
Blue Lock: Talent System

[Blue Lock Fanfic] A story of an old man who was given a second chance and experienced the joy of juggling balls. A/N: Btw, this fanfic is somewhat slow-paced and focuses more on slice of life. =============================== Disclaimer: All characters and the cover do not belong to me, they rightfully belong to their respective creators. ===============================

Justice_Of_Love · Anime & Comics
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34 Chs

[2] First Match (1)

"Haha! You brats actually came"

An older kid, about 8 years old or so laughed and mocked the group of children in front of him.

"Y-You jerk!"

A spikey-haired boy shouted in an attempt to get back at the older kid but alas, he was only met with more mockery and laughs on the older boy's team.

"Thou shall not falter in the face of mockery, young one. Only by winning will you prove yourself"

Izumo sagely walked up behind the spikey boy and patted his shoulder while giving a mocking side eye to the other team.

Naturally, this made the other team irked and annoyed by the clear provocation this kid showed.

"Hah! And who the hell is this brat?!"

"Why, I'm yours truly, Izumo Kizashi at your service"

Izumo bowed gentlemanly while still having the same mocking expression on his face as he stared at the other team.


The older kid who seemed to be the leader, popped a small vein in his forehead due to Izumo's antics.

"Fine, let's start this match already, and you... you better watch your back, brat"

"Oh, my~ is brat the only insult you know?"


The older kid clenched his fist in anger and gritted his teeth, clearly wanting to land a punch in this brat's face but he didn't because of his pride.

"Bark all you want, I'll make sure to put you in place"


The older kid popped another vein in his forehead at the audacity of this brat and just turned around to position himself in the field before he snapped and really beat the living shit out of this guy.

"H-How could you do that? Aren't you afraid of their revenge?"

The spikey boy stuttered, clearly feeling afraid and confused as he did not understand Izumo's actions.

"Haha, Mickey, my man"

"My name is Haruto!"

"Haruto, Maruto, potato... It doesn't matter. What matters is standing your ground"


"If you folded in the face of an opponent just because he was older then you'll never become the best!"

Haruto looked at Izumo in confusion and still couldn't understand his words which did not bother Izumo since he was facing a 6-year-old kid and not an adult.

"Haruto, you see... I plan to become the best striker in the world"


"If I give in to their intimidation then how could I possibly become the best!"


"That's why it doesn't matter whether I get beat up after this. All I care about is that I stood my ground"

Izumo gave a big grin at Haruto before he turned around and headed towards the field, positioning himself.

And Haruto stood there and watched his back fade in the distance, feeling all sorts of emotions before a friend of his patted his back, reminding him of the match.

"Ah! Right... the match"

Haruto blushed, looking quite ashamed for forgetting the match as he too headed to the field to position himself with thoughts swirling inside his head.





"First to 3 wins, got that?"

The older kid reminded Izumo and his team while snickering his mouth, not hiding the contempt in his eyes.

And the older kid didn't wait for their reply before he turned around and went back to his position.

"So, we'll do just as we discussed earlier, I'll be the center forward, yes?"

Izumo reminded the others with a warm smile, though his eyes were saying otherwise, showing that he wouldn't give in his position to others.

The threat clearly seemed to work as the others nodded their head fervently, afraid of Izumo's glaring eyes.


Izumo smiled and went to his position as the others did the same as well but their eyes were showing nervousness and fear at the upcoming match.

'Kids these days, they should have more guts'

Izumo internally commented after seeing the mental state his team had when suddenly, he saw someone who had a different expression.


It was Haruto who positioned himself as a fullback and had a determined look on his face, though there were still some hints of fear in his eyes, Izumo still nodded in satisfaction.

'At least one of them is acceptable enough'

Now that Izumo had a clear view of his teammate's mental aspect, it was time for him to focus on the match.

'Hmm, considering my low stats in strength and stamina. It's best to avoid any physical confrontation since they have the advantage in this area'

Izumo thought, knowing he was still 6 years old and was still developing his body, clearly implying he was at a physical disadvantage with them.

'I'll have to make full use of my dexterity and agility'

It was the one thing Izumo was confident in since it was difficult for him to start any extreme training due to the constraints of his body.

Which was why, he had focused on training his dexterity first then agility second.

Izumo was trying to make full use of his current body, knowing how nimble a smaller being is against a tall one.


Izumi smiled big time, feeling excitement for the first time at his very first soccer match.

Indeed, it was his first match whether it was this life or his past one.

After all, he was just a businessman in his past life. He had never once come in contact with any sports and focused more on having a better future for himself.

And just like his current situation, in order to have a better future, he tackled himself into the world of soccer/football.

"This'll be fun"

Izumo smiled and closed his eyes, taking a deep breath before breathing them out, and soon opened his eyes with intense focus.


Suddenly, the older kid nonchalantly threw the ball toward Izumo as it rolled and stopped just in front of his feet.

It was clear to Izumo and his team that the opposing team was underestimating them which was why they gave their team the first kick-off.

"Ah... It'll be so much fun crushing them"

Izumo grinned and stepped on the ball with his feet before instantly speeding off forward with the ball dribbling in his feet.

The moment he had started, both the opposing team and his all engaged with him at the forefront.


The snobbish older kid was the first one to arrive since he was the closest and confronted Izumo.

"Brat, I'll show you the difference between our skills"

In an instant, the older kid rushed and tried to steal the ball but Izumo seeing this wasn't the least bit tense and effortlessly flicked the ball with his right foot, sending it to his left foot.

And with the back-and-forth switch between Izumo's two nimble feet, the older kid had his eyes spinning all around and had a hard time trying to lock on to the ball.

"What's this? I thought you were gonna steal the ball?"


The older kid growled and didn't care anymore as he lunged himself with his right foot, aiming towards the ball.


Izumo smirked and used the older kid's momentum to sprint forward and spin his body, avoiding the leg and smoothly delivering himself right behind the opponent's back.


The older kid had a shocked look on his face as he couldn't believe what had just happened.


Izumo sneered while laughing inside his mind, knowing this guy got jai baited by him with a simple taunt.

'Kids... so susceptible to insults'

A/N: I got impatient and decided to upload chapter 2 lol

Justice_Of_Lovecreators' thoughts