
Blue Lock - Wild Hunt.

In a world where soccer is more than a game. Toshiro Hitsugaya will go against the most talented in the sport for the title of world's best. Watch as he faces foes and friends alike. Vying for the top spot. Will he make it or will he be one of the nameless that fail to reach the peak. This is Blue Lock - Wild Hunt -------------------------------- Just in case imma just leave this here. It's not compulsory though. https://www.paypal.me/RicklessRock969 patreon.com/RicklessRock ----------------

Rickless1 · Anime & Comics
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12 Chs

A King's Reminder

Back on the field.

Coincidentally, the ball happen to fall at Bachira's feet. He dribbled forward a bit but feeling the ever-closing pressure of the two. He mischievously passed the ball to his newfound friend.

"Isagi here catch." He passed.

"Wha.. What?" Isagi, not expecting the ball, was surprised.

Baro and Toshiro ran at Bachira, but he had already passed the ball. Without stopping, the two broke off, running on either side around Bachira before meeting back together and heading for Isagi. Still racing each other to reach the ball first.

Isagi pushed forward as best he could into team X's territory but was now panicking. Just ahead of him was team X's defence, and closing in behind were the terrifying duo.

Unfortunately, to add to the pressure, there were various teammates shouting for the ball.

He didn't have much time the red and white duo were closing in. He panicked and instinctively kicked the ball away.

The ball arced through the air under the watchful eyes of all.

It seemed like a panicked move under pressure, but the ball happened to find it way to Kunigami, who was open and free.

"Nice pass." He exclaimed before taking the shot. With a powerful kick.


The goalkeeper dived for the ball but didn't make it in time.


[Score 3:2]

"YEAHHHH!!" Kunigami clenched his fist with joy.

After the goal, the duo finally came to a stop right next to Isagi. Baro and Toshiro panting heavily, both covered in sweat Toshiro more so than Baro.

Baro looked down at Isagi, believing him to be nothing but a forward that couldn't handle the pressure of the ball. And it was very clear to tell what Baro thought of Isagi.

Toshiro however just took a glance at Isagi, who stood there with a confused expression.

Isagi did not understand why he had passed the ball. Was that all he amounted to? Was his confidence and drive just false bravado? He was filled with questions and confusion.

Taking one last look at Baro, Toshiro wiped some of his sweat off and retreated back to his position for the game to start again.

He saw red sparks in Baro's eyes. He seemed to sense something changing in Baro, but he couldn't figure out what it was, and that was worrying. If it was a positive change, it would spell doom for his team at their current level.

Kick off was about to start team Z were one point away from drawing with team X. So, a few of team X's players approached Baro.

"Baro look, they are starting to catch up to us. There is not much time left, about 36 minutes. So, rather than going on the attack, let's play a defensive game."

"Yeah, that way we can still win. We just play keep away and watch out for number 2, Toshiro Hitsugaya."

The other team members hummed and nodded in agreement with the suggestion.


"No. Pass the ball to me." Baro had other plans.


One player tried to reason with him, but he was cut off.

"Pass it." Baro said, staring intensely at the player. Before walking off, leaving them speechless.

Kick off

[Score 3:2]

Although they weren't brave enough to go against Baro's decision. Team X tried to waste a bit of time in their current play.

They would hold on to the ball for longer and then pass it far back into their box. Baro cared little for what they were doing he simply looked for a chance to call for the ball. If he wanted the ball, all he had to do was call, and it would arrive. It was his property, he believed.

On the other side of the field, perhaps it was because of the change he had sensed or something else. But rather than wait for Baro to come to him, Toshiro ran in team X's half to claim the ball himself.

Perhaps because he had never done anything like this before his action went unnoticed by many save for team Z's keeper and defender.

Team X happily passed the ball around in their box, playing keep away with the attacking team Z members. Not knowing there was a white trail, a white snake slithering into their box. Stalking them for a chance to strike.

Finally, "Ball." Baro called.

The player with the ball panicked, he had not expected Baro to call for the ball. Though he didn't want to, he hesitantly passed the ball.

Little did he know who was lurking behind him.

That moment of hesitation was the chance Toshiro was waiting for. He slipped past the player and reached for the ball, trying to steal it.

However, he was just a second late as the player had already passed the ball to Baro. The ball was on its way to Baro.

Toshiro gave chase. Baro saw the ball coming and that steaming bastard, the thorn at his side chasing the ball.

He acted fast, opening his legs a little he allow the ball to roll in between his legs then spun around following the ball.

Baro started kicking the ball lightly around the field. Some team Z players followed pursuit, trying to find a chance to steal the ball. This included Toshiro, who was running at a light pace, waiting for his moment to strike. He had missed the first time he was not going to miss again.

Looking behind him, Baro saw the team Z players gaining on him and thought,'You think you can catch me? Did your little goals give you the confidence to challenge me?!'

Anger and adrenaline bubbled through his viens. "Let me remind you. WHO IS KING"


A red lightning flashed across his eyes. His face morphed into a fierce look. He dug deep, and on his last step, he stomped hard and pushed forward.


He shot out and ahead like an out of control bullet train, Baro zoomed across the field, heading into his ideal scoring range. Sharply pulling ahead of the players. Most players could hardly keep up with him the gap between them, and Baro just kept getting wilder.

But there was one. One person who kept up with Baro. He had predicted Baro's move and also stomped off after him. Toshiro Hitsugaya.


Oh no! I have mistakenly left my PayPal and Patreon here.

If someone were to trip and accidently follow or send money, it could be bad.



Be careful guy, don't trip.
