settled and she moves over towards me, she lays her head on my lap and goes back to sleep. My hand was on her shoulder, and we started to drive to the new safe house. So, this new safe house will be right under people's noses. Basically, we will be changing our names and creating a new life until we are safe to go back to our old lives. We may never get back to our old life, but it is worth a shot.

**2 hours later**

We got to the airport after a long two-hour ride from the old safe house; Clarey was wide awake now and chomping at the bit to get out of the car. I don't blame her I was as well. We get out of the car and walk over to the plane. We wait to be boarded, Clarey was nervous she never really liked flying. We started to board the plane and get ourselves settled for the flight. We sat down and Clarey had just ordered some food, the pilots boarded the plane and started up the engines I looked out the window. A few long, long moments later we flew off the landing pads and then we were off. I kept my eyes looking out the window watching the world we knew just stay behind as we left to live a lie. I am not sure how we will cope with this new life, but we will try to make it work like I said. I am just not sure how long it will take until we are ready to come to the fact that our old life probably be gone for forever.

It was getting late, and I was starting to grow tired, and watching the clouds go by was not helping me. So, I move to the back of the plane where the beds were. I lie down on the bed in the very back; I start to fall asleep instantly. What seemed like minutes was hours I thought I was asleep for maybe thirty minutes to hour. I was asleep for three hours. I woke up around the time of landing, it was a bumpy landing. I sit up from the bed I look over to my left side and there is Clarey asleep. She must have come to bed not long after I had because she was still sleeping. I get up from the bed and look out of the window that was closest to me, we were landed already. Our bags were being unloaded and placed onto one of the trolleys. I decided to take a shower and get out a change of clothing. After I did all of that I make my way back to the room, I stopped at the door frame to the room, and I can no longer see Clarey asleep on the bed. I walked into the room more, her bag was gone, and her shoes were also gone. "Clarey, where did you go?" No one answered. I made my way off the plane and looked around for her, "Clarey???" I turned around and there she was I could finally breath again.

"Why didn't you tell me you were leaving the plane?" She looked at me, "I'm sorry I needed some air so I came outside with my bag so when you were ready, we could go." I sighed, "It's okay love. Let's get going, we need to look for a house." I held her hand as we walked to the car; we both get into the car and get ready to drive off. The guards were told to stay behind. Because I had my background, so we were safe enough once we change our names. We drove to an apartment to meet up with a man that works for Gio. This guy will change our names and our background. So, we can live in secret, but also be able to live a normal life without being found by those who want to hurt my family. We drove to the city of Seattle. So, we had flown from New York to Washington. We made it to the guy's hideout and went inside. He had been waiting for us, so we sat down and told him who we were. "My name is Matthew West, and this is my fiancé Clarey Romano after hours and hours of looking for small homes that are big enough for Clarey and I, we found the perfect place. It was just big enough for both Clarey and I and had an extra room for the future if we create a family.

We made and offered and we got approved a few hours later. The house was now ours. After we received the keys to the house, we went our shopping for furniture. I went to look for items for the bedroom furniture with Clarey. Halfway looking at items she started to feel tired. She sat down on an office chair while we were walking. "Are you alright love?" I looked at her, worried. She looked up at me, "Yeah I'm okay. Just got tired of a bit, but I'm okay now." She gets up and continues to walk, she walks over to the bed section. She found a king-sized bed made from oak wood, "I like this one, what do you think?" She looks as me and smiles. I looked at her and smiled, "Then let's get it. " She nodded and took the price tag up to the front desk, while she did that I looked around at the bedside tables. I found two that would look good with the bed that Clarey picked out. I take both up to the register and I buy both the bed and the bedside tables. I load both the bed and the side tables into the truck while Clarey got into the car and sat down.

I closed the tailgate of the truck and get in the driver's seat; I get ready and drive back to our house. It took us 20 minutes, but we finally got home. I give Clarey the keys so she can go inside. I unload the truck and take the bed to the bedroom; I then go back out and take the side tables into the house as well. I lock the truck and then I start to build the bed. Building the bed took about an hour, but once it was done, I placed it in the middle of the room. I go out to the living room and take the mattress into the bedroom. I place the mattress on the bed, and I place sheets on the bed. I also put the pillows on the bed. It was already for later tonight for when we need sleep. I bring the side tables into the bedroom and set them on both sides. I go out the living room and look at Clarey she was sitting on the small couch we brought with us before we left our old place. We had brought a few things but not much, we had the couch, a few chairs for the kitchen, a small table, clothes and the photographs of us and our friends with family. I walk over to Clarey and sit next to her; she leans onto my shoulder and closes her eyes; she was exhausted. I pick her up and carry her to the bed, I lye her down and cover her up. She gets comfortable in the bed and falls asleep. I sit down next to her on the other side of the bed and watch her sleep. She looked peaceful and quiet. I lied down and fell asleep next to her. I was out like a light.

**Later, that night**

I woke up to the sound of Clarey crying. I get up and look around, I didn't see Clarey anywhere. I get up and walk to the bathroom after seeing the light on. I open the door to the bathroom, Clarey was sitting on the floor with her head towering over the toilet. I walk towards her and rub her back, "Are you okay my love?" She looked up at me, she shook her head no. After she shook her head, she started to feel sick again and puts her head back over the toilet she got sick and threw up her dinner. The poor thing, she basically tossed up everything she has eaten today. "I am going to go make you some ginger tea." I walk into the kitchen and make her some tea. I pour the tea into a cup and bring it back to Clarey. She flushes the toilet and closes the lid then sits on the lid of the toilet. She takes the cup and takes a few sips. "My stomach is just killing me again…" She looks up at me, "Do you think it is something you ate?" She shook her head, "I am not sure what it could be from." I walk closer to her and place my hand on her shoulder, "Okay love. We will figure it out." I place my other hand out for her to take so I can help her back to bed.

She takes my hand and stands up. We both walk back to the bed, and she lies down and falls back to sleep with a pillow in her arms pressing against her stomach. It made her feel better, the pillow helps her stomach not ache so much. I lie down next to her and fall asleep myself. I got comfortable and was out in an instant. We were both out for the rest of the night. Which was a good thing because Clarey needed her rest after being sick for the last two days.