



Hailey Anderson

Am I dreaming?

I'm kissing Luke Hastington right now.. like he's the one who kissed me first. Please tell me that I'm not dreaming please.

/"Welcome to the club dude./" Luke stopped and I turned to Max who was smirking like crazy. They saw us kissing. I bit my lips and I bet my cheeks turned red already. I hid my face with my hands.

/"At last./" I heard Rose said.

/"I told you./" Janet said.

/"Welcome to the whipped club.. we should change our group name./" Alex stupidly suggested.

/"Whipped Gold Life./" Angel said and Sophia laughed.

/"Not going to happen as long I still here./" I heard Kenneth said.

/"S***! 5 out of 7./" Sebastian cursed.

/"Can't wait for the punishment./" Aaron said. What? Punishment for what?

/"Let's just get out from here./" Luke took my hand and I looked at him shock.

/"Bye Hailey.. use protection./" Janet said.