
Chapter 3 | Go

The fresh light blue sky and the shade of a purple Wisteria tree had never been so pleasing.

A blue rose in my hand as my soft, sky-blue, sapphire eyes were resting under my arm placed on my forehead.

My bright, blond hair was slightly messed up from laying on the grass, it showed a shade of ombre in orange, pink and purple, which reflected beautifully on my hair.

My skin was of fair peach with my cheeks coated in light pink because of the sunset.

Ah... So peaceful—

"MY LADY!" A maid's voice called. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?! WHY AREN'T YOU IN YOUR ROOM?!"

I spoke too soon.

Hi. My name is Itsuki Kanako. Or most formerly known.

Now I am Ella, daughter of a Marquis and the Female lead of the novel, 'The Tragedy of the White Flower'. Basically, it's just a sick, fan-made version of Cinderella's happily ever after into a tragic one. Now, I'm stuck in a mansion with 2 fucking bitches and 1 whore to live with.

Life sucks.

Now I'm planning payback to everyone who's an asshole.

And the ball tomorrow night seems to be the perfect chance to start.

"I'm going. I'm going."

I got up and walked back to my annex of the mansion, which was the attic.

I went in closed the door.

I changed into my dress using magic. Yes, I can do that. I'll explain later.

A blue and indigo dress with dark blue roses at the waist while I wore black heels and gloves.

I finished my makeup and wore a sapphire pair of earrings.

Unlike the original Ella, I had blue tints at the end of my hair which was wonderful as it made me look even more enticing.

I stood up from my dressing table and walked in front of the mirror.


The attic looked like run-down shack in the past.

Now it's much better when I used magic to change the whole room.

The marble white walls decorated with gold and sapphire complemented the architecture.

No one knows this because, when they walk in, it looks like a run-down shack because the room is coated with magic.

What I see would be a grand, luxurious room.

'Right. Now that I look beautiful, I need to run before my stepmother and stepsisters could get to me and rip my dress since fairy godmothers don't exist in this world'.

I opened the window.

No people.


Time to jump.

I jumped.

I landed on the ground with grace and ran to the carriage, and not just any, the best-looking one. Martial arts made my body stronger.

I learned it when I got bored in my past life.

The driver looked at me.

"I apologize. The Madam had instructed to-" His eyes went blank.

"Head to the Imperial palace." I demanded.

"Yes, My Lady." He said, clearly brainwashed.

'Man, having magic is so useful.'

The carriage rode off as I revised my plan to lead a happy life and revenge.

I must get married to the first prince, Edward Alaistair Ansaldo Agnes.

Being married to a duke may be fine, but I wouldn't be able to crush the second prince who ruined Ella's life.

Besides, I want a plan to crush the Whore and those two bitches.

"We have arrived." The driver had said.

"Go back and forget everything. Do not speak of this to anyone." I said.

"Yes, My Lady." He bowed and left.

Of course, I picked the best carriage because I deserve it after being treated like shit.

This was a 4-night party, and they planned on keeping me inside.

I came a day earlier to have some proper rest.

I packed everything and the dresses I needed. Each beautiful and elegant the balls.

I went inside.

The maids greeted me and the butler showed me to my room.

"This is the best one we have as per your request, a room that isn't suffocating and is welcoming with a view. And is close to the ball room." The Butler said.

"Thank you. My apologies for such a grand request." I replied, smiling gracefully.

The aged Butler was surprised at my statement and humbly replied.

"Oh, not at all, My Lady. You were one of the very few who had arrived early. The guests are meant to come tomorrow, others who were in far distances would come a day earlier." He stated. "My Lady, if you do not mind, perhaps can I ask a question?"


"All of the guests have at least one personal maid, why do you not have one?"

'Let's be honest, I have no intention to lie.'

"I do not have any." I said. "In the past, the maids I had were having evil intentions. I simply fired them. Having a maid with no good intentions would not be good."

