

*** I have completely rewritten and republished this story.*** A string of murders across Bangkok leads an elite team of detectives in charge of crimes using magic into the art world as they try to unmask the killer before he locates his most cherished victim. Detectives Kram and Love meet gallery owner Hart after their unit takes over a case from local police, Hart is hiding something or someone. Is he the killer or all that stands between the killer and the young man he's hunting? Love is sure Hart is innocent but is that logic or desire talking? Kram's strength as an investigator comes from his jaded past and his ability to see connections when others can't but can but none of it matters if he can't save a young painter who's been hunted to the point of desperation. This is a BL, GL story. I am not Thai but I am living in Bangkok where this story takes place.

Hera_Crowley · Urban
Not enough ratings
21 Chs

Capter 14

Phet heard the crunch of tires on gravel and instinctively gripped the handle of his painter's knife harder, pulling it out of the pocket of his overalls. Walking over to the studio door he held his breath as he peeked through the curtains, to see if it was Love and Kram. Though Phet hadn't met them in person Hart had been sending him pictures of Love, updates any time they met, and the details of what happened. The way best friends do when they are seeing someone new. In a way, Phet felt like he knew Love already.

 Kram was a different story. All Phet knew about him was from watching him as he flipped through his sketches that day in the studio when Phet was hidden in the loft. Mostly he remembered the way his hair fell across his face, his expression of interest as he slowly turned the large pages of the sketchbook. His high cheekbones and the way the sunlight lit up his skin like gold. 

None of that could tell him if Kram was a good person, or trustworthy, or anything else that would calm his nerves or help him know if he and Hart were making a fatal mistake by trusting them. Still, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw it was Love and Kram that stepped out of the SUV.

Just as they were about to knock, he opened the door to let them in, stiffly he bowed slightly in greeting. Phet was prepared for awkward silence, but Kram greeted him normally, his wai and smile were relaxed, as though it was just another day. 

"Hello, I'm Kram, this is Love, we haven't formally met." Kram smiled like the sun, he seemed to radiate warmth.

Wow, he's even more gorgeous up close. Phet thought to himself, blushing.

"Hello, I'm…" Phet started happily before clamping his mouth shut. 

Keep it together Phet! You can't just give out your name! It doesn't matter how hot he is! Are you trying to get yourself killed! He scolded himself.

"It's ok, you don't have to tell us," Love cut in. 

"But I want to know!" whined Kram. 

Love glared at him. "You already know I told you in the car!"

 Love turned to Phet. Hart told me your name before I left, and we promised him not to ask questions. 

 "But I wanted to hear it from him!" Kram pouted. "Besides I didn't promise Hart, you did.

"Behave," Love pointed at the couch. "Hart said not to make him uncomfortable! Now go sit down! I swear you're like a puppy sometimes."

Kram frowned and grumbled under his breath as he walked to the couch and sat. Love turned back to Phet. 

"Sorry about him, he's easily excited, but I promise he's house trained."

Phet let out a small laugh. Kram really was like a golden retriever he thought as he followed them toward the couch. Letting the detectives sit together on the big couch he chose to perch on the edge of a chair that divided the living room and the edge of the kitchen, it was also the closest to the door that led back to the safety of the studio. Don't let your guard down, he told himself. 

Love and Kram exchanged glances. Laughter was good, if they could keep Phet at ease things would go a lot smoother for all of them.

Kram tried to stifle a yawn, as the trio sat regarding each other.

"It was a long car ride; can I use your bathroom?" Love asked.

Phet nodded. "It's through that door, on the left side,"

Love smiled, shooting a warning look at Kram before leaving. Kram yawned again, it was almost eight AM and he hadn't slept yet.

"Would you like some coffee?" Phet asked timidly. 

"I would love some!" Kram groaned. 

Phet couldn't help but smile at the way Kram answered so honestly. Standing up, he took a few steps toward the kitchen as soon as Phet passed him, Kram stood up quickly. 

"I'll help you!" he said excitedly. 

Phet's heart jumped, scrambling back to put some distance between himself and Kram. He pulled the painter's knife from the pocket of his overalls, pointing it at Kram, his eyes wide with fear just as Love walked back in. In a panic Phet released his magic. A bright light momentarily flooded the room, before settling into a small but brilliant blaze around him.

"Woah, it's ok I didn't mean to startle you," Kram spoke slowly, his deep voice calm and serious for the first time since they arrived. His eyes darted from Phet to the intense white burning light surrounding him.

Love glared at him. "I was gone for two minutes! What did you do!" 

Kram flicked his eyes to Love with a "shut up and let me handle this." expression. 

"It's ok," Kram said again as he sank slowly back onto the arm of the couch. "We aren't going to hurt you I promise." 

Phet stood frozen, the knife clutched in both hands, his eyes were glassy, and he stared right through Kram. 

