
Blue Lock - Wild Hunt.

In a world where soccer is more than a game. Toshiro Hitsugaya will go against the most talented in the sport for the title of world's best. Watch as he faces foes and friends alike. Vying for the top spot. Will he make it or will he be one of the nameless that fail to reach the peak. This is Blue Lock - Wild Hunt -------------------------------- Just in case imma just leave this here. It's not compulsory though. https://www.paypal.me/RicklessRock969 patreon.com/RicklessRock ----------------

Rickless1 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

All hail the King.


He shot out and ahead like an out of control bullet train, Baro zoomed across the field, heading into his ideal scoring range. Sharply pulling ahead of the players. Most players could hardly keep up with him the gap between them, and Baro just kept getting wilder.

But there was one. One person who kept up with Baro. He had predicted Baro's move and also stomped off after him. Toshiro Hitsugaya.

Again, on the field, a fierce and high pace competition began as two streaks of light rampaged. A dark red streak being chased by a white one.

The momentum of the two was so great that others moved out of the way in fear of getting hit. No one could approach them. They could only watch in disbelief as the two boomed past blasting a gust of air.

Baro zigzagged across the field, trying desperately to lose Toshiro. But Toshiro was stuck on his trail like a hound, following his every move, his every step. If Baro zigged, he too would zig, and if he zagged, so would he.

And even worse was that he was gaining on him. He was catching up to Baro. Baro could feel the heat he was releasing. He could see weak swirls of steam flowing around his ball. The steam was gradually becoming heavier.

The heat was getting hotter. The gap was closing, and Baro could tell without needing to look back. He could feel it. He could hear Toshiro steps, his breath the sizzling of each exhale.

The sounds were getting louder and closer. The steam was heavier he could barely make out the ball. He couldn't see his feet. It were as though he was slowly being swallowed up by the steam, feet first.

' Am I going to lose?!' Baro started to doubt.

The steam still rising, indicating Toshiro impending approach. He watched the ball slowly disappear behind the white steam.


Baro couldn't see the ball now. He was playing solely by instincts now.

'How come he always stops me?!'

The steam had raisen to his waist.

'It's not possible.'

His chest.


His shoulders.


His neck. He was slowly drowning in steam.

'It's not fair?!'

His chin.





'Why can't I beat him!!'


'No, no, no, I can't lose.'

The steam had reached his head.

'I'm the king. It's not possible for me to lose.'

The steam was now wrapping around his head, proceeding to his face.


His face was cover save for his eyes.

'I'm I really going to lose?'

Slowly, he was losing his vision. The green of the field was narrowing. Closing.

'please no...'

A spec of green was all that reminded, and it too was going. He was being devoured by mist.

'no...!!' He begged.

He had lost his vision. All he could see was darkness. He was swallowed.

He felt the now hellish heat all around him. His chilled oxygen was gone now, replaced by wet hot air.

Finally, in the hot darkness of the steam, a seemly scorching hand slammed heavily on his shoulder.


Grabbing a hold of Baro, pulling him back.

It is unknown why. Perhaps it was because he truly believed himself king and hated that someone had the audacity to grab and hold him. Or because he hated physical contact. Or maybe because it simply hurt.

But when that hand slammed down. When Toshiro Hitsugaya's hand grabbed ahold of Baro, something in him snapped.

He sharply bit down.

"UNHAND ME." He hoarsely demanded.


An explosion of air erupt from Baro, dispersing all the steam that encaged him away. A red lightning flashed in eyes. But this time, unlike previous times, it didn't disappear but rather streamed out of his eyes like a violent waterfall.

Toshiro, who was holding unto Baro, was hit in the face with hot air from the explosion. He felt the change. It felt as though he was no longer holding on to a human body but rather a plate of armour. What he dreaded was happening.

Lightning poured out of Baro's eyes. He looked ahead and saw his ideal shooting range in the distance and just further ahead, the goalpost.

'I can only shoot in my ideal shooting range?'


His leg kicked back and flashed forward at the ball with lightning like speed and power.

[King's laser]


A shockwave blasted out, shooting sparks of lightning as the ball shot out like a laser to the goal.


Was all that was head before the red laser violently swished into the net.


"What was that? I couldn't see anything."

Everyone watched the still spinning ball catch in the net.

"Just a red light then the ball was in the goal?"

"What happened?"

"1 second the ball is there the next it's in the goal?"

The players around were all stunted, stupid, unable to comprehend what had happened.

They are turned to look at the direction they believe the ball came from, and there they saw an imposing sight.

A man standing tall and proud with a towering exploded shadow of steam behind him. Blood dripping from his lip staining the ground below. Red lightning flashing across his body, yet streaming from his eye like a god of lightning.

In that moment, overcoming such odds, scoring such a goal, creating such an intimidating presence. He truly looked like a king.

All should bow before Baro Shoei.

[ Score 4:2 ]



