
Timeskip Part-I

Inko's POV:

After my son slept in my hands, I looked at the doctors and asked, "What happened doctor? Is everything OK?". The doctors looked at me and said, "This child is somewhat special. His muscle and bone density is thrice to that of normal newborn and it will increase as he grows. He has a natural regeneration twice that of a normal person and it is not even his quirk!. He will have a higher metabolism, hence his food consumption will be higher. Even his consumption of baby milk will be high. Hence you should eat as much as possible to cope up with the production of milk.".

It seems my son will be quite a glutton in the future. And I have to work hard to make more money to feed him. Even then, I will love my baby. It seems my husband is entering. He said, "Where is our baby? I have to look at him.". It seems he was too enthusiastic to see our son. I looked at him and said, "This is our son, Izuku Midoriya. The doctor said, his bone and muscle density were higher than a normal infant. His food consumption will be higher than normal people, it seems. We need to take care of him even more.".

He laughed and said, "Don't worry. I will work hard and provide him with enough food to provide enough nutrition.". After two days, we were discharged and went home. As the doctor said, he drank more milk with vigor, making me slightly wince with pain. I was drained of energy but as a mother, I should provide more nutrients for my son. Thus I started to eat more to provide more milk for my son. I even started to jog and do a small exercise to provide more energy to myself. My son is a heavy drinker it seems.

Izuku's POV:

Being baby sucks. I can't do anything. Even embarrassingly, baby milk. I was very old in my old life. Going through puberty again is really excruciating. I am now in the crib, staring at the ceiling. Baby life really sucks. My mother is really a kindness incarnate. I saw how she was in pain when I drain her off milk, but she smiled at me at gusto and gave me milk the same amount, even more, the next day. For the canon midoriya, All might maybe the superhero, but for me, my mom is my best hero. I will definitely make her life easy.

My body density started to increase. After three months, my mother lifted me with much difficulty. Yet she took it as a challenge and lifted me and spent time with me. I went outside with my mom. It seems the buildings are similar to that of my old home. During my travel, I saw the Katsuki family and I saw the baby bakugo and as the manga drew, he really was cute. Well according to manga, he was nice till his quirk manifests and he will become a bully. I will not try to become his best friend. Just a courtesy friendship will be enough.

After 7 months, I started to walk on my own. When I looked at me walking, she was a crying river of water in happiness. She couldn't believe that her son was walking at the age of 7 months. I started to walk more and more to improve my leg strength. I then thought 'If I became a genius, then I would be roaming around the world, gaining a chance to learn many things and practice my fighting style. This will also reduce the burden on my mother. Because, due to my metabolism, my food consumption will soar'. Keeping this on my mind, I started to say "mama" at the age of one and resulting in flooding of Midoriya residence with her tears.

Then at the age of two, I can form coherent words to speak and started to read a picture book to understand the Japanese language. I was in kindergarten and made some friends. I also made some friends with Katsuki but only for courtesy. I started to show my intelligence and people started to swarm around me. I simply jogged and stretched to keep my muscles warm. My body density started to improve. I am the on in the kindergarten who eats more. At the age of three, I became fluent in speech and my writing became good.

Thus 2 years went by with only mundane things. At the locality, I am hailed as a genius. And then, the accursed 4th year of my birthday came. People started to awaken their quirks. When Katsuki awakened his quirk, everyone started to praise him. My genius news became past and katsuki hogged all the fame. I know that this will cause his ego to grow. Also when we to check with a doctor, he dropped the bomb that I never will have a quirk. Thus I became what 20% of the world has, a quirkless. This news spread through the locality, thus causing my mother and me to the subject of pity. But my status of Genius was able to neutralize that.

After that, I was subjected to what they call, bully. Katsuki would bully me due to my quirkless status and name calls me as Deku. He will always tell me, "Oi, Deku. Quirkless like you will never become a hero.". I never minded him. I excelled at my physique and brain. My growth spurt came with my growing and muscles becoming dense. Thus, whatever they do, I never felt anything. This might be due to their quirk at the developing phase, thus their powers were low. I started to jog, started flexing my bodies, thus losing my joints. My food consumption doubled, due to my metabolism. My mother tried her level best to satisfy my needs. My mottos are, "I will never back on my word and One must always practice, only their will is their only limit.".

I then started to practice my katas from the memory of Yujiro Hanma. I practiced different sets of martial arts and developed my built based on that. I usually jog and swim to keep my body lean. My punch can destroy a small tree due to the explosive power built in my body. I also aced my exams and started to skip grades. Katsuki is jealous of my knowledge and will degrade with my quirkless status. I never gave a penny to his talks and usually ignore him. Finally, he started to avoid me due to a lack of my response. Yet he tries to trip me or intentionally elbow me, resulting in him getting hurt.

The government started to get notice of my knowledge thus provided me an opportunity to join a prestigious school. I went to the institute at the age of 6 and completed and aced it at the age of 10. Due to the high functioning brain and photographic memory, I completed my schooling in 2 years and got different degrees in Physiology, Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Mechanics, and Metallurgy. I aced in my Physique too. Due to my acing in chemistry, I was able to recreate the protein powder and Potion of the Unchained, Oliva Biscuit and built my muscle power and physique to his level. No bullets will be able to penetrate my skin.

