

Welcome aboard, Gamers! This train will depart from the E-level station and head towards the D-level destination. Please board the train in an orderly manner, fasten your seatbelts, and adhere to the following rules during the journey: Mandatory consumption. Do not turn on the lights. Please knock before entering. Various recreational activities such as surprise attacks, brawls, hunting, and assimilation are allowed. Wishing you a pleasant journey!

Searching_God · Fantasy
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4 Chs

Body evolution

The old residential building was quickly surrounded by police cars, and the downstairs was jammed, but the tenants on Xu's floor closed their doors tightly.

 "I really don't know what kind of bad luck your kid has had, third time this month." The veteran criminal police officer leading the team, Zhao Biao, took the cigarette handed to him by Xu, shook his head in pity, and pointed to a black saloon car adorned at the back of the police car, "There are other people coming for questioning today, so tell us everything you know, and you'll be fine."

Xu looked over, only to see a young man in a suit coming down from the car, his leather shoes shiny, like an elite figure attending a formal occasion, out of place in the neighbourhood.

The other party cast a glance at him, then took a few steps to walk up to him, "You're Xu? Let's go talk in the car."

He looked at Zhao Biao and did not ask about Xu's wishes.

"Cheng, I'm done asking on my side." Zhao Beacon waved his hand.

Xu followed the young man to the car, and the two of them sat opposite each other, with a secretary-like person opening a mobile phone recording beside them.

"Changing people today?"

The one who asked the question first was Xu, the secretary who was asked subconsciously looked at the young man beside him, the young man who was dressed as a gentleman took over, "I'm going to ask you some questions, I hope that you answer them truthfully."

Xu nodded his head, this car had been here the first two times, but the secretary was accompanied by an experienced middle-aged man.

"Tell me what happened."

Xu was honest, and after listening to him, the young man began to ask questions:

"Why did you purchase the refrigerator?"

"The one at home broke down."

"What kind of food do you usually like to eat?"

"Not picky, eat everything."

"Has there been any change in your appetite lately?"

"The weather is too hot, eat more veggies."

"Any physiological changes when touching the dead? Such as hunger, thirst, or increased strength."


"Your profile shows that you graduated from a top university in China and come from a good family, why are you working as an extra in Ting City?"

"Bad relationship with my family, don't want to rely on my family."

"You've been a martial arts replacement for two years and an extra for four years in Ting City, during which time several directors offered you acting opportunities, why did you refuse?"

"Personal preference."

The young man's gaze paused on his face for two seconds, then continued to ask:

"What do you think is the reason why criminals have approached you all three times?"

Xu's flat tone changed, "Victim guilt theory?"

The secretary rounded off, "Mr Xu, we ask this to determine the conditions under which the criminal gangs choose their victims ..."

Xu stared at the young man for a while, thinking slightly before saying, "The first two are not clear, but this one today said that I smell good, it's a woman, mostly because she sees me as handsome."

The young man seemed to smile, "What do you think is different between that woman and the average person?"

"It's more perverted, she even seduced me when she entered the door, her strength is particularly strong, she might have done martial arts replacement."

 "What did she say?"

"Not many words, just said she was an evolved person, had a lot of money and asked me to save her."

"Know anyone in the fridge?"

"Recognise it, often delivers around here."


The question-and-answer pattern continued for a long time, after spending close to two hours in the car, Xu was able to free himself, when he was about to get out of the car the young man handed him a business card, "If there are any changes in your body, it's best to contact me, it's the wisest choice."

"Ting City First Research Institute, Nie Xuan." Xu pinched the business card and joked, "It wouldn't be capturing evolvers and slicing them up, would it?"

"There are a lot of rumours about evolvers on the internet, but the result of not being reasonably managed is to turn into the state of the woman who attacked you."

Nie Xuan didn't say much, tucking the cigarettes that had fallen into the car into his shirt pocket, he tapped it lightly and then closed up and walked away.

Seeing the car walk away, Xu stuffed his business card into his trouser pocket and

 He lit another cigarette before turning around and heading back.

The police side is not yet finished, Zhao Biao wanted to arrange him to the nearby guest house, Xu refused, said to go to a friend's house to stay a few days, simply packed two pieces of clothing and found a hotel nearby.

As soon as he entered the room door, the suppressed hunger surged, Xu shivered and inhaled a cigarette, and turned out the compressed biscuits in his bag and stuffed them all into his mouth, but this still couldn't alleviate that longing, he put his hands over his mouth and nose, and his already washed skin seemed to be still stained with the scent of human blood, and the aroma was tempting.

It took a few minutes of reprieve before he rubbed his trouser legs hard and opened the tablet.

A month ago, there was a sudden spate of visions around the world, and along with these strange events, many people developed a desire to overeat, and the first to be attacked were domestic animals and pets, and half a month ago there was a spurt of crime, with the most cases of injuries, disappearances, and homicides.

After the initial fermentation, some people suddenly put forward the "evolutionary theory", because the desire to overeat is accompanied by an increase in physical fitness and the evolution of the senses, and for a time the public opinion of the "Earth's mutation" and "the survival of the human race" was very popular. At one time, the public opinion of "earth mutation" and "the survival of mankind" was rampant, and some radical forums even called for evolved people to follow their instincts!

Of course, the forums were blocked in the first place, but the danger wasn't this kind of talk, but the "evolved people's" irrepressible desire to eat.

Half a month ago Xu met his first evolver, ten days ago he met his second, and today's woman is his third.

The first evolver was obviously a novice, unable to keep up with his physical abilities and reactions, acting entirely on instinct, like a wild animal.

The second evolver already knew how to hide his desire for overeating, and even mixed into the film set and called him brother for a day, and then found an excuse to go to his house that night to "stay".

The woman who came today will disguise, but the disguise is not fine, not unexpected, more likely is that she thinks she has something to rely on, facing an ordinary people do not need to disguise.

A month's time, the evolver had already adapted to this state.

Xu extinguished his cigarette and counted his heartbeat against the meter.

227 beats per minute, this heartbeat was already far beyond the range of normal heartbeat values, but it was not the fastest his heartbeat had ever been, the fastest it had ever been was nearly three hundred per minute.

Normally too fast a heartbeat would have symptoms of dizziness and weakness, breathing difficulties and even fainting and shock, but from the start of his abnormal heartbeat a month ago, in just ten days, he had gradually adapted to this heart rate, nearly three hundred at the highest and less than forty at the lowest.

In addition to the change in heart rate and the desire to overeat, his physical ability and sense of smell had also grown, and his eyes, which had been slightly nearsighted, had returned to a normal level.

But this was no match for the woman I had seen today.

That woman's physical speed was significantly higher than his, and the other party's own petite stature, with physical strength inferior to that of an adult male, had progressed more than both him and the two evolutions that had appeared before.

"Is it because of the initial review?"

Xu sat at the end of the bed, repeatedly lighting the disposable lighter in his hand and staring at the bright flames:

"What does it take to get on that car?"

Just then, his field of vision suddenly went black, followed by the illumination of a translucent projection screen:

"Attributes detected for this player, offering the following three career options:"

"A Gambler; B Adventurer; C Neglected person."