


---Good Side

Janet Stanmore

I never thought the feeling of coming back was this exciting and happy. After recovering from the sadness and everything, I’m starting to get better everyday. I started to write and write and write and I'm just happy.

I'll be lying if I said I don't miss and think about Sky because I miss him a lot. I didn't know he was this kind and just understanding in everything. We can't judge people from one side, they have another side that we never see.

Currently I was dragged Sophia, she said she wants to introduce me to someone. I followed her and chuckled seeing her interaction with Aaron. Aaron is possessive and Sophia is just doesn’t care about Aaron’s possessiveness, this is their night but still Aaron keeping his wife tightly in his arms.

/"Janet, I want you to meet Rose Hastington./" Sophia introduced me to this beautiful woman standing in front of me.

/"Janet Stanmore./"