
Blue Wind's Overpowered Prince(Against the gods)

A guy dies taking a bullet to save his friends and ends up reincarnating as blue wind empire's first prince. Cheats: HIGHEST TALENT(better than Ancestral Goddess) in everything. Watch him dominate ATG world,get waifus and trolling Scum Che.

OtakuKnight2079 · Book&Literature
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15 Chs

Ascension to True God(Part 1)

(First POV):

Me: "Royal Father, Me and Chen are leaving you for a most important trip for a month. I came here to get your permission over this."

Royal Father: "Very well, now that you have finished laying down the protection arrays throughout the whole castle, you don't have any more duties here as you are not the Crown Prince. But remember that even if you are not the Crown Prince, you are still a Prince of the Royal Family and you shall act like one"

Me: "Understood Royal Father!"

Phew... That was a tense conversation if ever there was one. My refusal to be the Crown Prince soured whatever was left of my relationship with my father. It's not that he isn't aware that he has no control over me. It is that he is entirely aware of that fact and he doesn't like that much. It is not even his problem. It is just how society works. Kings have an authority for a lack of better word and him being denied that authority by his own son is a massive hit on the ego. Don't forget that this is not the Cang Wanhe who was hospitalized for so about 3 years. This is the king who has lead Blue Wind empire for so long.

Well, not that I care about that. But I have to act my part as if I fight with him, it will end in my victory on the political front as well because my fame has led to Blue Wind Empire receiving quite better trade for the last few years and very less agression from the other countries as well. This has led to quite a bit of popularity on my front. So if I fight with him, I will have to lead this kingdom of assholes and I am not entirely sure that I could go for more than a month before I burn down too many sects here. It will not even be a case of atrocities, it will be a case of me getting the whole knowledge of their atrocities.I am too aware of all the shady things that go on here but I don't act on them as I don't know about them. That's the simple thing.If I know about it, I will kill all those responsible.This is the main reason I despise being a leader. I know I am a hypocrite but I can't go on a murder spree every other day. I want my life to be peaceful as well and that is not possible if I have to handle any administrative position in this world.

Well all that contemplation aside it is the time for mine and Chen's Ascension. I know I have been delaying this but I really wanted to deal with all the shit I could before i had to enter that meditation. It is actually because I really didn't want to be like those other protagonists who miss out on some important thing because they were having a godly encounter.

Chen: "Finally, all that shit is over. Boss, You have no idea how much I was waiting when you were finally fucking free and we could ascend to the next level without opening a rift in the safety of this planet. The heretical God was a monstrous genius to have created this planet boss. The protection array around the planet is simply genius. All the protection it provides us is simply incredible. I really don't know how this planet could have survived otherwise what with so many fucking legacies on this planet which is like premium meat for all those frigging God Emperors(Realm Kings)."

Me: "I know Chen, well the time has finally come for me to enter the ranks of real heavy hitters in Primal Chaos and well it will only take about 5-6 years for you to finally enter those ranks. You have quite a good talent if you see it objectively"

Chen: "I know boss and i fucking know this as well. You are one hell of a monster. You don't take talent. It is like you know everything beforehand and you just need to be reminded of it. .... Nevermind, that was dumb. You are essential a God reincarnated here so of course you knew all that beforehand. Stupid Reincarnated and their monstrous talent. And yeah I know I am a fucking hypocrite."

Welp.. there he goes ranting on and on..

Well, we have informed Yue about this development. She was reluctant to let us go but agreed after sometime.

I open a portal to my pocket dimension where we will be ascending. The time ratio to outside world is 5:1. Yes I know, you would be thinking: Tian that would be about 5 months. How are you taking so much time to breakthrough? Well for all you idiots, cultivation is not that fast even for me. I can speed up the process, not skip through it.

This requires purification of my spirit, soul and body. So of course it would take time.

Me: "Take this 1 kg of Purple Veined Divine Crystal from Heretic God's tribulations. This is a fantastical source of energy and the energy you have stored should be used as well. With this, you should be able to enter the beginning of Divine Tribulation Realm."