"Hey, let's just go make coffee. This way, right?" Kram smiled a lopsided grin and pointed over his shoulder toward the kitchen. Slowly he stood and nonchalantly strolled to the kitchen, being sure to keep his hands in view. Kram had always been good at coaxing scared, injured animals and this guy had that same kind of energy. He seemed wounded and terrified but above all Kram could tell how exhausted he was. 

They made it to the kitchen without incident. Kram walked to the pour-over coffee carafe and grinder that sat against the wall on the counter. He slid it out and carried it to the middle of the counter so that he was facing the high-top bar that separated him and Phet. Love had gone to the fridge and got out a pitcher of water careful not to make any sudden movements he passed it to Kram. Filling the electric kettle, Kram clicked the "on" button and slowly turned around to lean back on the edge of the counter across the kitchen from Phet.

He smiled warmly, as though the younger man wasn't still holding a painter's knife in a death grip with what looked like a supernova surrounding him. At least the knife wasn't pointed at him anymore, he thought to himself. 

"So where do you keep the beans?" Kram asked.

Phet pointed to the cabinet over Kram's shoulder.

"Second shelf," as he spoke, the light around him dimmed ever so slightly.

Kram pointed behind him without looking. "This one?"

Phet nodded but didn't move. 

 "Ok then, why don't you sit on that side of the bar, you can keep an eye on me from there, right? And I will make you the best cup of coffee you have ever had." Kram flashed his best smile. 

Kram waited, careful not even to breathe until the younger man slid onto a barstool, the painter's knife finally disappeared into whatever pocket he had pulled it from earlier. Kram turned around and breathed a sigh of relief before retrieving the coffee beans from the cabinet. Returning to the grinder he filled it with beans and began grinding in a smooth motion. Soon the smell of coffee began to drift on the air, sliding the drawer open; he checked that the grounds were smooth and even. Carrying the drawer of grounds and the carafe over to the bar he put them down where they were easily visible. 

Phet startled so easily that there was no way he would trust a drink he didn't see made in front of him. The automatic switch on the kettle flipped off as Kram carefully placed the drawer on the bar top sliding it toward Phet.

"The water is ready, would you mind taking care of this for me? I'll be right back," Kram said with a wink. Carefully carrying the kettle over, he poured a bit of the water into the coffee filter, wetting the paper and heating the glass, carefully he swirled it. 

"Ok, now if you don't mind it's time to put in the grounds. Fill it just to this line" Kram indicated with his finger the point Phet should fill to and waited patiently watching the light around Phet fade as he meticulously scooped and tapped the grounds in. 

 "Perfect!" Kram beamed as he picked up the kettle once more and poured slowly in a circular motion pausing periodically to let the coffee drip into the pot at an even rate. Kram inhaled the steam deeply while they waited. 

"Now if you will point me in the direction of the cups, I'll pour," Kram said.

"Third cabinet on the right." Phet's voice came out stronger than expected. 

Kram grabbed three mugs, and poured, passing out each cup with a spoon and saucer. The room was silent except for the soft clink of the spoons on the porcelain cups as they took turns adding cream and sugar that Love had quietly assembled. Kram took a sip of his coffee, melting against the edge of the counter in happiness. 

"Aahh" he smacked his lips.

Love shook his head, "I should send you to therapy, caffeine addiction is still an addiction you know." 

"Don't listen to him." Kram said, stroking the side of his cup looking lovingly at the coffee. Love rolled his eyes, but Kram would swear he saw the ghost of a smile across Phet's exquisite face. Phet was tall and beautiful, with high cheekbones. When he yawned Kram could see his dimples and he was sure if Phet smiled those dimples would light up his face, his brown eyes were bright and inquisitive when they weren't scared and sad. 

Phet picked up the cup in front of him. Honestly, he had never been much of a coffee drinker, but it did smell mouthwatering. Cautiously he took a sip, it was amazing! No bitterness or acidic taste, it seemed to glide over his tongue like silk and soothe every inch of him. Without even realizing it he relaxed, the last of the light around him faded away as he sank against the back of the high-top stool. He could feel Kram's eyes on him even though he was trying hard to give Phet his space. Phet wanted to talk to them, to explain the situation and that he wasn't crazy, but he couldn't, not yet. 

"Would it be ok if I went to get my sketch pad?" he asked. 

Love's eyebrows shot up as he looked at Kram. 

"Of course, it's your house after all but one of us should go with you. We did promise Hart to keep you safe." Said Kram. 

Phet nodded. 

"Then if you'll go first, I'll follow you to the studio.' Phet said hesitantly. 

Kram smiled and put down his cup. "No problem, I'm sure I remember the way." He turned and walked out of the kitchen. The slope of his shoulders told Phet that he was relaxed, as though this was an evening like any other. Phet followed just out of arm's reach, cautious but not scared like he was before. They crossed the glassed-in hall that connected the studio and the main house. The lights were still on inside. Kram checked the room then waited by the door that led to the driveway. 

