
A Hero?

The man brought me into his home which made me tense slightly before my body told me it was okay to be here. He set me down on the counter, lifting me up with a startling amount of strength and leaving me there while he quickly put away the groceries and then grabbed a first aid kit.

I watched as he quietly gathered the things he would need and turned to me. He gently took my hands into his with kindness and bagan cleaning them with a damp towel. While my eyes were on him, his eyes were on his work.

His ebony long hair covering his face while he worked, his dark eyes and deep, sunken eye bags. Unconsciously, I reached up and pushed his hair out of the way and cupped his cheek in my hand.

His hands faltered before looking up at me with surprise.

"You look tired." I observed.

He chuckled and smiled.

"I'm always tired." He said.

"Me too." I said.

His eyes flashed up at me in surprise.

"You don't look like it." He said.

"I'm just better at hiding it. My father-" I cut off, realizing he was the reason I was in the position. I bit my lip and looked down at my hands.

He obviously noticed my silence and finished his work, securing the bandage around my hands.

"Do you . . . . do you need help?" He asked, throwing away the bloody tissues and papers.

I shook my head and smiled brightly.

"No, but I thank you for this. Nobody usually pays attention to an injured girl so I appreciate that. I'm terribly sorry to intrude though. I should head home. I'm sure my father wasn't done yelling at me."

I didn't have the chance to snatch my words back before he did.

"Did your father do this?" He asked hurriedly.

"No!" I answered a bit too loudly.

Hi eyes narrowed before turning to a phone on the counter.

I acted fast, I quickly bolted to the door before he noticed and opened it.

"Sorry to bother you, thank you for helping me, I hope to see you around, you have a lovely home, have a nice night, bye!" I said quickly left and sprinted down the pavement before he could call anyone and ran all the way home.

~Time Skip~

I arrived in front of my home breathless and tired. I didn't feel like putting up with my father, but I couldn't climb up to my bedroom window with my hands like this, so I was stuck with the front door.

I walked in and was ambushed by maids.

"Lady (Y/N)! You're home!" Hana said.

"You have guest, your father said to behave." Inu said, guiding me over to the kitchen.

In there sat Endeavor. His son was nowhere to be found along with my mother, it was just him and my father. I came in time to see Hawks poke his head in from the living room on the other side of the kitchen when the door opened.

"Hey little bird." He chirped.

"Hello Hawks," I greeted.

He grinned and disappeared back around the corner.

"Ah! (Y/N), you're back. Did you enjoy your walk?" Father asked.

It took all of my self control to throw the expensive art the was hanging on the wall by my head at him but I screwed up already today, I couldn't afford anymore mistakes.

"Yes, it was very calming. How was your meeting?" I asked hanging my gym bag in the usual closet and shutting it.

"Quite smoothly," He purred, knowing I was angry. "I got some very nice new partners so now, we can expand our business. We'll reach unique destinations." He smiled.

I nodded, not really caring and smiled at Endeavor.

"Nice to see you again Endeavor." He looked at me with a small smile.

"Please dear, call me Enji." My father looked shocked that I could call the No.2 hero by his first name and turned his wide eyes on me with a smile.

"Of course Enji." I responded to him. "If you'll excuse me, I should go take a shower. Would you like to stay for dinner?"

I caught the curt nod my father gave me out of the corner of my eyes, the signal that I was asking all the right questions. His eyes had shot to my bandage wrapped hands and he pursed his lips.

"Hmm. I'll see what my daughter has planned. If nothing I'll gladly stay." He smiled.

I cursed and prayed that his daughter would have his favorite meal and he would excuse himself to his own home.

I nodded and bowed before excusing myself. My fist were clenched in anger as I walked upstairs and shut my door quietly before walking into my bathroom.

"Ugh. I don't understand my family." I muttered as I started to strip. I tossed my clothes into a ball in the corner and turned on the warm water.

~Time Skip~

After my nice and relaxing shower, I changed into jeans and a sweater that had Mirko on it. I returned downstairs to find Endeavor chuckling lightly with my father and two new faces.

"Welcome back (Y/N). Come, I want you to meet his other children." Father said.

