

This novel is about a skilled fighter and assassin who studied to be a belly dancer and concubine in the king palace She was payed by the king to kill the king of Persia Now she changed the plan to her favour

Sharonpeace · Fantasy
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9 Chs


[ WARNING:This chapter contains mature content, proceed with caution]


The butler helped me settled in the King's chamber, his room smells like old books. after settling in, two maids came in to prepare a bath

" My lady your bath is ready" the first maid said

Standing up I went to the wash room taking my clothes off, ' eww I smell bad' riding in the woods for days without a bath

I looked at the faces of the maid to see if they noticed thankfully they didn't, I quickly entered the bath tub feeling relaxed

' hmm I love this feeling, I can't remember when last I had a bath like this. The water smells good

"What kind of ointment did you add to the water" I asked

" Honey , cinnamon and green tea herbs my lady

" It smells so so good"

"And it helps to relax your muscles, my lady" the second maid said washing my legs

"Does the king uses it also ?"

"No my lady, he does not add ointment in his water" the first maid answered

But how can that be, he has this wood, rain and earthly kind of smell . I was close to him most of the time, I rode with him all through and he definitely smells great

After getting my leg scrub, I remained in the bathtub for ten minutes before stepping out

"What's your name?" I asked the first maid with red hair

"Tessa my lady"

"And you?"

"Maria my lady"

"Don't worry about the body oil I will apply that myself just help me with the hair"

"Yes my lady "

Thirty minutes later she was done with the hair

"Do you need anything my lady"


Bowing they both left, I wore a fitted red silk night dress that stick to my body enhancing my curves

"This dress is too revealing, I need to change it once I'm done applying the body oil" I sat down lifting my dress up to my thigh applying the oil on my leg

In the process of using the oil I jumped up , startled, not expecting someone to barge into the King's room that way however it turned out to be the king himself


Reaching my resting chamber, I opened the door feeling tired and exhausted I walked inside and I saw her jumped from her seat she has something under her sleeve

Looking around the room the only light in the room was from the moon aside that the room was dark.

Stepping forward to the room a pleasant smell hit my nostrils it smells like cinnamon. I could hear her heart beat racing, I looked at her and immediately regretted doing so

I knew she was beautiful but right now she looked more beautiful, the fabric sticked to her body showing me her perfect curves

My beast growled with hunger, wanting to tear the clothes off although the dress wasn't too revealing still I knew she was wearing nothing underneath

I inhale deeply trying to concentrate unfortunately it made it worse, crossing the distance between us I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her closer

I'm loosing my mind, the only word on my head right now is devour her


The pace of my heartbeat intensifies as his gaze moved over me , undressing me. His hold around my waist tightened, pressing our bodies together like we weren't close enough

'you should stop this Shara you aren't in your right frame of mind '

'this isn't part of the plan Shara remember '

I kept finding an excuse to stop whatever spell he cast on me by bringing up a thousand and one reason to not fall into this temptation but right now my body obeys only to him like he owns the whole of me

He grabbed my hair roughly, bringing my face closer to his and captured my lips

Our lips moved in sync , tongue dancing with same rhythm as my heart. Slowly his lips parted from mine leaving trails of kisses on my neck and jaw. His hand grabbed my hips raising me up, I wrapped my legs around his torso

His earthly scent filled me until I was completely drunk loosing my mind, I was lost , I felt myself reaching the sky a million times. ' I've never in my life felt this way ever'

Capturing my lips with great force making my body ache for more

His kisses are so rough yet I wanted more, nibbling on my lips I felt something like fangs growing out making me shudder in fear

Suddenly he pushed me to the wall , jolting me out of the spell, he placed his hand on my neck and drew closer

"Don't ever seduce me, if you love your head"

At first I was speechless and dumbfounded

"Uh excuse you, I was the one who was seduced here, I was merely applying my body oil before you barged in and grabbed me like I was your wife or something " I said not willing to be oppressed, i didn't seduce nobody

"You are my wife and your body is mine" he said letting me go before going to the washroom

'uh I don't understand this man, a minute ago he was ready to cut off my head and now I'm his wife?'

You messed up Shara, from today onwards I will never put on silk night dress, I almost got devoured

I lay on the bed playing everything that happened forty minutes ago until I finally fell asleep

Waking up I stretched, I haven't had a good sleep for days now, my sleep was so peaceful and comfortable

"Irene will be here soon , the maid will get you ready"

Hearing his voice last night event played in my head, remembering everything in details I blushed ' be careful with this man Shara ' I told myself inwardly

The maids came in immediately, standing up I went to the bath tub after having my bath and wearing a robe, I went back to the room

I looked at the dress on the bed

"I won't wear this" I said turning to Dragan

"It's corset, I don't wear corset it's suffocating "

" This isn't green valley young lady, ladies dress appropriately here "

Young lady? (Pouting) What happened to bluebell

"I would rather walk naked than wear corset "

"Trust me lady, I would love that too , unfortunately we aren't the only one in the castle, you have no choice woman"

I think I just went deaf,' naked', I don't think I heard that clearly, I raised my head looking at the maids, they look bashful, he truly said that. 'shameless man'

Reaching the door he turned. "Get her the dress worn by sorceress, it's the only cloth without corset, Irene will show you around, because after the wedding your duty starts " he said leaving

I'm so sorry for the late update

Sharonpeacecreators' thoughts