
The School

Seven hours later we were all standing at baggage claim waiting for our belongings. Ava, Kylee, Nolan, Kayden and Max were heading to the nearest mall with my mom, Matt(which is Matthew's nickname that I gave him when he was small) and I. Looks like we all needed new clothes. We had to take two taxis' to the mall as we were way too much to fit into one car. Me, mom and the girl's took one car while the boys took the other.

I'm a person who never really enjoys shopping that much. If I didn't want to freeze my butt off I'd have to deal with it. Pulling up into the parking lot of a mall which I never bothered in learning the name of it we ventured in. It was a bit overwhelming as there were many shops to choose from. Living in Hawaii there was only so much to choose from and I liked it so much better that way.

We stopped at Aeropostale first and took a look around. It wasn't really my kind of store but I did manage to find a few things in it. I bought a few camis and a long sleeve thermals before I was tired of the store. The millions of stores we went to I didn't have the energy to bother in looking at the names. At the end of our shopping spree trip I bought a bunch of jeans, some shorts, more long sleeve tops, some fitted tees, tank tops just for the style of it, jackets, coats, hoodies, a bunch of comfy uggs and various boots also not to forget the all time favourite...some comfy bed slippers. Oh, not to forget the most precious scarfs, gloves and beanies my mom forced me and Matt to get.

When we finally left the mall there were two black SUV's waiting for us by the entrance. It was barely lunch time but I had a feeling it would be a while before we even reached the campus of the school. Truth be told I was most definitely right. It took us nearly two hours to get there. That's just ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. A two hour drive far away from regular civilization, that was just not appealing to me.

Shocked would be an understatement for me when we pulled up to the campus of the school. First we had to drive through a gate, then another 10 minutes before we reached the actual campus which is freaking HUGE by the way. I stood in front of the gigantic main building with my brother and friends. Everyone of us had our jaws touching the ground, well not physically touching the ground if you get what I'm trying to say. The building was at least four stories high and built in red break, which is kind of a trend by the way judging by all the buildings I spotted on our way here.

"Come on all of you, let's go in and get your schedules and room assignments." My mom said, leading us inside the huge building.

We all just stood around while my mother handled everything for the seven of us. Since we had our little shopping trip which lasted more than two hours all the other wolves back home from the pack were already here. I wondered briefly if we were going to get roommates, not that I minded if we did. It could be a chance to meet someone new if they weren't from our pack.

"Okay, here are your classes and other things you need to know about the school--including a map." My mom said handing out folders to each one of us. "The dorm rooms are co-ed and roommates were picked at random. The only ones that weren't were the mated couples. Though you might be shared with up to two, mated couples."

"Isn't that a lot of people for a dorm room?" I asked.

"Yes, but, you'll see it fits perfectly fine when you get to your room. You're all in the same dorm so why don't you head off to the car and it will take you there while I take your brother." She said,

Without saying another word to us she took off with my brother. We all shrugged looking at each other before heading off to the waiting SUV outside. How big is this school that we needed a ride to the dorms? I got my answer, it's another 10 freaking minutes from the main building to the dorms. This place is freaking massive! I would sure as hell get lost in a place like this. From what I could see from where I was, if I wasn't looking at buildings I was looking at trees. I've never felt more out of place in my entire life...until now.

"So, what's everyone's room number?" Kylee asked.

"402!" They all announced while I groaned.

"Me too!" She chirped.

"Lucky rascals!" I huffed.

"What's yours?" Ava asked.

"418." I answered "God, you guys are so damn lucky! It would just be the four of you in your room."

"I'm sure your roommates will be fine." Kylee said, placing a reassuring hand on my shoulder.

"How about we go to our room first then head up to yours?" Nolan offered.

"Okay." I sighed.

"Think about it this way," Kayden said, "We're all in the same building on the same floor."

"That's true, I guess." I said as we all walked to the elevator.

It seemed that nobody bothered to grab any of their things we bought today. As I looked at everyone the only things we were carrying were the stuff we boarded the plane with.

"Everything we bought today was already taken to our rooms." Kylee said, answering my unanswered thought. I nodded as we stepped out of the elevator when we reached our floor.

