
BNA: Mimic

A manipulative cynical former soldier gets sent to MHA/BNHA. What would he do? What would he change? How many people are going to die? New author, English is not my first language, but I will try my best. Criticisms are welcomed.

Herald_ · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


At a hospital located in the USA, a 'baby' was born. Said infant was not something someone would call pretty. After all, the baby challenged all notions and preconceptions of how a human child should look like. This 'abomination was different, it wasn't normal; the appearance of the creature elicited guttural disgust and eeriness never felt before. These medical professionals have seen it all, from babies born without faces to toddlers with grotesque features. Despite all those experiences, nothing could have prepared them enough for what they were experiencing.

With its blood-red eyes, elongated pale white hands, no feet, and its lack of any defining features, for all intents and purposes the baby was the most inhuman thing they had ever seen. Even the most extreme of mutant quirk bearers still had a semblance of humanity left... not this.

"Why are all of you so quiet...Is there something wrong with my baby?!" the mother asked with a concerned tone since the doctors were not answering her inquiries.

"Nothing misses, do you wanna take a look at your child?" the lead doctor asked in a soothing tone expecting quite the reaction from the woman as he handed the supposed 'child'.

The woman took a look and was dead silent for a few moments. "Stop playing with me; Where is my child?" after observing the completely silent doctors, she followed, "Stop, the joke is not funny! This monstrosity can't be my child...look at it, it does not have any of my features!!!."

" 'It' is a male; at least blood samples suggest so." The doctor mentioned trying to subtlely influence the woman's perception of her child in a positive direction. He figured that even if the child was alarmingly ugly, looked disabled, and could barely be labeled as a human; he still deserved a chance at life. One could never know with mutant quirks, those quirks were often out of the norm and wacky enough for one to expect anything. Who knows maybe he would grow his missing appendages later down the road, who knows.

"That's not the point doctor!!! How can i---he even survive without a nose or mouth!!!" The mother stated erratically, " He does not have my eyes and skin nor his father's." she paused for just a second after hearing the baby emit a sound where its mouth 'should' be.

Suddenly five holes appear on the child's face. The holes then morphed and reshaped themselves in a grotesque manner emitting some visceral sounds that terrified and disgusted everyone in the room but his mother particularly more so.

After several minutes of the grotesque spectacle, the features on his face stopped changing. The most noticeable addition for all of those present was the slitted smile which resembles a mouth that only the "Slit-Mouthed Woman" would possess. It evoked a sense of dread in all the people that looked. Another added appendage was the nose which only consisted of two holes that acted as airways. The last appendage to develop was his ears; remaining one of his most human features. The ears closely resembled those of a human child, providing slight relief to everyone present.

The doctors and medical took the child and left in order to monitor any changes and other health hazards. After they exited the room the mother was left alone with her own thoughts. It was common knowledge that women were extremely tired after birth, they had gone through a painful experience and their emotions were all over the place. So it was common practice to separate the baby from the mother for at least some hours so both of them could rest.

During her 'downtime' the mother had finally come out of her mental breakdown. Only 15 minutes after the doctor left she realized that no one was present in the room. Now that she had time to calm herself from her turbulent emotions. She realized that her outburst, while understandable, would scar a child. If her mom had done the same to her, she would probably have been traumatized. After all, having your own mother call you a 'Monstrosity' and 'defective' must sting. She even denied her child, thankfully babies don't remember stuff like that.

Many people may think that she was a whore or was having sex irresponsibly, but, in reality, she rarely had sex. She was a picky dater and more so with her intercourse partner. She was looking for a man to settle down with; a man who after some years with her would father her babies.

She had all her partners always use protection because the pills in the wake of quirks had a wide range of side effects that could be troublesome. Now she regretted her absurdly high standards; that big-dicked bastard probably impregnated her to make a point. She had to open her mouth and say he was nothing more than a handsome friend with benefits. She had to say that his only redeeming quality was his face and quirk that made her putty in his hands. She had to mention he was below her on the totem pole and would amount to nothing. Now she is fucked in more ways than one and has to raise this 'baby' that essentially is a big fat costly wildcard.

She was not ready to be a mother or anything, hell, she barely made ends meet. If it weren't for her beauty and charisma she would be quintuple fucked by the system. Thankfully even with her baggage, he can probably find a "White Knight" at worst and a "Rich Knight" at best. Sadly for her, to not derail and spiral into the abyss she must get rid of her child or risk her possible opulent lifestyle.

After everything was said and done, she just couldn't keep up. She was planning on giving her child up for adoption anyways. Baby daddy wasn't exactly traceable, and she didn't make enough to support another living being. The only reason the baby wasn't aborted was that when she realized she was pregnant, it was already too late. The fetus had already grown beyond the legal threshold, which meant that proceeding with the procedure would have been punishable by law.

She held hope that when her child was born, she would feel love for the child like all the other mothers supposedly felt. Maybe she could make it work if it had, alas, it didn't. Rendering useless all the pain she went through. If anything, she felt pity and disgust for the 'toddler'. She could not fathom how such a creature came from her, but at the same time, she couldn't help but feel sorry for the 'child'. Since, in the end, she was the one that brought him into the world. So she was partially responsible for the suffering that he would endure.

If she could not love him or take care of him, the next best thing was to give him to someone who could. Following that train of logic, she resolved to follow through with the child surrendering process. That path had several uncertainties for her child, but if he got lucky, he might end up in a good place.

After several days of rest, the last task left for her was to name the child. Common names that every Joe would have like "John or David" had lost their popularity after the "Old Age" era. Names nowadays were unique and often represented their quirks or personalities almost to a fantastical degree; or that was what people thought, in reality, a name is just that, a name. It doesn't influence an individual's life all that much in the grand scheme of things. Knowing this, she might as well name the 'child' after something artistic.

She took inspiration from one of the ancient books she read. One that talked about cosmic horror and monstrosities that even just imagining them made her twitch. Maybe naming her boy after a character that can shapeshift would help. 'It held some symbolic value, did it not?'At that instant she decided; Her boy's name was "Cthulhu".

The young 'baby' felt a chill run down its spine. Knowing that most likely some bad omens were to come. Only one thing when through its little mind 'I'm Fucked'.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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