
Bodyguard's lover

September 1, 2020 I have been assigned to be a bodyguard for the Mafia leader's daughter. I hear that she has gone through thousands and that none of them could control or keep track of her. I am here to prove her father wrong that I can take up the job and succeed in keeping his daughter safe. The only thing is He gave me specific rules: 1. DO NOT SHOW YOUR FACE, WHERE MASK AT ALL TIMES. 2. DO NOT TALK YO HER AT ANY POINT IN TIME. Those are the words I hear echoing in my head. The words of her murderous father. December 14, 2020 I made a mistake, A terrible one. I think I fell for the wrong person. one wrong look and her father will kill me. January 19, 2021 I made the best mistake of my life. I am happy now. [4,000-5,000 Word Count]

Lizzie_Taylor · Teen
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4 Chs

My New Job

SEPTEMBER 1, 2020:

I have been assigned to be a body guard for the Mafia leader's daughter. I hear that she has gone through thousands, and that none of them could control or keep tract of her. I am here to prove to her father wrong that I can take up the job and succeed in keeping his daughter safe.

The only thing is He gave me specific rules:



Those are the words I hear echoing in my head. The same words over and over from her murderous father.

September 1, 2020

**A few hours before**

I am fast asleep in my warm comfortable silk sheet bed. I could hear the morning rush of cars driving down below the penthouse. I slowly drift further, into a deeper sleep until I hear the loud ringing in my ears; it was so loud that my next door neighbor could hear it. It was the screaming sound of my alarm clock. I hit my alarm clock with a book that was on my nightstand. The book hit the alarm clock hard enough it cracked the screen to where glass falls into my floor. I slowly rise out of my warm comfortable bed, swing my feet over the bed and hover over the cold wooden floor. As I get up I fix my sheets to where the bed looks all nice and clean. I walked over to my closet door, hesitating to open the door. Knowing once I open it there is no turning back because it mean I am ready for this interview. The interview with this great high leader, The Meanest leader known to every gang, mafia or cartel family out there. They are known as The Mietitore. In English is means Reaper. Once they find you, be ready for what's coming next. Death will be upon you. As I finished getting dressed i move downstairs to where my kitchen is. P what will I eat, should I not eat or order something and pick It up on the way? I'll pick it up later after the interview, which seems better.

**2 hours later**

I meet up with my friend Thomas after the interview. "Thomas!" I wave to him from my general direction. Thomas walks over to me. He look at me, I was worn out, I was worked to death today. "Hey Matt, are you okay?" I watched Thomas look up at me with a shadow in his eyes, he knew that something happened today. I looked up slowly at Thomas, "I had that interview today" As I seas those words Thomas's eyes widened. "How did it go, was it good bad, did they do anything bad to you?" I know he is going to ask more questions then that but I felt really out of it. "They really worked me" Thomas looked at me, "how bad?" . I didn't want to say but Thomas is always there for me and plus he helped me get through a bunch of shit. "They tried to see how long I could last through multiple tortures, hurting me bending me and other ways that I don't want to talk about. I was mentally challenged and physical" Thomas looked worried, "did you not get it though?". I looked at him, "yes, I did. But I am worried ". Thomas got up and took me by the arm, brought me around the back of the place and looked me in the eye. "Why would you of all people be worried?". "I'm worried because he told me that I am in charge of this teen, who has had over 20 different Bodyguard's this year". Thomas looked at me "Is this kid that bad or too hard to just handle?". I looked up at the sky and the. I looked at him, "I don't know, maybe? Hey I need to get going, I have to be up early and rested for tomorrow. I start at 3 a.m. tomorrow". Thomas signed " promise me you won't get in to any trouble at least, okay!?" I sighed and looked at the ground, "I promise".

**The next morning**

I woke up to the sound of banging on my door. I was still mostly asleep, I sat up and looked over at the clock. It was only 1:30 a.m. I had another hour and a half to sleep. I got up and went to my door. Opened it a tad and looked outside. "Who is it?" I said with a slight rasp in my voice. I squint my eyes because the lights where on outside my door. This very tall, lean man with a black suit and glasses looked at me. "Are you Matthew West?". I was confused on whom this secret service looking guy was. "This is He, can I help you?", The guy took out a small box from his pocket that was inside the suit jacket, he then opened it and handed it to me. "Here is your equipment. You must wear these at all times, never show your face. Never talk to the girl, and protect her at all times."I was confused on why I had to do all of this but I went with his words because I was kind of scared that he could break my neck with his pinky. He looks like one of those guys. I took the case and watched him walk away. Going down the stairs instead of the elevator, he watched me while the doors shut. He lowered his glasses and noded "good luck, you will need it". At that moment I knew I was way over my head for taking this job, it was either one going to kill me or two who ever this girl is, is going to drive my head in and I know it. They told me " take the job they said, It will be fun they said, you'll enjoy the work they said", well I'm not enjoying right now. They woke me up at 1 in the morning, and I don't work till 3, what a life I'll be living eh? I walked back to my room and set my case aside, then crawled back into my warm comfortable bed. I fell back to sleep quickly.

