
That Single Step

Holding on to her backpack, Jasmin stepped out of the bus. Still deep in her thoughts while waiting for her ride to grandpa's old ranch. It's been a while since Jasmin's last visit.

That familiar scent of countryside, the fresh green grass and the pollens carried by the wind. Jasmin smiled as memories flow in her mind. Ah! that horse ride, chasing grandpa's cows with Sid, the ever faithful sheep dog of Blue Mountains Ranch.

Jasmin's smiles widden with excitement as the familiar old red pick up truck closes in. "Oh! Grandpa, I'll be seeing you atlast!", Jasmin said to herself while waiting for the truck to hit full stop.

"Grandpa!", Jasmin exclaimed excitedly as the truck stoped in front of her.

A friendly feminine face pop out of the passenger window. "Jasmin, darling, hop in! Your grandpa is excited to see you."

"Where's grandpa? He said he will pick me up himself", asked Jasmin with disappointment and confusion.

"Oh sorry dear!, But grandpa Ben is sick." replied sadly by the man on the driver's seat.

"Sick? But he sounds well on the phone last night. And who are you?" Jasmin asked witn a worried voice.

"It's just a mild fever, you know, grandpa ben is not getting any younger anymore. His prone to sickness now. By the way, I'm Theresa and this is Marco. We are staying with grandpa Ben."

"Staying with grandpa? I thought grandpa is staying all alone." Jasmin said suspiciously.

"Probably Grandpa Ben was just too excited that he forgot to mention us to you. C'mon now, hop in. Grandpa Ben is eager to see you. Let's not keep him waiting.", Theresa said ignoring Jasmin's reaction.

Jasmin hopped in the truck with an uneasy feeling. But she ignores it and focused her thoughts on seeing Grandpa Ben again.