"How so?" The Butler asked, his sharp eyes making contact with the sapphire orbs.

"Example, the maid could spread awful rumors and the fact she might go through my personal belongings which could be valuable and then create a scandal of me stealing something. However, they would be the one at loss." I replied.


"That," I said. "must not be answered. If I ever told anyone, there is a possibility such a scandal to be won by a maid who had betrayed their master. Are you perhaps done testing me?"

"So, you had known." The Butler replied. "It was quite entertaining to speak with you, My Lady. Call me whenever you need to do so. My name is Alfred. Would you like some tea?"

"No thanks, Alfred. But it was indeed a pleasant conversation with you as well." I said.

"Have a wonderful evening, My Lady."

"Thank you, Alfred."

Someone was there. They were listening to our conversation.

The Ball is simply a day away. Why not enjoy the time rather than dolling myself?

I strolled around the halls of the Palace.

'Most Noble Ladies will want to prepare themselves for tomorrow night's Ball for the time being since they didn't prepare themselves and just brought all the fancy gowns.' I thought smiling to myself.

'The original fairytale was simply the prince choosing a girl of his will regardless of status. The fan-made version was more realistic because the writer placed more emphasis on status, skill and etiquette.

The 4-Night ball was hosted by the Emperor to find a suitable bride for the Crown Prince. The first Night will be for the introductions.

The second Night would be making tea favorable to the Emperor. I know the perfect one fit for him. Anatasia and Drizella, my stepsisters, don't know how to make tea, let alone what kind to provide. (I think they'll kill the Emperor in the process).

The third Night would be to display your talents up front. My dress for it is ready as well as my sword. Magic is considered with importance to the Empire. My stepmother and stepsisters don't know I can do magic, which will be fun to see their faces.

The fourth Night would be the declaration of the Crown Princess in the form of a dance offered by the Crown Prince to the chosen lady.'

I kept strolling down the corridor.

Dark, gorgeous black hair and handsome, chest-nut-colored eyes with gold tints inside those hazel orbs.

The Crown Prince — Edward!

"I greet the Future Sun of the Empire, Your Royal Highness, Edward Alaistair Ansaldo Agnes." I greeted in a curtsy.

"Raise your head," He said.

Our faces were close but I didn't blush. This made him happy. Making a finally-a-girl-who-isn't-taken-away-by-my-looks. It's-so-annoying-having-all-of-them-lining up-for-my-face.

"You are Ella Elaine Aesira Abbott, the eldest daughter of Earl Abbott?"

"Yes, Your Highness," I replied.

"My, aren't you a beauty?"

"Thank you, Your Highness," I replied with a straight face. "I know I am beautiful."

The Crown Prince bursted out laughing.

"You are simply perfect. I am feeling quite bored. Would you like to play a game?"

"What kind of game?" I narrowed my eyes suspiciously.

"Go." He smirked.

"I want to make this even more entertaining." He said as he finished setting the game up.

He folded both of his hands and crossed his legs as he placed his head on the net made by his hands.

We were in his office. Calling me into his bedroom will spread rumours like wildfire.

"If I win, you will do whatever I want." He said.

"And if I win?" I replied with a smirk.

"The same will happen for your case. I will do whatever you want."

"Then let us begin," I replied. "I am sure my request isn't too much to handle."

"Darling, I am the Crown Prince." He replied with pride. "I'm sure your request is nothing too difficult."

"Do not call me 'darling' as we are not even intimate, let alone engaged." I snapped. The prince flinched. "Anyone else walking in would probably misinterpret this. Shall we start the game without further delay?"

"Aren't you impatient?" He teased.

"Hm, I wonder why." I said with sarcasm laid in my voice.

The game had begun.


10 Rounds were played.

I won every round.

"What is your wish? You had won each round." Edward disappointingly smirked.

"I want us to get married."

What do you think?

Coffee_Chancreators' thoughts