**1 hour and half later**

My alarm went off right. When I didn't want to get up, as usual. I wake up a bit before getting out of bed; I would rather be awake before getting up this time. I then get up out of bed, and head over to the bathroom. To have an early cold shower. Cold water wakes you up, where warm water puts you to sleep. After my shower I get dressed in a black suit and a tie. That is what the dress code was for them. As I am putting my shoes on I hear my phone start to ring. So I get up and walk to my bedroom on the other side of the apartment, the number was unknown. I pick up the phone and answer, "Hello?". I sat there for three minutes hearing the sound of static. Then they hung up, "must have been a prank call or something"

Definitely something I guess. My alarm went off right. When I didn't want to get up, as usual. I wake up a bit before getting out of bed; I would rather be awake before getting up this time. I then get up out of bed and head over to the bathroom. To have an early cold shower. Coldwater wakes you up, where warm water puts you to sleep. After my shower, I get dressed in a black suit and a tie. That is what the dress code was for them. As I am putting my shoes on I hear my phone start to ring. So I get up and walk to my bedroom on the other side of the apartment, the number was unknown. I pick up the phone and answer, "Hello?" I sat there for three minutes hearing the sound of static. Then they hung up, "must have been a prank call or something"

Something I guess I walk to the elevator and watched the doors close, I turn around and then look out the window. I saw a car with a guy standing outside. It looked like one of the guys that were at my door two hours ago. Once the elevator got to the bottom floor and opened I walked over to the door and went outside. I then meet up with the guy in front of the car. The guy turned to me and handed me a set of keys, then got in the front passenger side. I walk over to the driver side and get in, "So where am I supposed to go?" I was very confused and I have no clue where to go or what I am supposed to do.

**2 hours later**

I finally got to the Ware house, the guy that was sitting next to me never talk. He sat there the entire time and probably didn't even move an inch. AS I pull into the driveway to the Ware house I park the car and turn it off, I stay in the car waiting for the guy next to me to get out because I do not know where to go. I was not told if I was going to get more information on which I am protecting or why I am protecting her. So I sat there in the car waiting for further instructions. I was actually really nervous about the new job, but I tried not to show it. A few minutes later a lady in a black dress came over to the car an looked at me with a dead stair. If looks could kill I would be dead, she looked so mad that she wanted to kill everyone around her. I looked back at her and then I noticed the guy in the background was pointing to his face and I believe he wanted me to put on my mask. So I did, I also put my ear piece as well. I could here the other guards talking and they were waiting for me to answer. "Hey are you the new guy? If so id be careful with that chick she is a nasty bitch when you get on her bad side." I went to answer, "Yeah I'm the new guy, Is it really the obvious?" I felt a bit down after. "Hey new guy Get out of the car and come up to the house you need to meet up with Clarey".

I get out and walked up to the guy, "So where am I supposed to go?" He stared at me with one eyebrow up. "Did they not tell you anything this morning?" I stood there and was getting pissed off, "No, no one told me anything. I was given a box and told about these rules and that is it, is there any way you can catch me up with stuff in this short amount of time?" The guy looked at me with a look of surprise. Looks at the guy next to me and then back at me, " He was supposed to tell you everything, when did he meet with you?" I looked to my left and then back at the guy, " He meet with me at 3 a.m." The guy to my left looked at me, " I was running late, he was on the way home so I stopped there" "If you don't mind me asking, is there a name I can call you?" He looked at me and took his ear piece off, "Yeah you can call me Brayson, and you can call him Tyler." I smiled a bit and nodded, "Thank you". The door next to Bryson opened, and a tall older guy walked out and pointed at me. Then he waved his hand to come in. I followed him as he walked down the hallway, he get closer to a door with a sign on the top, "Only Hotties Allowed". I got a little confused, "Where are we going?" he looked at me and then went over to the door. He knocked and waited, after a few seconds the door opens and a girl about five-two was standing in the doorway. She looked over to me and looked me up and down. Like she was checking me out or something. I stood there and waited for the other guy to do something. "Clarey this is your new bodyguard, don't get this one to leave would ya. He is better than the others and your father thought he would be the final bodyguard. Okay". She looked at the guy next to me and rolled her eyes, "Fine, at least he's sexy", She grind and then looked over to me and chuckled. The guy next to me turned to me, "You stay outside this door, make sure she doesn't go anywhere outside of this place without you." He walked away and the girl just stood there staring at me. After the other guy was gone and left the building the girl turned around and walked back into her room, "This will be fun". I hear her talk and the she closed to door. I have a bad feeling about this now; the way she was with me makes me think about why the other guys are no longer here or maybe alive. I stood outside the door. It felt like hours. It was finally morning the sun was coming through the windows of the place and underneath the door. I was able to look down the hallways and it was a long way, it looked like it could go on for a long time. This job is starting to feel too easy but I'll take it for a bit.

