
Blue Lock: Miracle

In the simple world of “Blue Lock” where the ultimate goal is to become the world’s greatest striker, one man’s adventure begins. With every goal, kick, and challenge passed, he will sharpen his skills and rise to the position of undisputed number one. Driven by talent, passion, and determination, there will be no one better than him when he’s done.

OGVipex · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs

Chapter 3

(A/N: Leave your thoughts on how this match went, i tried doing it so that it would make sense for the character but ultimately. I have no clue about soccer. So if it's unsatisfactory… ^__^)

During the first few days here it was mostly training as we waited for our first match in the round robin style format Ego had told us about. We would be going up against Team Y and I had unwavering confidence, the only two to even worry about were Okawa and Nikko and I was on a much higher level than both of them at this point so there was no worry while I trained along side everyone else.

During the time training my rank went up to 222, I knew the rankings weren't completely true since I was definitely better than a lot of the people in this facility but it wasn't any real concern. I had become decent friends with the three that held any value in this team during the waiting time, Nagi was incredibly lazy, I had never seen him train once but that would be fine, though some of the others did get annoyed that they had a slacker on their team it only took a few words from Reo to make them shut up.

After another day of decent training and a good day of rest it was finally time for Team V's first match.






In the locker room before the match, it was a bit hectic as the others all tried gunning for the spot of striker, thanks to Ego's explanation they knew that if the team lost only the top scorer would pass on but I had quickly taken the spot of striker from them with a few words and a glare, anime logic is the only explanation I have as to how a glare shut them up.

I noted the important people's positions, Reo would play CM, Zantetsu would play RW and Nagi would play as the second FW, everyone else was just there to me and there was no reason to remember where they were, with just us four we would be carrying the team.

Looking at my jersey number, I had taken #7 and stepped out into the field with the rest following close behind, I immediately locked onto Nikko, knowing that this is their first game then they realistically haven't come together yet but if they have then their most likely option may be either counterattacking like they did against Team Z or they would try rushing us all at once.

Getting into position, I looked at Reo next to me and spoke. "Hey... I'll let your treasure shine but only after 5."

"You're real greedy you know that?" He replied, he was probably the one I got along with the most out of the four and he knew exactly what I meant, especially since I had told him during out training.

"Yeah, I just want to crush these guys first, and get my phone back, I know your treasure really want's his back as well."

"Alright, just make them quick, Nagi will be the best when we're through." With his words, the siren sounded as he pass the ball to me.

"Yeah, it'll be real quick." With a dash I moved just far enough to make the first person on the Team Y move, I had no use remember their names and I was going to end this real quick.

<Third Person>

As Team Y's forward came to steal the ball from Katsu, the ball soared through the air, taking the forward by surprise as he had no time to react. 'How...?'

The ball had the velocity of a firearm as the ball hit the bottom left corner of the net, the GK having no time to even move as the big monitor showed the score.

Score: 1-0

Team V celebrated a bit as Katsu looked at the forward's surprised face, he thought nothing of it before going right back to his position, in just the first few seconds Team V's forward had launched a monstrous kick with another move in mind.



My rendition of the Kaiser Impact wasn't anywhere near as fast but I felt like I could reach it, though I definitely would need a better name, how about... Railgun? Yeah that's good. The Kaiser Impact was a shot that had such velocity and force that even seeing Kaiser make contact with the ball was difficult, let alone trying to predict its trajectory. Right now I didn't have that kinda force but I had enough to make my shot seem close to these guy's given how weak they are.

This time Team Y started with the ball. Unexpectedly, their striker had the ball stolen from them from a teammate as it began a mosh pit of them trying to get the ball. 'Just like I thought.' As good a planner Nikko was at the start, there was no way they were going to have a strategy and follow through with it this early, I noted Nikko and Okawa were the only ones not in the pit, they were trusting each other early but neither of them had the power or finesse to get the ball from the group of players, but I did.

Dashing through the group, I had taken the ball and easily nutmegged Okawa who attempted to stop me before faking out the GK and shooting the ball into the top left corner this time.

Score: 2-0

The mosh pit of teammates registered what I had done as their expressions started to become hopeless. "You idiots can't even play together, come on... I need at least one of you to provide a decent warmup for me." With those words I went back to my spot as Reo only had a half surprised look.

"You made it through them that quick?"

"I have a good eye on the field." He seemed a bit confused at that answer but he didn't press on it. Only 15 minutes have passed and they're already starting to become hopeless.


With Team Y gaining possession a noticeable shift occurred as Nikko was the one to have the ball, I raised a brow at the change as I noticed Okawa running on the side as Nikko quickly passed, Okawa showing a brief smile before it changed as Reo had taken the pass from him.

"Thanks for that, it makes my job easier." He launched a pass that easily replicated what Nikko had just done only there was more speed as it landed at my feet. Three of the players marking me as I internally laughed.

"Really? There are way too many openings." My words fazed them slightly before I flicked the ball over one and quickly paced him, dribbling the ball and easily nutmegging the other two as I only sighed. "Easy." Another kick and another goal, aimed at the top right side as the GK had an expression that just screamed that he had given up, though he did try to block my shot it was ultimately pointless as it quickly dropped, surprising those on Team Y who saw it.

Score: 3-0

Just as Team Y's expressions darkened, the sound of a whistle signaled the end of the first half.

Team V Locker Room:

Small cheers were heard in the room as the players celebrated my 3 goals, it was funny how quick they changed once I started scoring, Reo and I only spared a glance at each other as Nagi, being as lazy as he was, looked like he'd fall asleep at any moment. We reached the second half and I was gonna score these last 2 goals quick.


With Okawa starting with the ball, he tried to fake me out by going left, changing directions quickly as I easily followed. "You're just badly matched up, no hard feelings." Easily speaking the ball from him, I used my heel and flicked the ball over the head of a midfielder before shooting the ball with my powerful right shot and aimed for the bottom right corner.

Score: 4-0

With that goal I could see all of Team Y have the most hopeless expressions I had ever seen, I felt no satisfaction at crushing them since they were nowhere near my level as we hit a quick restart and I wasted no time to score my last goal this match.

I left Okawa pass me this time before I hit a quick shoulder tackle, knocking his balance and taking the ball, making sure it didn't foul before pulling my foot back. My railgun shot hit and no one on the field could see it, passing right by the GK's head and scoring my final goal this match.

Score: 5-0

"Your treasure can shine now Reo, 20 minutes left, make it count." With my words Reo happily nodded, excited to have his treasure shine as the scoreboard looked even worse then when I was done with them, by the end of the match the score was.

Score: 9-0

In 20 minutes Reo had shown immense pressure on Team Y to give his great passes to Nagi. When we left the field the cheers of my teammates filled my ears as we left Team Y with hopeless expressions at only their first game.

'Next is Team W, those two brothers are the best on that team, not like it matters anyway.'

They'll just get crushed by Nagi knowing how Reo wants his treasure to shine even more.