
Blue days [ a book of short stories]

Each story in the book contains different story . this book is filled with various gerne of stories . Hope you enjoy reading it!

Hwayoung · Celebrities
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We are just not meant to be

"Ms. Risa" Risa got up from her table as she made her way towards the café counter to get her order. "Yes, it's me," Risa said as she looked at the barista who gave handed her the order. "Your order was americano and it will be 5$" Risa handed the money to the cashier as she heard a small 'thank you' before heading out of the café while carrying her coffee.

The minute she was out of the café cold wind hit her face making her shiver. The autumn breeze was gentle yet chill. She saw all the brown leaves fall from the trees. She gently pulled her scruff up before glancing at her watch. 7 pm. It read. She sighed before walking on the footpath.

why was she even here out in this cold temperature? She was home all day and decided she did get some fresh air and coffee and explore the city which she haven't done in a while as she was too busy working day and night ever since she received an important project. Since she has nothing left to do for the rest of the evening she decided she would just aimlessly walk into the market while drinking her warm coffee. The city was beautiful with various neon signboards of shops. Her eyes sparkled at the sight as her lips slightly curved upwards.

Soon enough Risa stopped at a very familiar place of hot dog stand. She has many memories here. She remembered how she use to eat hot dogs here daily when she worked part-time at a café nearby. She smiled at the memory as she made her way towards the shop to order some. "hello, welcome to the hot wings- oh Risa dear how have you been?" The owner greeted her warmly before hugging her. Risa smiled at how he remembered her despite being 2 years since she last came here. "I am doing great. I am glad to see you again" "It's been so long. do you want the usual?" "yes please" "Okie, your order will be ready in a few. Just take a seat." Risa nodded smiling while finding a seat at one of the tables. She looked outside the window watching all the people passby.

She was snapped out of her trance once she saw her order being placed in front of her. She thanked the owner before taking in small bites. As expected it was indeed one of the best hot dogs she ever had. As she was eating she watched the place observing around her until her eyes landed on particular someone.

'His smile hasn't changed a bit' She thought staring at him. He was smiling while looking at his new significant other. Risa watched them in silence as they both laughed while talking. She knew she had no right to be sad about this, after all she was the one who took this decision. He was much healthier and happier than when they parted ways 2 years back. "Lee Minho" unconsciously she mumbled his name. As if he heard it he turned his head towards her catching her staring at him. His laughter died down as he stared back with cold eyes. Despite him not speaking his eyes spoke for him. They held many emotions anger, hatred, and sorrow she was unsure but she knows those were nothing positive.

Minho was the first one to break their eye contact before facing his wife's concerned face. He smiled a bit assuring her it was nothing before going back to talking about their previous topic. Risa saw how happy he was and she was more than happy to see him smile bright. She finished her hot dog and made her way out of the Hotdog stand. She glanced at Minho one last time as she made her way home.

Minho saw Risa leave. He stared at the door. He had mixed feelings about seeing her again but the best of them all was hatred and anger towards her. His thoughts drifted off to 2 years back. when they parted ways..

It was Risa and Minho's 5th anniversary as a couple. Minho was more then excited to reach home to celebrate their anniversary together. The clock read 5 pm. He drove as fast as possible. A huge smile was lingering on his face as he drove past all the vehicles. Soon he parked his car at the side of their house. He fished out a red velvet box from his brown coat. It was a shining platinum ring. He smiled looking at the ring he couldn't wait to see you wearing this every day as his fiancé. He placed the box back in his coat before making his way towards the door of their house. He typed in the passcode hurriedly before entering their house. He put his coat aside not forgetting to hide the velvet box in his pocket and shoes back on the shoe rack making his way towards the living room. As he entered the living room he saw Risa sitting on the couch mindlessly watching the T.V. Confused about why she wasn't ready for their date night yet. "Honey I am home. Aren't you gonna get ready?" He questioned loosening his tie. Risa snapped out of her thoughts as she faced him. "It's just I wanted to talk to you about something. Come have a seat" Minho's concern grew after hearing his girlfriend's words. He walked towards her only for him to slow down his pace upon seeing the luggage beside the couch. "Risa...what's all this?" Risa sighed as she looked at him with sorrow-filled eyes tears threatening to fall. "Minho....please have a seat. let's talk" Uneasy feeling filled his heart as he took a seat beside her wanting to hear her. "Minho...You know you are one of the best person ever. you have always been with me but I don't deserve any of that. I want to stop all of this" "What...do you mean by 'stop this'?" Minho asked Rina hoping he would hear a different answer. "Let's break up Minho," Risa said as she stood up holding her luggage. Minho held her wrist standing in front of her. "Why? Am I not enough? we can work this-" Risa held her hand up shaking her head and stopping Minho from speaking any further. "You were never the fault here. Minho. You deserve someone better than me. Let's not make this any harder" Risa said removing his hand gently off her wrist. She took her car keys and made her way out of the door. Minho fell to his knees as soon as he heard the door shut. he cried his heart out. He fished out the velvet box from his pocket and threw it harshly on the ground. What did he even do to deserve this? Isn't he enough for her? but again she never bad-mouthed him.

Minho excused himself to the washroom to cool himself off. He looked at his reflection in the washroom. He sighed remembering the incidents after seeing Risa. Since then he never really dated anyone. He got settled with an arranged marriage after 1 year of his break-up with Risa.

