
Blue Draze Territory

Zein,a prodigy in the art of combat and the hated last born of the Duke of Marasavinia,is finally dubbed as a knight by lord Vanderbilt ending his training on knighthood. His father rewards him with the Blue Draze Territory as his fief. A territory that no man in his rational mind would accept. The territory borders a forest but the harsh weather conditions,the rampaging beast,the pillaging by outlanders and bandits,the high population of refugees and the greedy Lord's who mined it's resources made it a red zone area. Zein didn't care as he just wanted to be far from the hypocrisy he called home. But what he didn't know was that his elder brothers had schemed on him. His food was poisoned.... Will he survive....... «DING!» «Athor's Note: You have received a Quest» «Quest: Will Zein survive....» Read to discover whether Zein's survives and his payback. Penalty:..??? Rewards:..?? {Side Note:Also your comments, reviews, power stones and gifts are welcomed.} Want to read more of my novels.....? Check out..... Heavens Clan {Legacy Land} Realm Sovereign Kindly add them to your library.....(⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠)

Fer_Desz · Urban
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Half of them were his, Zein the gamer, while the other half were also his....but from another him, Zein the knight.....

Zein had just finished playing Overload,a kingdom building PC game when a add popped up on his screen.

It had a knight in shiny iron armour and a blinking purple text that had two uppercase words on it..... CLICK ME!!!!

"Another scam...."

Zein said as he harrumph...

"What makes you think I am too dump to CLICK YOU!!!!"

He shouted at the PC's screen before double clicking on the knights head....

The next second...a white light blinded him and he lost conscious...,only to wake up in a tent made of dark brown leather.

It was larger than his camping tent by at least three times and well furnished though he could tell from a glance that the furniture were cheap and made of normal wood.

There was a small rectangular wooden table at the center of the tent with a parchment on it and a quilt dipped in an ink bottle.

Four small wooden chairs were arranged round it.... with two on each side and a fifth one,that seemed a little better off than the rest was placed at the head of the table.

Zein eyes traveled to tent walls and there

There was a wooden sign hang on it,on it,the following words were beautifully calligrapher.... BE BRAVE, BE COURTEOUS, BE HONOURABLE, BE GALLANT TOWARDS WOMEN....

"What the heck...!"

Zein cursed out loudly....

"Aren't those qualities idealized in the medieval system, principles and customs of knighthood....?"

Zein asked no one in particular as he scratched his head....he swung his legs out of bed,it was then that he noticed the simple wooden bed he had been laying on.

It was more of a wooden flame with strips of leather crisscrossed from one side to the other.

A dark-grey pelt acted as the mattress....

"I pity the unlucky wolf ...."

Zein thought as he stood....he was clad in a simple cotton robe and looking at his barefeet,he saw a pair of leather sandals under the bed....

"Thanks heavens I didn't have to remain barefoot...."

He sighed as he put on the pair of leather sandals.

He walked towards the table and flipped through the pile of letters written on parchment as he tried to figure out where he was....

Looking at the map on the table.... Zein scratched his non existing beards as he tried to figure out why the name....«Blue Draze Forest» sounded familiar.....

A couple of seconds later it all hit him.....He growled painfully as he fell on his knees and clutched on his head..... memories of his past life flowed in his mind....

Half of them were his, Zein the gamer, while the other half were also his....but from another him, Zein the knight.

The other him was a newly dubbed knight who had been gifted the «Blue Draze Territory » by his father,the Duke of Marasavinia,as his fief after attaining knighthood.

He had been dubbed as a knight on the battlefield by his Lord, Sir Vanderbilt the Fourth of the house of Vanderbilt that he had been sent to at a young age to serve as a page to the household ladies.

He had been taught how to read and write,and play instruments....he loved music alot that he didn't only learn how to play the flute,harp,trumpets and drums but also how to write and compose his own music.

The household ladies praised him for his talents.

Zein the page was not only good at music but he was also skilled at hunting and sword fighting.

The other pages at the Vanderbilt Household felt envious and jealous of him,they even went as far as sabotaging him,but Zein always ended up beating them at their own games.

To the household ladies,he was the perfect example of a young talented and humble young man. The ladies felt proud for naturing such a gem.

To them,if Zein became a great brave, courteous, humble and gallant knight....then their household name would be known far and wide and they,as the household ladies who natured him would have their names sang and praised all over the world.

They couldn't wait for such a day to arrive.

At twelve, Zein graduated from a page boy to an esquire of Lord Vanderbilt the Fourth.

He accompanied his Lord in battles and tournament,he took care of his Lord's warhorses,polished his armour and sharpened his Lord's swords. He ensured that the Lord's lances and maces were all in good condition.

Zein never slacked from his responsibilities. Lord Vanderbilt the Fourth was impressed by the young man's character and chose to personally train him in combat.

At fifteen, Zein had already mastered the sword and could even defeat two foot soldiers....at nineteen,he mastered the mace and lance.

Lord Vanderbilt the Fourth was impressed by his hard work and dedication to learning...,it had taken him ten years to master both the lance and mace but this young lad only took four years.

Zein didn't slack of despite his achievement and went on to master the «Art of the fist» and «The Spider Dance» before he turned twenty-one.

«Art of the Fist» was a martial technique that emphasized on close combat and utilized the fist as the weapon, while «The Spider Dance» doubled as a movement technique and also as a martial technique that utilized the legs to deal maximum and critical damage.

Of the two, «The Spider Dance» was the hardest to master as the weight of the armour,made it hard to throw a powerful kick and also limited his movement.

It was until Lord Vanderbilt the Fourth came to his aid that he mastered «The Spider Dance».

Lord Vanderbilt the Fourth had suggested that he train in a heavier armour. His logic was simple....if Zein could manage to portray half the power of «The Spider Dance» in an armour twice the weight of his normal armour....then he would have succeeded.

Eight months later,Zein was finally able to master «The Spider Dance» technique.

It was at that time that a letter from Lord Bellmort,a Viscount and childhood friend to Lord Vanderbilt the Fourth, arrived.

Lord Bellmort had requested his old time friend to help him repel the outlanders that had being pillaging his villages.

The outlanders were of the orc tribe and were known for their strength and brutality...

Lord Vanderbilt the Fourth had his army of highly trained foot soldiers and calvary march out.

Zein, being his esquire, accompanied the Lord and fought the outlanders beside his army.

It took them a month to discover the outlanders camp and wiped them all.

It was at this battle that Lord Vanderbilt the Fourth, dubbed Zein as a knight.

Having received knighthood. Zein chose to return to home where his father,the Duke of Marasavinia, held a big party for him that lasted for two whole days and night.

Zein wasn't blinded by his father's action as he knew all this was a pretence.

A week after the party,the father gifted him the «Blue Draze Territory» as his fief.

And had the most basic amenities and of the lowest grade packed up for him before handing him a squire,ten foot soldiers and two servants to accompany him.

What the father and son duo didn't know was that a certain elder son of the Duke had poisoned the food meant to be eaten by his younger talented knight brother....and that how Zein the knights died....and Zein the gamer transmigrated in his body.