Phet gathered his sketchbook, charcoals, and pencils, and when he was ready to go back, he looked at Kram. 

"Do you need help carrying anything?" Kram asked. Phet extended the case of pencils and pastels to him. Kram took them gingerly, careful not to touch Phet. Smiling reassuringly he walked past Phet to lead the way back through the studio. Just as he was about to cross the threshold a voice came from behind him. 


Kram froze. 

"I–" Phet started. 

Kram turned slowly around. Phet didn't know where to look, he wasn't comfortable enough to look away, but he was afraid to look in Kram's eyes too. 

"I know you must think I'm crazy, I pulled painter's knife on you and was glowing like an insane firefly, but I promise I'm not." Phet trailed off, now he really sounded crazy, why had he said anything at all? 

"I don't think you're crazy, I know what fear, and PTSD look like. You don't owe me or anyone else an explanation," Kram said gently. "Well, that is, unless you have been sneaking off to Bangkok to murder three people, then you will probably owe someone an explanation." Kram smirked. 

Phet's eyes went wide. "I haven't"

"I know," Kram smiled gently. He had to keep his urge to wrap Phet in a hug in check.

"Really?" Phet asked. 

"Really." Kram chuckled softly. "I knew as soon as I met you, it wasn't you" Kram took a small step forward. "I couldn't know before then. You hid up in that loft last time we were here, and Hart never lets anything slip." Kram lowered his voice, they were so close now that Phet had to look up into his eyes. "No one believed me when I told them someone else was here that day. Well, Love probably believed me, but he'll never admit it." They stood in silence for a moment, their eyes locked together as though they were each searching for something.

Phet's cheek looked so soft, Kram lifted hand to touch it wanting to wipe away his worries, "I promise we will keep you safe." He said dropping his hand he turned away. "Come on, I'll make you some more coffee." Changing the topic, he walked through the door back toward the main house. Phet following close behind. 

Love was waiting when they reached the kitchen. 

"Everything ok?" he asked.

"No problem at all, I'm going to make us more coffee. Do you want some?" Kram flashed his bright golden retriever smile.

"Sure, you make coffee and I'll raid the fridge and see what I can find to make us for breakfast. Is there anything you don't eat?" Love asked Phet. 

"I don't really like tomatoes." He replied. 

"Alright," said Love. 

Phet settled back on the stool and spread out his case of art supplies tucking his feet up on the edge of the seat he used his knees to prop up the sketchpad, the feel of the paper and smell of the charcoal helped calm his mind. 

30 minutes later the sound of dishes being set on the counter in front of him interrupted his focus. 

"I hope omelets are ok," said Love.

"He makes the best omelets I used to beg him to make them for me when we were roommates in university," Kram said, sliding a fresh cup of coffee to Phet. 

"You were roommates in university?" asked Phet curiously. 

"Hard to imagine right? I swear he doesn't look it, but not only did he go to university he graduated at the top of his class said, Love. "I told you he was house trained." 

"Hey what can I say I am a pedigree pup!" Kram said, wiggling his eyebrows. 

Love smacked him in the back of the head before commanding him. "Sit." 

"Woof!" Kram replied before sticking out his tongue panting and raising his hands like paws.

Phet let out a small laugh. Kram and Love came around and sat next to Phet at the bar top. They sat in comfortable silence munching omelets, and toast and drinking coffee. When Phet's phone rang, they all three jumped. 

 Phet checked his display before answering. "Hart! Are you okay? Where are you now?" he glanced from Love to Kram as he listened to Hart's reply. "Yes, I'm fine I promise! I swear things are fine, Kram even made coffee… Well, I liked his coffee. When are you coming back? We are all exhausted… Don't push yourself. Get some sleep at the studio before you drive out here… Oh I see. Ok, love you." Phet turned to Love, handing him the phone.

 Love put the phone to his ear. He expected more boisterous threats to take care of Phet instead Hart's voice was quiet and tired. "Thank you, Phet sounds stable and not scared."

 "It's no problem." Love said gently. "Are you ok? Is everyone treating you, ok? I'll beat them up if they aren't, I promise."

 Hart chuckled on the other end of the line. "Everything's fine Noh has a lot of questions, but he isn't forcing me to answer anything I'm not comfortable with, he's kind of cute with his longer hair and bad boy flair." Hart did his best to tease Love, so he didn't worry.

 "That's ok he can be cute we both know I'm hot." Love teased back. 

"I have to get back, I think I'll be out of here soon." Love could hear the smile in Hart's voice fade as he spoke. "Keep him safe" The Line went dead Hart hadn't waited for a reply. All he could do was keep trusting in the two cops he hardly knew.