**2 hours later**

I was standing outside the door, I didn't hear a sound, I sighed every once and a while, I was starting to get bored. As soon as I was about to pick up my water I heard the girl, "HELP Help ME…." I rushed in. She sat there and giggled, " Hi sexy, opps I mean Bodyguard, Do you want to help me?". She smiled at me, but I rolled my eyes as soon as I saw she was perfectly fine. She was sitting on the bed in a short dress and make-up done. So I turned around and walked back out of the room and closed the doors.

**2 hours later**

Two girls showed up in front of me "Hiya I'm Lacey Blain and this is Nikki Rose. We are here to hang out with Clarey, if you don't mind moving." I let them pass and as they walked into the room I could see the girl staring at me. She was looking me up and down from her bed. Lacey closed the door right in front of my face and that was the last I saw of them for a few hours. "It's been a while; I wonder what they are doing." One of the guys from down the hall looks at me, "Probably what girls normally do. Talk about boys and how to sneak out to parties." I chuckled a bit and then sighed. This was very boring. I hear the girl calling for someone. I listened in more, "Daddy!? Oh Daddy?!?" I looked at the guy down the hall, "is her father here?" He shook his head no at me. I opened the door, I signed that he went out. She chuckled, "I wasn't calling for him silly. I was calling you". I rolled my eyes, I watch as they all get up from the bed and walk towards the door. "We are going out, so we will see you later okay." I watched as she walked to leave, but I was told to not let her out of my sight so I grabbed my arm and shakes my head no.

She looks me in the eyes and says; "You either finish the job or you can let me go because you have to finish what you started." She grinds. I started to get mad, "Come on, choose or I am leaving". I stood there and looked at her not choosing. She took her arm out of my hand and left with her friends. I just stood there watching them leave. Then once she got to the door i started to follow her and her friends. I tried to stay close but not too close. Where ever she went i went but not in plain sight. She knew i was there. The girls had spent three hours at the dance club, it was starting to get late so she finally went home and got settled for bed. I was standing outside the bedroom door once more while the Two of the girls took their shower and the other one was downstairs with Derek Clarey's brother. She walked out of her room and look around, I had been placed down the hall after a while so there was a new guy by the door. His name was Jerry. I watched Clarey walk up to Jerry so I decided to take my break and get a shower. As I walked away I could hear Clarey. "Do you know where the new bodyguard is?" Jerry looked at her, "He is in his living quarters, taking a shower." I looked back to watch her grin. And then she looked my way, luckily it was too dark for her to see. As I walked down the hall I made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door and went in. I took my mask off and was about to get into the shower. When out of nowhere I hear; "Hey daddy, oops I mean Bodyguard". She chuckled as I reached for my towel to put back on. But she had pulled the towel away from me. I cover up my body with my hands because that is all I have at the time. I look at her with anger.