Risa unlocked the door to her apartment. Today was relaxingly tiring for her. Too much to take in. She was about to take a step towards the stairs when a familiar ache made her halt her steps. She squeezed her eyes shut at the unbearable pain while holding her chest tightly. She dragged herself towards the couch immediately fishing out a pill bottle out of her bag. She took the pill before laying on the couch trying to calm herself. Taking a deep breath she loosened her grip on her chest. When she was sure the heart rate was back to normal, She slowly stood up sighing wanting to take a bath and relax.

Risa finished her bath as she made her way towards the kitchen after getting herself dressed in a comfortable track and plaid T-shirt. She grabbed a bucket of popcorn and a coke. She sat on the couch turning the T.V on to watch some movies. After today she wasn't really in the mood to sleep. All she wanted was to get her mind off everything.

The clock read 11:00 pm. Risa was watching a crime thriller movie. She had her complete focus on the movie that she just held her popcorn in the mid-air while staring at the screen with wide eyes. Her focus on the movie made her flinch and scream when she heard the bell to her apartment ring. She held her chest taking in deep breaths calming herself after scaring herself. Maybe it's the movie effect that made her paranoid, She grabbed a metal baseball bat that she randomly found in her living room, in case some thief might have come to rob her. She peeked into the peephole holding her bat cautiously. Once she was sure who it was she dropped the bat and immediately opened the door. The strong alcohol smell hit her nose making her almost gag. "Minho what are you doing here?" She asked supporting the drunk man who was about to fall due to the heavy consumption of alcohol. "how much did you even drink?" she asked even though Minho was in no state to be able to answer her. Not wanting to just leave him outside she decided she would drop him home herself. "Wait here I will go get my car keys," Risa said as she held Minho making him sit near the door before making her way inside to grab her keys and phone. She grabbed her keys and mobile phone placing them in her mini bag before making her way out. She carefully locked her door before supporting the drunk Minho putting his hand over her shoulder and dragging him towards the car. "YOU" She flinched at the sudden rise of his voice. "why did you leave... me?" Minho spoke as his tears rolled while trying to support himself. Risa froze as she saw him cry even harder as seconds passed. She felt guilty for being the reason for his tears but it was too late to turn back time. "Minho...we talked about this". As expected she didn't receive an answer-back.

She carefully placed him in the passenger seat buckling his seat belt. She quickly went towards the driver's seat adjusting herself.

She drove on the almost empty road in silence, head filled with various thoughts. She came to a stop upon seeing the red signal. sighing she slouched back on the seat. "do.. you...have any idea how much I missed you?" Minho mumbled with his eyes closed grabbing Risa's attention. She watched him mumble incoherent sentences after that. She was about to sweep his hair back but stopped herself. She let out a deep sigh before continuing to drive to the destination.

She parked her car on the sidewalk of Minho's house. She carefully got him out of the car as she carried him towards the door. She rang the doorbell as she waited for a response. A quiet shuffling was heard before the door opened revealing a worried woman around Risa's age. "Omg, Minho. Is he okay? what happened?" The woman spoke as she took him into her arms. "I am Minho's college friend. I found him drunk so I came to drop him off" Risa made up a lie not wanting to tell the women any of the truth. "Thank you so much. I will let him know. Why don't you come in?" Risa shook her head before answering. "No, it's okay. It's already late and I have work in the morning so I have to go. I will get going" Risa bowed before turning around but stopped upon hearing the women call. "Excuse me. May I know your name? so I can let him know" the Woman asked waiting for an answer. "Just tell him his only library friend. He will get it" Woman was confused but nodded along before thanking Risa once again and carrying Minho in.

Risa sat in the driver's seat. The tears she held back for a long time poured out. She cried at everything that happened. She wishes she can turn back time just so she could spend some more time with him but it just would have made things hard for them. She cried looking at the photo of Minho and Risa in her car which she kept it as a sign that they were once her memory.

2 years back 3 days before their 5th anniversary

Risa nervously waited outside the doctor's office She held the handbag full of medicines while waiting for the doctor's call who told her to wait outside while he was going through her reports. Soon enough the nurse called her name. She quickly went inside the doctor's office who looked to be in distress. "Ms. Risa please have a seat" Risa bowed taking a seat in front of the doctor. "I examined your reports and the cause of your chest pain was figured out" Doctor took a breath before continuing "You have CHD Coronary heart disease." Risa tightened her fist as she waited for the doctor to continue. "Your stage of CHD was worse than I thought. You can get a transplant but you need a donor as soon as possible. the chances of survival are less ince you cant travel overseas for donor. long journeys makes it worse. I will try for a donor here. for now, I will write some medicines to ease up the pain" Risa nodded mumbling a quick thank you before getting out of the room. She walked out of the hospital staring at nothing. The ding from her mobile snapped her out of her thoughts. She fished out her phone to check.

"from Minho"

"Honey, let's go watch a movie"

"love you take care"

Her tears fell as she remembered her boyfriend of a long time. She knows she just can't be selfish and be with him. At some point, she had to leave and she don't want him to grieve for her forever. So she decided she did would end things herself even though it wasn't easy for her.

She cried as she drove her car. It wasn't an easy decision to take. If she was given the chance she would do the same again and again. After all, Minho was her only family. As she was driving her tears blurred her vision making her fail to see the fast-approaching truck. By the time she realized she was half unconscious lying on the steering wheel breathing her last words before closing her eyes for good. "I...missed you too"