
BNHA: nanomachines

Kazuhira Miller is a boy reincarnated in the world of heroes with a single ambition. To be a better person, a different person. But will he be able to maintain that ambition when he sees the injustice of the world? Will it hold fair as long as it has the power of nanomachines, the pinnacle of technology and human evolution? warnings: 1st: English is not my native language, so don't expect a great quality of writing. 2°: this story will not end with a happy ending, read knowing this information.

GreatbookOFDAO · Anime & Comics
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28 Chs

a long day

A few minutes later we arrived at my room, and unfortunately, the silence had to be broken.

"If you want to have a late-night snack or anything else you need, ask Melina, her room is next to hers, and rest well, it's not long since you left the hospital."

My father warned me as he gave me a tight hug, however, he seemed quite hesitant to let go.

"Hey, you can rest easy, I won't disappear while you're not looking"

Although I had made a small joke, my father seemed to be having doubts that this was possible as he looked at me with a solemn look.

"Kaz, your past is very reprehensible and I'm afraid you may have retained some..habits."

It was a rather silly fear, after all, I wasn't the original Kaz, a secret I would take to my grave.

But there was no way he could have known about that so I would have to settle for making him less afraid.

"No need to worry, I guarantee that no matter where I am, you and Melina will always know where to find me."

My dad heaved a sigh of relief and seemed to be satisfied with my answer as he gave a smile and walked away, leaving me in front of my door in the partially lit hallway.

Now that I had solved my problems, what was I supposed to do?

To sleep?

I didn't even know what time it is.

{It is currently 2:00 AM}

Ah, so now the system in my brain is clocked, quirky but not useless.

Wait a minute, does that mean my brain has Wi-Fi?

{With the correct specifications, it is possible to answer phone calls}

Weird... But it was interesting, it should be quite a unique experience answering calls with my mind, was it possible to hack computers with my mind?

{Network invasion nanomachines already do this}

It is true!

Had I forgotten? Could I check out the nanomachines?

General state:

{Physical status: healthy}

{Hp: 80%}

{Eyes Hurt: -15% Hp

{Weak physique: -5% HP}

{Stamina: 95%}

{Weak physique: -5% stamina}

{Focus: 35%}

{Name: Kazuhira Miller}

{Height:182 cm}

{Weight: 47 kg}

{Age: 15}

Interesting, so physical weaknesses along with a weak physique had a negative impact on the maximum HP I had, however, one of them wasn't a problem since with the hardening of the nanomachines it would be almost impossible to hurt me.

Although it seemed that the nanomachines only reinforced the outside, this left me quite exposed to noxious fumes.

{It is recommended that sensitive interior parts such as the lung and pharynx be replaced, replacing them with improved versions of nanomachines}

{A specialized nanomachine in the respiratory system is also recommended}

Interesting, so physical weaknesses along with weak physique had a negative impact on the maximum HP I had, however, one of them wasn't a problem since with the hardening of the nanomachines it would be almost impossible to hurt me.

Although it seemed that the nanomachines only reinforced the outside, this left me quite exposed to noxious fumes.

{It is recommended that sensitive interior parts such as the lung and pharynx be replaced, replacing them with improved versions of nanomachines}

{A specialized nanomachine in the respiratory system is also recommended}

So this was the recommendation of the nanomachines machines?

Become a Cyborg?

And is it serious that changing the respiratory system was a recommendation?

Was I going to turn into Darth Vader?

More machine than man.

{There are guarantees that there will be no wheezing in the voice In addition, the action of breathing is no longer necessary.}

Want to know something?

Fuck it, the nanomachines are free to tinker with my body as long as the outside looks human.

{Starting modification processes in the following locations:

{respiratory system}



{Warning: An extremely strong body is needed to withstand the use of nanomachines, if the body is weak, heart problems can be acquired.}

Did that mean my hp was reduced due to my weak physique not being able to withstand the power of the nanomachines?

{The user's body has reduced Hp due to the weak physical form not being able to withstand some nanomachines that should be used to keep the body in full functioning, in addition to the heart being the source of production of nanomachines.}

This was a problem, was there any nanomachine I could create to help with this situation?

{Individuality: Nanomachines}


{Improved bone density}

{Improved muscle density}

{Accelerated muscle growth}

{Extreme Coagulation}

{Network Invasion}(automatic)

{Disease resistance}

{protein capsules}

{Nanomachines that can be created: }

{Impact force distribution}

{thermal resistance}

{Butcher Mode}

{thermal control}

{Birth control}

{body control}

Oh, there was one more new nanomachine, though it didn't look like it was going to solve my problem it didn't hurt to look at the nanomachines that I hadn't been able to check out.

{Thermal control:}

{Nanomaquine is capable of regulating internal and external body temperature, increasing or decreasing, and can also eliminate body temperature.}

This one was very useful, it was the same thing as not being cold or hot, in addition to being able to fool some cameras that see through body heat, this nanomachine was certainly one of my top choices.

{Birth control:}

Nanomachine that makes you sterile whenever you want.

Don't become a parent early.

It was... something to be expected.

{Body control: Nanomachine is capable of controlling bodily actions, with this nanomachine it is possible to reduce heartbeats to zero, and avoid natural body noises in addition to being able to kill the body itself for 5 minutes.

This machine is also capable of greatly accelerating muscle memory learning, as well as avoiding instinctive reactions.}

Practically an incredibly dangerous nanomachine if combined with thermal control, this would effectively make me a great assassin capable of faking my death, and I also couldn't forget the muscle memory that would make me a fighting machine capable of fighting by instinct, but it was too bad I had already made my choice.

