
Body Modifier: Energy Required

Aria ate a fish. [Energy: 2] Finished, he ate another fish. [Energy: 2] ... [Energy: 3] Without realizing it, he had finished 5 fishes. He felt a little bloat, he lay down with a full stomach, occasionally burped. Even though he didn't want to be a big lump of meatball, he still had to keep eating. At least until he found another way to accumulate energy. After all, if he didn't take advantage of his advantages, wasn't that stupid? His mind then drifted imagining which one he would use the energy for. Should he use it on his eyes, so it shot a beam of laser, like a certain bespectacled mutant? Should he use it on his bones, so it regenerated infinitely, like a certain character from an anime? Should he use it on his brain, so he became a genius, like a scientist with a bald head? Or should he use it on his vital organ, so that he became the manliest person in the world? While he was imagining things, suddenly his ears felt pinched. "Ouch!" "Didn't mom already say you can't play with fire, you brat?!" There he realized, knowing that no matter what he chose, he was still a child in front of his mother. .......... Here you can support me by checking pat-reon com/diodeathend Thank you in advance

DioDeathEnd · Fantasy
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24 Chs

A Golden Emblem: Thirteen Pillars Of Human Alliance



That night, Aria was curled up on his bed, covering his ears while wincing in pain.



[Limit Modification: 66/100 Energy Required]


- Slightly increases eardrum's durability and sensitivity

- Slightly improves the body balance system


[Ability Limit: Locked (1/5)]

"Yeah, just distort my good intentions with pervert-sounding things, you damn system!"

Aria felt that the system had completely gone astray from the right path. But he was so powerless to point out the truth. He fell asleep, with countless thoughts and disturbing buzzing sounds on his ears.


Three days straight, Aria returned every morning to that place, making most of the opportunities that he had. There were no actual practices that happened other than some sparrings because basically, Aria and Hendrick took different paths.

Aria was taking the path as a Weapon Master. The sword was his main weapon, just like his father.

Moreover, with his extraordinary physical ability, it would be a pity if he did not use that capital as his ranker's foundation for the future.

While Hendrick dwelled on his abilities as an Elementalist and a Sensor. Although Aria judged that he could become a skilled melee fighter, with his sensor stuff. But Hendrick shook his head at those words.

According to him, he had never really focused and studied in a structured and systematic manner this path, so it was clearly not his strong point.

All he showed during his sparring with Aria was just his accumulated experiences. For people at his and Garreth's level, their experiences were enough to be a major accomplishment for most people, who probably didn't have any hope all their life to reach the same standing. However, for both of them, it's barely enough to be a second choice.

While Hendrick's main abilities were as an Elementalist and a Sensor, Aria never understood how it worked. There were no flashy moves; the ground split and the earth shook, nothing like that.

Before this, Aria felt frustrated because his strikes were often neutralized like feathers, smooth and effortless.

In fact, his father could do it too. It's just Garreth had never given him this kind of frustration. In every sparring between the father and the son, Garreth always let Aria finish his strike, before showing how to neutralize it with his own sword, not forgetting to guide him from any flaws in his every moves.

There were no mysterious, abstract, absurd moves that Aria couldn't make heads or tails. Nothing that made him incomprehensible as Hendrick showed.

However, if analyzed more deeply, if Aria had to make a comparison, his father was much better at teaching him than Hendrick. At least, he did learn a lot in just one session from him.

But with the mysterious effect of Hendrick's every moves that he didn't understand. Unconsciously, he put Hendrick's abilities above his own father. That's what he told Hendrick at the interval of his last training, which actually made Hendrick laugh at him.

"You underestimate your own father too much. What's the point if he only showed fancy things and flashy moves? So that you can stand like an idiot, praising him and raising his ego?"

Hendrick mocked him with that reply. Even though Aria was uncomfortable hearing this, he agreed with it.

"He trained you in what you needed most, in what you could do next. All of that was beyond your current ability at that time, but still within your reach, barely the right portion for you to digest."

