
Blue Lock: Talent System

[Blue Lock Fanfic] A story of an old man who was given a second chance and experienced the joy of juggling balls. A/N: Btw, this fanfic is somewhat slow-paced and focuses more on slice of life. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they rightfully belong to their respective creators. ===============================

Justice_Of_Love · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

[23] Part-time

"They want burger and fries for table 4"

Izumo leaned and propped up his arms on the counter, speaking to a relatively thin and tall man with wavy shoulder-length blonde hair.


The blondie nodded with his back facing Izumo while he kept shifting the frying pan above the stove, cooking a meal.

Meanwhile, next to him was a somewhat rough and muscular man who was quietly chopping up vegetables.

In the next second, Kondou appeared with a black vest, black tie, and a long white sleeve, befitting of someone who manages a family restaurant.

"I'm really thankful for helping us out on the weekends, Izumo"

"Ah... It's fine, I'm glad I could help out plus I needed a source of income anyway. It's a win-win"

Izumo responded, reassuring Kondou with a smile and a nonchalant wave of his hand.

"I'm surprised you even managed to find someone to help out"

A short woman with black hair tied up in a ponytail, half-lidded eyes, and a large diamond-shaped mouth suddenly walked up toward Kondo with an empty tray.

"...and it's a handsome one"

The short woman whispered, eyeing the young man with predatory eyes while she placed the tray on the counter.

Meanwhile, Izumo felt his hair stand up and felt a chill creep up as he twisted his head left and right, looking for the threat.

"It's almost break time, why don't you take yours early"

"You sure?"

Izumo asked after seeing the short woman glare at Kondou from the corner of her eyes, clearly trying to express not to since they were still understaffed.

"O-Of course, you've been a big help these past weeks, and... we can handle it here"

Kondou nervously answered, feeling the stink eye the short woman was giving off toward him.

"Well, if you say so"

Izumo smiled and was nonchalant about it as he bowed toward the two before instantly turning around and fleeing, leaving Kondou to deal with whatever was about to happen.

"Good luck"

Izumo muttered and saluted silently at Kondou as headed to the break room.

After a while, he walked out of the break room in casual wear, deciding to take a stroll out the streets.

"I'm going out for a while, Kondou!"

Izumo shouted toward Kondou who was busy managing the cashier and just nodded after hearing him as he was too busy with his work to respond.

In the next second, Izumo exited the building and headed in a random direction, taking a stroll as he leisurely enjoyed the scenery even though he had already seen it a hundred times.

It was at that moment when he was just dozing around that a bunch of yells interrupted his thoughts.


"Kick it"


Waking up in his dazed state, Izumo looked toward the noise and saw a bunch of little kids playing soccer in a playground.

He smiled warmly at the scene before deciding to turn around and go back until a loud yell brought his attention back.

"Oh, no! The ball!"

Turning his head back, Izumo saw as the ball was kicked and flew away from the playground, heading toward the back of an unsuspecting young man in the distance.

He was about to yell and warn the person when the next moment...

The young man bent his back slightly and received the ball, softening the blow as it then rolled down to the back of his heel and flicked it over his head before trapping it with his chest mid-air.

With the ball in the air, the young man tapped it into his chest again, bringing it to his foot before kicking it back to the playground.


Izumo had his mouth gaped, looking very much surprised by the incredible play of trapping he had just seen as his eyes lit up in astonishment.

With an interested smile, he walked over to the young man and as he got closer, his face slowly morphed from surprise to absolute excitement.

'Well, well, well... what an unexpected surprise this is'

Izumo thought, staring at the back of a tall, white-haired young man.

'I did know his hometown was in Kanagawa but I also know he moved away... just never know where'

Izumo brushed his chin, recalling the information from the Wiki pages he read back then in his past life as well as the tidbits in the manga.

'I suppose, I know now the answer to that'

Izumo grinned, increasing his pace as he soon caught up to the young man.



"That was quite some trapping you did there"

"Ah... okay"

The young man nodded listlessly as his whole body movement oozed laziness.

"Oh, right, I'm Izumo Kizashi. Nice to meet you, what about you?"

"...Nagi Seishiro"

Hearing his name, Izumo's smile became wider, and shook his hand despite Nagi's reluctance, feeling very much excited on the inside.

This young man was after all a very important character and his second favorite with Isagi in the first place.

If Izumo Kizashi was a self-made genius...

Then he, Nagi Seishiro was a natural-born genius.

"Do you play soccer?"

"...I don't play sports"

"Really? You should, you have quite a talent for it"

"Can it feed me?"

"Uh... I don't think so?"

"Oh... then goodbye"

Without hesitation, Nagi immediately walked away after hearing Izumo's response, leaving him stupified in place.

It took him a full minute to process what had happened before he realized it too late that Nagi was already far away.


Izumo couldn't help but laugh, not disappointed at all as he just watched Nagi's back slowly fade away in the distance.

He didn't chase after him since he knew there would be countless opportunities for him to meet the guy again.

After all, he now knew he lived in Tokyo, and considering his personality...

There was no way he was gonna run away.

'Come to think of it...'

An imaginary light bulb suddenly appeared above Izumo's head as a sudden realization occurred to him.

'Since he's here... doesn't that mean that Reo is here as well?'

Izumo brushed his chin again with an interested smile.

'Hmm, I wonder if Reo already has an interest in soccer during this year?'

Izumo asked himself since it wasn't really specified in the manga or perhaps he just missed the date of when Reo took an interest in the sport.

He only knew that it was during the World Cup that Reo came to seek the trophy which by the way has already ended.

'Unlikely... It would probably happen next year considering the two hadn't met each other'

Izumo thought and speculated after seeing Nagi admit he didn't play sports, implying he hadn't met Reo yet.

Plus, he knew from the spin-off manga that the two met during the regional qualifier which hasn't happened yet.

He could only find out the answer after the list of participants in the prefectural battle came out.

After all, seeing Nagi and possibly Reo here in Tokyo...

It would be unlike Reo's character to not participate in such a grand tournament.

"I'm glad, I went outside"

Izumo commented as he propped both his hands on his waist.

Feeling pleased, Izumo then turned around and looked at the time on his watch before he raised his head and began heading back to work.

"What a fruitful day it is"

I'm back... but still tired.

Justice_Of_Lovecreators' thoughts