"Young mast-Kaz, is something wrong?

You've been staring at the door for like 10 minutes."

Melina's beautiful voice immediately pulled my attention away from the information I was seeing, and looking to the fourth side I saw her staring at me, making me feel self-conscious for not noticing that I was staring so intently at the door that I didn't even feel her coming. , that must have been very strange to see.

Did I explain to her about the system in my head?

It was better than making up a lame excuse.

Because I doubt she would believe I was lost in thought as I stared at the door for 10 minutes like an idiot.

But I think it wouldn't hurt to explain it to Melina, after all, she followed this body since he was still a child, and she was reliable.

It was so trusting it was cute, her waiting for an answer from me as she stood in a straight pose, hands clasped in front of her maid skirt, I thought she deserved a response.

"Melina, are you aware that 20% of my brain is made of... Metal?

At my question, Melina nodded her head in agreement.

That was great, it would help me explain without too much fluff.

"This... Metal is produced by my nanomachines that are derived from my Quirk, in fact, metal is made from nanomachines, causing the other nanomachines in my body to relay information to the nanomachines in my brain, which then relay it for me, so I was staring at the door, I was just distracted"

I calmly explained to Melina as she placed one hand on her chin as if she was thinking and continued like this for 1 minute before speaking.

"I understand, I thought you were stressed but who knew the subject was more complex?

So I'm going to take my leave so I don't get in the way while you're looking at this information, but tomorrow the triplets will be here again and I recommend that you notify them of this information."

Her thoughts spoken, Melina turned to go downstairs just as she'd said she would, but I couldn't let her go, not yet, because there were some questions I needed to clear, questions I didn't think my dad would answer.

"Hey, wait a minute Melina, could you answer a few things?"

I asked Melina before she could enter the room, and her reaction was immediate as she turned towards me at the same time I asked the question.

"Sure, you can ask me anything, Kaz."

Melina eagerly responded and with her permission, I didn't hesitate to ask my question and let her take responsibility for what she said.

"What happened at the hospital?

How many days have I been out?"

"Of course, he wouldn't ask something easy like my bra size"

Melina mumbled a reply in a tone of voice that didn't seem to be meant for me not to hear, but I played a deaf ear as I waited for a decent reply.

Melina sighed and replied when I pretended not to hear.

"I'll start by answering the easiest one first.

Kaz, in total you spent three days passed out, we thought that you would be in a coma again, but the triplets assured us that it would not happen again and they were right."

"CUT IT OUT MELINA...I want to know if the dead doctor's Family received compensation, and most of all...that worm died, right?"

I sharply cut off her response, letting the anger consume me.

I HAD A RIGHT TO KNOW, I had to make sure that dung heap was rotting underground.

"I understand young master, Doctor Wagner drinkwater's family received due compensation, and as for the villain young master fought... He is dead."

I let out a sigh of relief with Melina's confirmation, that monster would forever be far away from hurting people like he did this family!

"Was that all young master?

If so, I'm retiring to my room."

Melina suddenly warned me as she hurried into the room, not giving me a chance to utter even a word.

I think she got mad at me.

Seconds after that thought, I heard the sound of a key turning, Melina had locked the door.

She was furious.

I let out a sigh, something that was becoming recurrent.

I had been an asshole to her, after waking up I should apologize to Melina and also thank her for the information, it was the least.

My decision was made, I entered the room and walked to my bed.

Although I wasn't sleepy, I was strangely tired, I guess a few hours of sleep wouldn't hurt anyone.

With a yawn, I lay down on the extremely soft bed and rested my head on the cloud-like pillow as I pulled the blanket over me.

Sweet dreams, here we go!

{Before resting, would you like to create a new nanomachine?}

Of course, something would disturb my rest!

Although I felt betrayed by the nanomachines, I also knew it was a valid question, so I checked one last time through the available nanomachines, even though my choice had already been made.

{Nanomachine that can be crafted: }

{Impact force distribution: Nanomaquine is responsible for distributing the impact through the body when an area is hit, also preventing damage to internal organs.}

{Thermal resistance: improvement of nanomachines, prevents malfunction and damage in extreme climates.}

{Butcher Mode: Intentional and temporary damage to the brain and cerebral cortex nanomachines.}

{Can only be activated when:

stamina=0% focus=100%}

{When these conditions are met there will be a massive increase in the following abilities: physical, reflex, agility, reaction time, coagulation, regeneration, and pain tolerance.

While the nanomachine is being used, there will be a constant loss of focus in addition to making you dizzy.}

{Thermal control:}

{Nanomaquine is capable of regulating internal and external body temperature, increasing or decreasing, and can also eliminate body temperature.}

{Birth control:}

Nanomachine that makes you sterile whenever you want.

Don't become a parent early.

{Body control: Nanomachine is capable of controlling bodily actions, with this nanomachine it is possible to reduce heartbeats to zero, and avoid natural body noises in addition to being able to kill the body itself for 5 minutes.

This machine is also capable of greatly accelerating muscle memory learning, as well as avoiding instinctive reactions.}

Although it was difficult I had made my choice, although there were very good choices, apart from birth control.

In a world of superheroes with incredible powers, there was a nanomachine that would probably add a lot to my survival.

I choose... {Thermal resistance}

I would like to apologize to everyone who follows this fanfic for the lack of chapters these weekends, I had to take some time to rest and catch up on ideas, with time to think I decided to publish chapters from Monday to Friday, but with two thousand words instead of the thousand words I wrote before.

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