"Oh come on just a little sneak peek for me, I promise I'll keep it a secret." She walked closer to me. I backed up from her, I started to breath heavy. "Do be so worried" she said. I look at the ground. As I back up from her, she stops. I look up a bit hoping she would leave soon. But she never did. She is still walking slowly up to me. She looked like she knew what she wanted. But she is a 16 year old girl whose father is the leader of a Cartel. And I am her bodyguard; she should not be here in the bathroom with me. I looked up at her; "Clarey." Her eyes widen and she stops "Oh my god you speak!" She looks at me with a smile on her face. I took a deep breath, "you should not be in here go back to your room." She looked me up and down, "Nah I'd rather stay in here with you." She came all the way up to me, so I started to back up. She backed me up all the way into the shower. I had nowhere else to go, she closed the shower door, "Clarey, stop." I looked her in the eyes. She decided to give me the puppy dog eyes. Closed my eyes and schooled my head, and while I wasn't paying attention she moved my hands and held onto them. I opened my eyes a looked at her. "Clarey what are you doing?" She let go of my hands. "I want you." She looked me in the eyes and then she puts her hands around my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I tried to pull away but she never let the kids break. Then in the middle of me trying to break free I felt this presence. Not sure what kind but when I felt it fully I picked her up and put her back towards the wall and kissed her deeper. Something had just clicked and I felt like I could do anything, she moaned and I moved down to her neck. Leaving behind marks calming her to be mine, out of now where I wanted her to be mine.

**The Next Morning**

The next day I woke up next to Clary. I don't even remember what happened last night, ugh who I am kidding yes I do. I can't forget what happened. I broke every rule that I was told never to break. I looked down to my left and there she was holding onto me in her sleep. Her left hand was on my arm. Her head was resting on my chest, and her right hand was under the sheets. I slowly tried to make my way out of the bed but the more I moved the tighter of a grip she made on my arm. I managed to switch my arm out with an oval pillow, but she still finds a way to stop me from leaving. She wakes up and puts her hands on my shoulders and pulls me back into bed. She then gets on top of me. "Stay with me, please?" she gave me puppy dog eyes. I looked over to the door and then back at her. She gave me a small moan sound "the silent treatment again, really. Don't tell me you don't want what we started?" She looked down at the bed, she was starting to tear up. I finally gave in and crawled back into bed with Clarey. Once I got comfortable she moved around and got on top of me. She wouldn't stop moving, "Stop moving" I looked right at her., I was being serious. She looked at me "Why, is something ~Wrong?~" She moved a bit more. As She moved and I could see the look on her face. I turned my head away from her and bit my bottom lip. "Aw, now I understand." she chuckled. While I looked at the wall covering my face from her, "you know damn well what you are doing.." I started to turn red.

She took my hands and put them above my head. She then went under the sheets. Then all of a sudden I hear him shots outside of the house. She gets out of the sheets and look around. I sit up after hearing a few gunshots from outside


I get up out of bed without hesitation and I get dressed quickly, "Clary go get dressed and go to your room, I will find you once I deal with this." I watched clary leave the bed and get dressed. She then runs to her room and hides with Lacey and Nikki. I run outside and meet with everyone else. "What going on here?" Brayson looked at me, "We don't know just be ready for anything." I looked over to Tyler. "Where did the sound come from". Tyler looked at me, "We don't know" I looked around, but saw no one. Tyler looked to left and so did I. It was the boss. The boss walks out and looks at Brayson and I. "What's going on?!?!" He looked mad. Tyler made his way into the room as well and looked at the boss and Brayson, "We don't know sir, we are figuring it out" The boss did not look happy about it. He looked furious. Then he looked over to me, "You, you are my daughter's bodyguard. Where is she?" I looked at him, "She is in the secret room with her friends, sir". I tried to act not nervous around him. The boss looked around "Good. Now go to the back of the ware house and check on the shipments. We cannot manage to loss those shipments." I nodded and went to the ware house. It was dark inside. I walked in and turned some of the lights on. I looked around and checked the place.


I looked out the window to see where the shots were coming from.


I feel to the ground covering my head, they were shooting in my direction. I made my way to the only door that held the crates for shipment. I stood in the door way to protect it. Then out of nowhere the lights went out, "They must have taken out the power". I stood there with my gun ready to shoot, I may be shaking but I was ready for anything. I heard footsteps from every direction; I couldn't tell where anyone was. I finally see one guy and I point my gun and then everything went completely black. I felt cold and stiff. I finally saw some light so I opened my eyes and looked around as much as I could. I saw Tyler and Brayson running over to me shooting at those who where around. The men that had shot me left in a rush. Once they were gone Tyler ran over to me eminently. He looked around my body and then moved to my left ride, He put pressure on my stomach. The pressure was so much that I was starting to black out again. But I can still hear around me, there was a guy on the phone with someone, "We need medical attention. We have a man down. I repeat we have a man down!" I could nearly see after a few minutes. I was starting to fade out, and I was actually scared. I don't know what would happen after all of this. Would I live, would I die? I don't know anymore.