
Blossoms and Leaves

After a tragic event Izuku's mother got hospitalised. At the hospital he meets Sakura who teaches him the way of ninja and healing. I don't own Naruto ,Boruto and My Hero Academia. I only own my ideas and the following story made of it.

Aven_Sheridan · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 6

After that day I was allowed back to training. To prevent being attacked again Sakura had always one of her family or friends watching me. I finished the tree climbing in the next two days and I was introduced to my next task: water walking. The concept of water walking was quite easy to understand since it was similar to tree climbing, but it proved difficult to master. The ever moving water made it difficult to keep balance which caused me to fall into the water and get wet. At some point I also got this task right and moved on with my training. The rest of the time I trained my taijutsu and shurikenjutsu with Lee. On the last day I showed Sakura everything I learned. After that we sat down next to a tree. "You know you can use chakra to strengthen your body and use it on your attacks?", Sakura asked. "Yes", I answered, "But when I tried that with the slime that held Kachan hostage, I used up too much of my chakra. It was the same with the attack. It is no use if I use up too much of my chakra. That is just leaving me incapacitated." "True. Howether it left you incapacitated. Howether you didn't have much chakra control yet. When you tried to fight the slime, you concentrated your chakra on your body parts. Instead of using it on your whole body try to use it on your contact point. Just like with water and tree walking.Come on. Try it. " I targeted a tree nearby, focused my chakra on my contact point and hit. The tree had a little crater. I checked on my chakra and found that I only used a little. Sakura explained, " If you use this method you do not need so much chakra and won't be drained so fast." I listened closely to Sakura and nodded. She stood up and targeted a tree stump and hit it. The tree stump was destroyed and I tried to take in every detail of what happened in front of me. I even felt a little shockwave. "If you train with this technique in mind some day you are able to do things like that and more. