
Blue Lock: Shield Demon

A Blue Lock fan-fic centered around Godo Kazuhito a Self Insert/Fan-Fic. OC is a dedicated centre back/central defensive midfielder that's known as the Shield Demon Striker this... A striker that...what's so great about them? Why do people idolize them? I have to tear them all down. It's up to me to destroy them all and to take all their glory for myself. Godo Kazuhito after witnessing a horrific incident decides to tear down every last striker's fame and glory. What will happen to Blue Lock after this anomaly enters their gates and plans on destroying the strikers until he's the last one standing? Godo Kazuhito will tear down all of the Strikers along with their fame and glory and takes it for himself after being invited to a place that has gathered all of the best strikers.

Wraze_Vengeance · Anime & Comics
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5 Chs


Nurse: 'Keep pushing! Keep pushing! He's almost out…just one last push Godo-sama… ONE LAST PUSH!'

Godo-san(Wife): 'Ahhhhh' screams* Ahhhhh' huffing and puffing continues. Huff…huff…huff…that was exhausting, truly exhausting; Godo-san states.

Godo-sama(Husband): My love, you and our child did great; I'm so happy that nothing happened, to both of you; he says while looking at both his wife and his child in the nurses arms.

Nurse: Child in arms begins to cry* I guess it seems like he wants his mother and father to hold him instead of me hahaha', hands over child to mother* 'your baby is in a great health condition better than most children he's a big boy that's for sure'.

Godo-san: Ahh my beautiful baby boy, look at you so strong and handsome look at those eyes and hands, searching, looking, grabbing, and reaching. He looks a lot like you in that sense don't you think my love?

Godo-sama: I do think that too, he'll be sure to grow big and strong a lot like his grandparents and parents themselves.

Author SN:(The wife stands at 5'10 or 178cm whereas the husband stood at 6'5 or 196cm; the grandparents of both of these individuals also stood around that height, they're pretty much a above average height for both male and female.)

Godo-san: What should we name him? I already have a name I want for him, but what are you thinking?

Godo-sama: Anything you choose will be wonderful I'm just so happy and thankful that I have a son and that your the one who brought him into this world, I love you and I'm so happy, proud and thankful for everything you've done.

Godo-san: Aww thank you my love I appreciate that and everything you've done for myself and this family, especially since I know how your career has been steadily improving and you've gotten more famous. 'A couple minutes go by.' I've chosen a name, this birth has been both mentally and physically draining for me my love. Eyes begin to shut ever so slightly

Godo-sama: I understand. Please rest.

Godo-san: WAIT! I still haven't given to you yet. His name will be Kazuhito, and if he follows your foot steps he'll be the boy prince of soccer haha. Begins to fall asleep.

Nurse: Let her rest now you'll have plenty of time to talk after she rest. Now please sit down while I get the doctors.

Godo-sama: Kazuhito, huh I love it, I hope it'll inspire loyalty in others and carry a leadership role like it has for others in the past, the father thinks while drifting away into a nap.

Timeskip: 8 Months

Ahh..excited baby noises*, Ahh..excited baby noises, while flailing his arms and legs while watching the soccer game on t.v. I love watching dada play! He's so amazing! Kazu watches as a player scores a goal after carrying up the ball from his own half and scoring the goal himself.

You really love watching your dad play, huh Kazuhito? He is the best striker in my opinion and in everyone else's to be honest. I hope you aim to be like him one day, the Spear Demon she says as she spooks and tickles Kazuhito while saying your father has the strongest left and right foot in all of Japan, he can score any and all the goals he ever thinks about! She says while holding Kazu up high. He also goes by another name, that'll be for later however.

That was for you Kazu and Kimiko! They both hear and quickly look to the t.v, and see their favorite person and player in the whole world. Godo Saburo, celebrating a fantastic goal; that was the persons name to others, but to them it was there lover and father.

Hahaha, I'm going to be just like papa in the future!

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