One of them was male and the other female. The male had completely white hair and a large smiled while the female had white hair with red streaks in it. She had dark eyes with a kind smile.

"Hello." I said quietly.

"Hi!" The boy said cheerfully and a little loud. "I'm Natsuo Todoroki!"

"I'm Fuyumi Todoroki." The girl said.

"I'm (Y/N)." I said bowing slightly.

"This is my daughter (Y/N)." My father said.

"It's nice to meet you both. I'm sorry to say, but I must leave for my training." I bowed and again and backed out of the room. "It was nice to meet you both."

I left my home in anger and shock that father would even dare bring more people over after what happened.

I walked to Kashikoi Oak park and into the woods. Far back, there was a clearing that I had made myself. I used if for training and sometimes, as an honest escape from my family. It wouldn't be this bad if I wasn't an only child.

I sighed as I faced the biggest tree in the woods. I had found this place when I was 9. I had run away from the mansion in tears when my father had first hit me for failing. Inu had tried to run after me, but father stopped her, saying I would come back when I realized I was nothing on my own.

And I didn't. I stay in the woods for days, eating berries, apples, and peaches that the woods graced me with. The park had a water fountain and I was fine with that.

My clothes didn't bother me and I was perfectly fine on my own. But when a few police officers had shown up in search of me, I was returned. Father had said he was impressed that I had held out, and started showing me a bit of respect after that.

I pulled off my sweater and left myself in my training bra. Father had it specially made so that my powers wouldn't rip it to shreds while training.

In my jeans, I launched a strong kick at the tree, hitting a dent that I had put there over the years. I couldn't use fire in risk of lighting the forest aflame, but I could use the others. I launched angry kick after kick until I was exhausted.

I kept up my training therapy of anger throughout the entire six months until the entrance exams. I knew I was ready, and there was no doubt that I would fail, but I was nervous because I knew I could fail.

Over the time, Tora and I experimented to see what other things he could do. He couldn't pass through just anyone, he needed to have a bond with them, a tie. He tried my father, and he hated him so much, he was able to possess his mind and communicate with him.

I loved his face when he heard Tora's voice in his head. He smacked himself upside his head a few times before returning to his computer and I couldn't stop laughing.

Before I knew it, the entrance exams were a week away.

~Time Skip~

I was standing in front of U.A. while being given the most shitty pep talk on the planet from my father.

"You were nothing without me. You've grown a little but that doesn't make you ready to take on the world. You are still a (L/N) so you better show them what we're made of. I made you powerful and you owe me for that. Pass this and become a hero and finally earn my acceptance. You will never be a true (L/N) without it."

Nearby students were shooting sympathetic glances at his words and offered small smiled while I stared at the ground in anger, clutching the handle of my bag.

"Yes father. I will pass." I said, my voice tight from holding back my snappy words.

"Now get out of my sight and pass this exam." He said waving me off and walking away towards the limo we had arrived in. Always wants to make an entrance.

"Asshole." I muttered, watching him drive away. A few bystanders chuckled, hearing me and I turned around and walked into the exam room.

I had surely passed the written exam, but now the physical. I knew there was no a ounce of doubt that I wouldn't fail, but I was nervous from the possibility that I could be outranked.

I was in the lockers rooms for us to change which was the training bra and shorts that I had worn the day I met Endeavor. I wrapped my hands in bandages as I remember the incident.

The vase pieces that had impaled my hands left nasty scars. I thought they looked pretty badass, but other people might not. I had grown a little in every possible intimate area since that incident, so I was pretty embarrassed to wear this in front of a large group of people, but it wasn't going to last long so I had to suck it up.

"I hate this." I muttered, joining the other students assigned to my sector. I saw the stared and heard the whispers, but had to ignore it.

I watched the countdown, carefully focused and not daring to lose concentration. When it went off. All the other sprinted off, racing to be first and get the first attack on the robots.

"Man, with U.A. being a top school, that must bring in a lot of donors." I said looking at the impressive landscape.

I walked slowly behind, not really caring about how many point I got. As long as I passed with the amount of needed points, I didn't care.

"LOOK OUT!" Someone shouted.