
Blue Lock - Wild Hunt.

In a world where soccer is more than a game. Toshiro Hitsugaya will go against the most talented in the sport for the title of world's best. Watch as he faces foes and friends alike. Vying for the top spot. Will he make it or will he be one of the nameless that fail to reach the peak. This is Blue Lock - Wild Hunt -------------------------------- Just in case imma just leave this here. It's not compulsory though. https://www.paypal.me/RicklessRock969 patreon.com/RicklessRock ----------------

Rickless1 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs


Blue Lock facility.


Using coaches, they drove us to the Blue Lock facility. I called my mum to make her aware of what was going to be happening. Letting her know that I would not see her in a while or may really soon depending on how I do.

They provided me with a uniform with the number 289 on the left shoulder and asked me to head to room Z.

When I entered, there were a few others there already. Until I got a true feel for the Blue Lock, they were inconsequential.

While I admire Jinpachi's words. Until they were backed by action, they are just that, words.

I took this time to get change and ready.

"Isagi." I hear someone call out.

He was that boy who took off running.

I noticed that the annoying white-haired kid was in my group.

I was then approached by an enthusiastic fella.

" ohmygosh, ohmygosh, ohmygosh. I'm I dreaming you're Toshiro Hitsugaya. I've literally heard so much about you. I'm a big fan. I saw one of your matches last year it was life changing." Said some guy while shaking my hands profusely.

He went by Gurimu Igarashi. He had taken the chance to tell me his life story despite me not asking. But it's alright. I'm used to it and I didn't listen away.

His number was 300, and Kira, the annoying white-haired guy, was 290, one higher than mine.

I noticed everyone had a number on their shoulder. Starting from 290 to 300.

A screen lit up, and Ego appeared.

"Hello, my diamonds in the rough. Hope you had the chance to get acquainted with each other. I would like you to think of those in the room with you as your teammates and also your opponents. Each one of you has had their abilities and capabilities quantified and have been assigned a rank accordingly. Of course, your ranks can change based on your performance throughout Blue Lock."

"Oh, I forgot to mention. Starting now, those that are locked off. Will lose the right ever represent Japan."

I was shocked at this revelation. He wasn't just talk. He could back it up.

"Now, let's start with a little warm up, shall we? You will be playing a game of tag. You will have 136 seconds. Whoever is touched by the ball is it. And whoever is it the moment time runs out will be locked off.

Also, no using your hands."

With that, he left.

A high stakes game of tag with our careers on the line.

*Ba-dum* *Ba-dum*

I can hear it, my heart beating.


Oh, how long had it been since I felt the beating of my heart?

I could figuratively feel the blood rushing through my viens.

Sweet joy.

"So, because I'm the lowest ranked, I'm it." Igarashi cried, approaching the ball.

[2min and 17 secs.]

Despite being enthralled by what was going on inside me. I was vaguely aware of what was happening around me.

Igarashi was chasing the others around trying to tag them. Some tried reasoning with him, but he never stopped.

It made sense whether or not Ego was bluffing it mattered not. No one here wanted to be the one to find out.

He kicked the ball around, looking for an easy target. He spotted a person who appeared to be sleeping. Easy prey, he believed wrongly.

Before he could kick the ball, the sleeping person performed a handstand and delivered a kick to his face.

[55 seconds]

I had noticed something while they were playing. Perhaps it was because they intimidated by my fame or by my rank or even by my demeanour. But whatever that reason, no one had tried to tag me. The ball had already changed hands quite a bit, but they all backed off when they saw me.

Even this coward who was clearly running out of time was scared. Isagi, I believe his name was.

[39 seconds]

I could feel the fear in their eyes. They run from the ball. HAHAHA.

Players, afraid of the ball. That is about the most funniest thing I've seen.

[38 seconds]

I could feel Isagi panicking, fearfully kicking the ball, looking for someone to hit.

Ever now, he still avoided me.


[34 seconds]

I could hear his chaostic pants. He was running all over the place. His ball control getting poorer by the second.

HAHAHHAHHA. Ego oh Ego. What a fine little show you've presented me.

[28 seconds]

[26 seconds]

[23 seconds]


"No, that's not right. I did not come to Blue Lock for this. I did not wager my career, my future, to simply pick on the weak."

Huh? what is that idot mumbling over there? I wondered.

[20 seconds]

[18 seconds]

[16 seconds]

"I MUST DEFEAT THE STRONG." He declared aloud.

[15 seconds]

Suddenly, without tingle rushed through my spine.

It was an unfamiliar sensation. I feel uncomfortable all over. It was like I was being watched. Like I had been targeted.

[10 seconds]

My breath became chaotic and forced. My body trembled. Shaking! Sweat pouring out my pores.

My palm flew to my face and clutched it. What was this feeling? This irritating feeling. It felt insignificant yet dangerous.

[8 seconds]

Was I sick? What was it?

I felt the sensation growing. It's insignificance diminishing and the danger raise.



[7 seconds]

For the first time in my life, I felt FEAR.

What was it?!

My mind worked overtime to understand what was happening to me.

Then. It all seized.

The panting. The trembling. The sweat. The fear.

It all stopped.

Because I had my answer. I finally understood what that feeling was.

No one told me, but I knew.

Instinctively, I understood the reason.

Why, in the midst of such insignificance, I felt fear.

It was because I had become someone's

[6 seconds]



Just in case imma just leave this here. It's not compulsory.


