



Luke Hastington

20 years later..

/"You're not allowed to date until you're 30./" I said to Lauren.

/"What the frick dad.. I'm 17./" She burst angrily to me.

/"So? I said you're allow to date until you're 30./" I repeated and she looked at me disbelief.

/"You're being ridiculous dad./" She glared at me.

/"Take that!/" Chris suddenly walked to the dining room agreeing with me. Lauren glared at him too. Why do I have a daughter that has my personality? Dang it!

/"You're dating who?/" Marco entered looking at us with a questioning eyes.

/"Don't know yet.. but I saw her texting and she blush that kinda thing./" I said and she sighed.

/"What's with the fuss?/" Hailey entered the dining room.

/"How's the game Marco?/" I asked changing the subject.