
Prologue - The start of the new Semester

Ever since the day that she left me on middle school everything became so dull.

for every single day ive spent my life with her by my side, every single plan we made for each other was gone just like that without leaving a single word.

As for what happened... it would be better for me not to talk about it




Today begins the 32nd opening ceremony of St. Luna high school, living alone in a dorm i am now at the age of 16 years old, starting tomrrow ill be a 1st year high class 1-1 Lu Alcadia, although even if its the beginning of something new, for me nothing has change..., as much as possible i would like to be alone..., for that reason i am often, no... more like always at the library everytime be it lunch time or free time the teachers would always give me the key to the library after all my entire life is spent on reading books for every chance i get.

Looking around the huge library i saw her again, the mysterious girl who always stays at that one spot corner of the library reading silently, long light brown hair pale white skin long eye lashes rosy cheeks and red smooth lips, makes me wonder why she is spending her time alone like this, well not that it concerns me anyways, i always thought that i had this library all for myself before, but i guess i was wrong huh?

Turns out i was not alone all this time.

Hmm?, i think i forgot to bring that book with me.

Sigh, and i was at a good part too, after some researching i found out that

That the author of the book im currently reading is around my age he/she?, goes by the pen name of MilkCoffee... weird choice for a pen name.

MilkCoffee is a beginner but already received an award from the book he/she made called "Life Without You" and as you can guess its the book im currently reading and hooked up to.

Its kind of hard to understand and complicated at first but the story gets deeper as the story progress which kinda makes you wanna read it more.

Time passed by in a blink of an eye as i read another book it was already dark outside when suddenly the door opened


[Hey, You kids still in here?]

[Yes sensei, sorry i didn't realize the time]


She just nodded

[Well,its already dark outside leave the key to me and be on your way.]

As i pack up my bag sensei suddenly called me

[Ahh Lu, come here for a sec.]

I came closer as sensei said

[Since its already dark outside can you look after Hina just until to her station?]

As much as i want to refuse i cant, i need to keep acting like a teachers pet after all or else ill lose my paradise

[Uhm sure if its fine with her.]

[Great! I knew i can count on you Lu!, Hina Lu would accompany you until the station, be nice with her ok Lu?]

[Yes sensei]


On our way she didn't ask anything at all, its better if its always like this so i wont be troubled at all.

I noticed she suddenly stop and pointed at the convinience store, i simply nodded and waited...

after a couple of minutes waiting from outside freezing, Hina came out with 2 steaming meat buns naturally anyone would think that you will have the other one, but as soon as we start walking she was already munching on both...,i was kinda disappointed.

We arrived at the station.

[Well then Hina ill drop you off here now, ill take my leave]

[*Nods* Mm]

[Well then, Later]


As soon as she said those last words we parted ways.

The next day came sensei came to me

[Thanks for your help last night Lu, i knew i can count on you!]

I regretted the next thing i said to sensei...

[Its fine sensei, it was a request from you after all.]

[Ohh, then can i request one more thing?]

[Sure sensei, anything for you]

[Then starting today can you escort Hina to the station everyday?]


[Ahh, as you can see there is a certain problem that is happening to Hina right now, thats why she needs someone to stay and look out for her.]


I was dumb founded by the situation i stumbled myself upon.

[Then ill be leaving everything to your care Lu!]

As soon as sensei said those words for some reason he laughed


[Ha...haha...hahahaha, y-yes ill be taking care of things from now on?]

Sensei left as he was laughing.

After that it seems like sensei talked to Hina about this and somehow she agreed to it, totally the opposite response i was expecting her to say...

Looks like ill be together with Hina for awhile...

After school Hina and i went to the library, why you ask? Obviously to read of course, this time i made sure to bring the the book "Life Without You" and continue off from where i left, as soon i bring out that book i was surprised to see Hina holding the same book.

I stared at it just to make sure, but then looking at Hina she looks like she is panicking, doesn't know what she should do then she muttered

[I-i-is there s-s-something w-wrong?]

Seems like she's frightened just by being stared at, also she keeps avoiding eye contact alot huh?

[No, its nothing i was just looking at the book you were reading, thats all.]

[Y-you mean this?, t-they s-said i-i-it was good and r-recommended it.]

[I see]

After saying that Hina noticed that i was reading the same book as her and her face suddenly brightened

[L-Lu! Do you also like this book by any chance?]

In an instant the way she was muttering suddenly straightened up with a small voice, its kinda hard to hear her muttering like that tho.

[Y-yea its kinda hard to understand at first but i like how the story goes on.]

[Really!?, i like the part where Alisa and Maxim met for the first time behind the fountain it was really great]

She's talkative if you talk about something that she can relate to, kinda like a puppy that was gifted with a bouncy ball, for now ill just go with the flow...




Its been awhile since i last talked to someone so it took quite awhile, its now time to go...

Before we know it, it was already dark outside as we were packing our stuff we left the library and place the key to takeshi sensei's table and incase if you are wondering who takeshi sensei is, he is the man responsible for assigning me to this troublesome situation, ...well it was partly my fault too.

As we were walking to the station Hina stopped and pointed at the convinience store like last night she was holding 2 steaming meat buns, i wont have any expectation this time, when suddenly...

[L-Lu h-here you c-can have the o-other one]

[Uhm? T-thanks, i guess?]

[I-its thanks for b-being w-w-with me]

She was kinda hesitating to give it to me, like she is being forced to share, i took it anyways

We arrived at the station

[Well then, ill be off]

[Mmm t-thank y-you]

We parted ways

The next morning came it was too much for me to handle...


[Hmm?, what is it?]


[Then, what is it?]

They showed me a picture of me and Hina parting ways from the station, i dont see any big deal

[So, what is this about?]


Little did i know that Hina was actually the takane no hana..., what have i gotten myself into?

- End of Prologue