"The objective of the exercise is you, not him. Everything is only good for you, not him."

"Besides, you can be frank if you want to see what he's capable of, maybe he'll show it to his son once in a while," Hendrick continued, then took another sip of his hot tea.

'Only if he has time to do it,' he continued to himself.

"Then, how about you, uncle?" Aria kept asking.

"What do you mean by that? That I'm not as good as your father at teaching?"

Hendrick chuckled, then put his teacup back on the slightly flat surface of the boulder.

"First, your father is superior in terms of teaching or as a mentor, that I could admit. He's much better, ever since we were younger."

"Second, in terms of capabilities, you and I are not compatible. Everything I showed and I said these three days were, as you said earlier, to broaden your horizon. That's the main purpose of me being here.'

"Third, it is from you. You said you were quite interested in this sensor's stuff. Although there are several sensor-types rankers that I've met, all the differences come from their respective methods. Broadly speaking, the way they fight, be it melee or ranged fighters, will be more or less the same."

"Although you have no hope of becoming a sensor in the near future, it is possible that you will run into one. Or you become a sensor later in your life, who knows."

"Alright, that was enough break for some boring lectures. Shall we start again?"


Aria, who already felt his body temperature and sweat had cooled down, immediately got up from his seat with his broadsword in hand.

They continued the training till the afternoon. Even though this place was the backyard of an inn, but surprisingly, no one interfered with the two's practice.

Aria who never bothered about small, insignificant things like this quickly ignored them. Since today was the last day, he got his mother's permission to stay here until the afternoon. Luckily, Hendrick was okay with this, which only convinced Aria to make sure this person didn't get too close to his mother.


"That's all for the training, kid! Since it was the last day, I don't have anything to give you as an elder."

"Hmm? I never thought you were the emotional type one, Uncle. Never mind, it was a good experience for these three days. That's enough."

Hendrick laughed at Aria's words, "That's right, it's not in my nature with this emotion's stuff. But, I think that one is necessary. Let me see…"

Hendrick seemed to remember something, then he put his hand in the pocket of his robe, reaching for something.

"Here, take this!"

Hendrick was seen throwing something at Aria, which he caught reflexively. Then he noticed a small object that was only half the size of the palm of his hand.

It was a golden emblem, in the form of a circle with thirteen pillars engraved on it. There were smaller engravings on each of the pillars, but it was necessary to look more closely to find out what the carvings were because they were so tiny.

"Hmm? What kind of emblem is this?"

Aria was curious about the unfamiliar emblem and felt cold to the touch of his skin. A pure gold? What a fancy thing, Aria thought.

"Those thirteen pillars symbol represents the Human Alliance. That was something I got a long time ago. I have no use for it now. As for its use, I won't explain it to you, you will find out by yourself later. Just keep it for the time being, I'm sure you'll use it in the future."

"Tch, acting so mysterious," Aria curled his lips, tucked it into his shirt, "Anyway, thank you, Uncle."

"Don't mention it, kid! You have a long and winding road ahead if you want to continue to be a strong ranker in the future. Despite all the steep paths you will face, I hope you can keep pushing yourself forward."

"Again, don't make it sound like a death farewell, Uncle. You're not too old to say something like that."

Aria was displeased to hear such ancient, old advice. Even though he hadn't known Hendrick for long, he didn't think it was typical of someone like Hendrick to say that.

Even though he felt strange, but his mind didn't make any strange guesses, either.

"You…" Hendrick just shook his head, feeling that his words had some truth in them.

"Alright, you better hurry home, pass my greetings to your mother."

"You don't want to come home for dinner? Just say it, that's a message from mother."

"Well, I don't think I have enough time for that. Lots of urgent business after this. Moreover…" Hendrick stared back into Aria's eyes, smirked, "I feel like there is someone who won't welcome my presence."

"Whatever, it's your loss, though," Aria muttered under his breath.

'Yeah, you know it better yourself. And, damn it! This annoying sensor ability, I really want it,' Aria cried inwardly.