There were people milling around going in and out of their rooms. Talking amongst themselves in the hallway. We walked past a couple of doors before we stood in front of their room. Taking a deep breath we all entered through the door. I'm pretty sure that shock was going to be our main expression for the next couple of days. When I think of a dorm room, I think of just a single room with a connecting bathroom. Was this room anything like I imagined? NO! It's not, it literally looked like a freaking three-bedroom apartment. Which I think it is.

There was a huge open plan kitchen/living room, three bedrooms each with their own bathroom. Plus, from what I could tell the kitchen area was fully stocked. The living room had a series of leather couches and chairs along with a huge flat screen and entertainment centre. The council really went all out with this huh. I was kind of excited to get to my room. And also a bit excited to find out who I'll be rooming with for the rest of the year with.

"Hey, I'm gonna go check out my room. I'll meet up with you guys in a little bit and we can go check out the rest of the campus." I said heading for the door.

"You want us to come with you?" Ava asked.

"No, you guys get settled." I answered "See you!" I called out.

"Bye!" They all shouted together.

I walked down the crowded hallway and stopped in front of my opened dorm room. I could hear laughter coming from one of the rooms when I walked in. My room was the same as my friends, which didn't surprise me. I could already see a game system hooked up to the flat screen with a bunch of games stocked up on a shelf. Either one of my roommates is a guy or the girls are mad gamers. I'd say the former from the title of the games.

"You must be Emma!" A girl squealed running towards me causing me to shriek quietly.

"Um, yeah. That's me.!" I said, giving her a small smile.

"Don't mind Ally, she has a squealing problem when she's excited." A guy said coming up behind her and slinging his arm around her shoulders. "I'm Austin, nice to meet you." He smiled, holding out a hand for me to shake.

"You too!" I said, shaking his hand "I'm Emma."

"Ooh that's such a gorgeous name!" Ally said slightly in awe as well.

"Thanks!" I said with a small smile

"Well, as you know I'm Ally and this is my mate." She said gesturing to Austin "Our other roomie is Liam. He's out with my brother Jaxson right now and he should be back soon."

"Oh, okay." I nodded.

"Let's show you to your room. All your things have already been placed there. But, don't worry I didn't let the guys take a peak." She said winking at me.

We walked down the short hallway and into the second room on the left. The room was super spacious with a huge four poster king size bed in the middle of the room. The walls were a light blue and all the furniture was made of dark oak bringing the room together really nicely. All the purchases from earlier were all situated at the foot of my bed waiting patiently for me to put them away.

"We'll leave you to get settled and unpack then we can get to know each other more when you're done." Ally said.

"Thanks." I said.

I have a feeling that me and Ally will become best if not good friends this year. She wouldn't be a replacement for my friends though. No one could ever replace them, not in a million years and not even this non-existing attack with the rogues and hunters. I started putting away my things once Ally and Austin were gone. I placed all my clothes neatly away in my cupboard, then placed my laptop on my desk and plastered pictures of my friends and I all over the room. It took me less than an hour to finish and by then all I wanted to do was lay around for a while.

But that thought was quickly diminished when the most intriguing scent hit me like a lighting bolt. It was a woodsy scent that every wolf had mixed with a hint of rain. My wolf was whispering to me but I was too focused on the scent to pay any attention to her at the moment. I knew it wasn't Ally or Austin; Ally had a hint of wild berries mixed into her scent while Austin's was more citrus. What is that? I couldn't hear anything going on outside of my room. I guess all the rooms were soundproofed. I found myself wandering out of my room and towards the living room area. But, when I walked in the front door was just closing.

'MATE!' My wolf shouted, finally getting my attention, bringing me to a halt.

'Mate? Who's? Our's?' I asked

'Yes! Go after him, please!' She begged

'No, I don't want to!'

"Hey Emma, you alright?" Ally asked

"Oh, yeah, I'm fine." I nodded

"Okay, you just missed Jaxson and Liam. But you'll meet them eventually." I nodded after she said that.

Yeah, eventually. I walked back to my room, saddened. Mate? My mate? What were the odds that I'd find my mate here? I'd say pretty damn good. Everyone under 18 from just about half the country was here at this school the other half were at the school in New York. But finding him on the first day here that's pretty darn amazing. But, which one was he; Liam or Jaxson? Did I really, truly want to meet him and have him know that we are mates? I never had given a second thought to having a mate. Now all that is changing and I damn well love it.