Chen: "Okay Boss! Be safe!"

With that said Chen flew over some hundreds of kilometres away from me. Let's set up an array for this.

[Some time later]:

All done. All 49 kg arranged in the vital parts of the array. Let's start with this.

(Third POV):

You can see a Young Man/Teenager sitting in a cultivating position in the air in the middle of an extremely complex array. The teenager looks to be in deep concentration if his face is anything to Go by. He is soaking all the energy supplied in the array very hungrily and looks to be on the verge of breakthrough. **𝗖𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗸**

(First POV):

I have sheded my mortal body. It feels quite exhilarating to say the least. Time passes on without my attention and i continue to cultivate.

1st rank Divine Origin

2nd rank Divine Origin

3rd rank Divine Origin

4th rank Divine Origin

5th rank Divine Origin

6th rank Divine Origin

7th rank Divine Origin

8th rank Divine Origin

9th rank Divine Origin

10th Divine Origin


I feel as if my soul is being drowned in the Primal Chaos, as if my very being is being cleansed.

1st rank Divine Soul

2nd rank Divine Soul

3rd rank Divine Soul

4th rank Divine Soul

5th rank Divine Soul

6th rank Divine Soul

7th rank Divine Soul

8th rank Divine Soul

9th rank Divine Soul

10th rank Divine Soul

I feel myself advancing faster and faster.

1st rank Divine Tribulation

2nd rank Divine Tribulation

3rd rank Divine Tribulation

4th rank Divine Tribulation

5th ank Divine Tribulation

6th rank Divine Tribulation

7th rank Divine Tribulation

8th rank Divine Tribulation

9th rank Divine Tribulation

10th rank Divine Tribulation

I feel the Divine Lightning getting ready to strike me but not because it wants to impede me but because the heavens want to test their child. Very well I shall not disappoint.


1st Strike. 4th Strike. 7th Strike

2nd Strike. 5th Strike. 8th Strike

3rd Strike 6th Strike. 9th Strike!!

I endured nine of those and was on the verge of unconscious when I felt the qualitative change in my spirit i.e consciousness. The Divine Lightning was improving me, I could feel it and the Purple Veined Divine Crystals were an extra benefit.

1st rank Divine Spirit

2nd rank Divine Spirit

3rd rank Divine Spirit

4th rank Divine Spirit

5th rank Divine Spirit

6th rank Divine Spirit

7th rank Divine Spirit

8th rank Divine Spirit

9th rank Divine Spirit

10th rank Divine Spirit


1-10th Divine King

1-10th Divine Sovereign

1-10th Divine Master.

I did not expect the Divine Lightning to provide so much energy. It was extremely pure and left me on the verge of Divine Extinction Realm but I could feel another breakthrough but something was blocking it. I searched deep within myself to see the cause of it. My subconscious was blocking the breakthrough as I needed a field except nothing to be acknowledged by the Heavens as a God. I fell in a meditative stance pondering on the topic of Time and Space.

Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future. It is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience.

The physical nature of time is addressed by general relativity with respect to events in spacetime. Examples of events are the collision of two particles, the explosion of a supernova, or the arrival of a rocket ship. Every event can be assigned four numbers representing its time and position (the event's coordinates). However, the numerical values are different for different observers. In general relativity, the question of what time it is now only has meaning relative to a particular observer. Distance and time are intimately related and the time required for light to travel a specific distance is the same for all observers.

I understand now. The reason for which I could not save Xiu, she would definitely with me just not in this life. I will search the multiverse for you Xiu. Just you wait.


(Third POV):

All the Realm Kings/Queens of the realms of Primal Chaos experienced it: The birth of a True God: The True God of Space and Time!

Tell me what you think of the chapter and Don't forget to vote, it's free and it makes the story popular.

Well the next chapter will be Tian's interaction with the rest of the God Emperors and specifically Brahma God Emperor and his daughter. Comment down how you want our MC's interaction with them to be.

OtakuKnight2079creators' thoughts