I started to build some training machines to build my pink muscles and weights to improve my stamina and power. You can call me a training maniac. At the age of 9, I look like a 12-year-old kid. After acing my studies, I went to I-island to show some of my inventions for training machines. They were fairly impressed. I was given a chance to meet David Shield, the head scientist of I-Island and Nobel prize winner of Quirk research. He was also the former sidekick of All Might.

During my stay, we discussed the pros and cons of several heroes, in which he was fairly impressed. He also learned about my quirkless status. He was shocked after hearing the news but was even shocked when I showed my power. I was also able to meet his daughter, Melissa Shield, a blond woman with blue eyes wearing glasses, who was the same as me. A genius with quirkless. She aims to surpass her father. She was also shocked after hearing my power.

But during these times, I never failed to contact my mother and will always speak to her. Also, I always practice my martial arts also take my portion. I was subjected to various tests, conducted by David Shield and Melissa. I made a promise to him, that I will help with his test but must destroy the data after the tests being conducted. I told him, that I only believe him and wish to remain that way. Melissa knows my quirkless status was slightly happy that she had a companion. As I asked, they destroyed the data but shocked by the results. My bone density and my muscle density became 12 times denser. I started to fight the robots designed by David and destroyed them in the end. My instincts started to develop and my skin toughness started to improve.

In my stay, I taught Melissa, some martial arts related to women like Kushinada style (check google), so that she can defend herself from the bullies and some low-level villains. David and Melissa were both grateful for that and Melissa gave a kiss to my cheek. I also learned about the pros and cons of various quirks with various heroes and villains. Unlike the usual Midoriya who writes in a notebook. I developed a Mind Palace, capable of storing data in the form of Supercomputer. I taught this technique to Melissa and after practicing, her intelligence soar to newer levels. She even started to develop a feeling for me.

With the help of David and Melissa, I was subjected to exposure to extreme cold and heat, water pressure, lightning exposures and some techniques which are considered as illegal child abuse according to the government. This was done with extreme persuasion from my part and a certain bribe of data to David. Thus my resistance to various factors soared. Melissa started to develop some physique and her bullies started to leave her. We even tested with high-tech guns which have minimal effects and would heal soon.

One day Melissa asked me, "What are your plans for the future zuku? Why are you working so hard for?". I looked at her and said, "I want to protect my loved ones by becoming a hero. Sometimes, my body moves on my own to protect the person from danger, and if my body is weak, I will be hurt and unable to help others and worst-case scenario, I will die. If I am dead, how will I able to protect them? I am not like all might, who gives his life to save others. He is a great hero and a great inspiration. But if he gives his life, then who will take his place. He must at least make sure that no one would be hurt and one responsible for those actions must be punished.".

It seems that my words caused an effect on her. She started to earnestly practice the mind palace and in her studies. She even practices martial arts to maintain discipline. I sometimes think that what will be the limit of Yujiro Hanma. When he was speaking with Kaku-kaiou in the manga, he said they will meet after 100 years. So for them, 100 years is like a small interval. Sometimes I think what will be the limit of human beings. According to the aliens, we are a weaker race, yet we will be able to adapt to their strength. If the Marvel universe is real, then a mere human fought and defeated Thanos.

During the next year, we focused on my speed. I wore weights of 1 tonne on each limb and run on the treadmill. After getting use to it, the speed will increase to which I will adapt. This continued till I reach the speed of Mach 10. I-Island really stands for its name. My reaction speed also rose to a tremendous amount. My punch can put a dent to alloy steel and easily rip apart the column of the buildings. I am 12 years old now. My build was similar to that of Baki Hanma only with fewer scars. Then my time at the I-Island came to an end. I need real practice and real opponents to improve my skills.

I looked at David and said, "Thanks for having me on this Island. I was able to improve my repertoire and learn many things from the head of the scientist. Now it is time for me to roam the world to face the beasts and quirk users to improve my skill and save the people if possible. If time permits, I will definitely pay a visit.". I then looked her Melissa and said, "You take care of yourself and don't mind what others say. Follow your heart and reach your goal. I know your feeling about me and I feel the same too. But, we must reach our goal to ensure that we have no regrets. Our relationship is solid unless you think otherwise.

I will also tell you that, with my blood, I might have more women in the future, but you will be number one. If you think that I don't deserve you, I will not force you and leave you. This is your decision and I will respect it. If you wish to leave me in the future and love another man, I will not stand in your way and give you my blessing. Take care.". Then she suddenly reached me and kissed me on the lips. Our skin lasted for 2 minutes and our tongue fought and David was whistling looking at the side. She looked at me and said, "Thank you for being honest with me. I will wait for you till the end of my life. You are my life partner and I am yours. I don't mind you being with other girls, knowing that you love me. We will be forever together and will be with you. Even if others left you, I will be with you always. Go and become the greatest hero in the world and I will become the greatest support scientist for you.". We then parted our ways.

Hi guys. The new chapter here. I hope you guys after reading can give a comment and vote stone if possible. Happy reading. The next chapter contains the next part of the time skip and sludge incident.

Madara1996creators' thoughts