"Okay, Uncle, I'm going home first. See you again!"

"Yeah, be good to your mother and sister. Don't stop to improve and make them proud."

"Yeah, yeah..."

Aria waved while leaving the place. Hendrick smiled as he sat in his place. Even though the boy's back was out of sight, he still didn't move, watching the distant horizon, lost in thought. Until finally, the silence was broken a few moments later with a woman's voice.

"I've never seen you so patient with a child, even to the point of teaching him so many things. If it weren't for the stark difference between the two of you, I would have thought he was your flesh and blood."

A female voice with a seductive tone suddenly sounded from behind Hendrick, making his face gradually become frostier. He knew exactly who the voice belonged to, so he couldn't bother to look at her.

"Hmph, my descendants can't be trash like him."

Hendrick sneered, replying in a disdained tone.

"That's right, with our abilities and what we have access to, something like that is very unlikely to happen. But…"

The woman approached, sat in one of the large boulders on the side, facing Hendrick. She was wearing tight clothes that covered her entire skin area, except for her face, neck, and hands, with high boots.

If the outfit's a little loose, it's pretty conservative. But if so attached to the skin, showing all her perfect curves, even her parents would protest against it. That was based on the current moral standard.

Coupled with a beautiful face full of makeup, a high ponytail for her wavy butt-length hair, and intonation and tone of her voice that… this woman was trouble through and through.

"I think you wouldn't mind if the boy was your and Alisa's child."

As soon as the woman finished her sentence, immediately a malevolent spiritual pressure exploded, centering on Hendrick. His eyes now turned colder and colder, and more dangerous too, staring intently at the woman who had just arrived.

The woman as if felt nothing, instead, she smiled even sweeter at Hendrick.

"See, she is the only one in your mind. I'm very jealous. What do I lack from that married woman?"

The woman in tight clothes put on a pitiful face as if she felt like she was being wronged.

"Don't start testing my patience, Nela!"

"What? I'm only helping you for your own good. If you still love her, why don't you start by helping her son? Aside from the unfortunate affinity issue, I think the boy was a good seed."

"Just help him become a demon child, he will definitely develop rapidly. Apart from his swordplay, I think he would be more suited to wading through the body art path, in line with our demon faction."

"You can try it."

Hendrick said while revealing a smile that turned nasty. At the same time, his killing intent became overflowing, encompassing Nela who continued to test his bottom line. Several bloody-red runes sprang up on the surface of his skin, wriggling as if they were alive.

"Okay, okay, I give up. Jeez, you really can't take jokes when it comes to that woman, I envy her, really."

Nela raised her hand, giving up after seeing Hendrick's exploding pressure almost destroying the protective talisman that surrounded this courtyard.

"Then why did you hand over the emblem? You know it's of no use. Even though he was lucky enough to be able to use it later, with his trash talent, it would only burden him. It's a different story if it's his sister, but I guess with her talent, it won't be difficult for her to get a similar emblem."

"Who said it was for him," Hendrick snorted, all of the change around him had subsided, "I just remembered the need to get rid of that emblem. Might as well give it to him as a useless memento. After all, it is too dangerous to keep such a thing from our enemy close to us."

Nela just smirked at the answer, but she didn't argue back. Glancing at the sun which would soon disappear on the western horizon, she stretched her curves, rising from her seat.

"It is time."

"How was the preparation?"

"All clear! Our sensors have found his tracks."

"Good, let's move!"

Nela waved her hand, then from the four corners of the courtyard, four talismans floated into her palm. After that, she immediately jumped onto the roof of the building and was nowhere to be seen after making several jumps.

Hendrick did not immediately follow her. He looked in another direction, that was the residence of the boy that had spent three days training here.

A moment later, his complicated eyes immediately disappeared. Slowly, his presence dissipated mysteriously. The last thing left was a muffled sound before he completely disappeared.

"Forgive me, Alisa…"

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https://www.royal road.com/fict ion/49100/body-modifier-energy-required

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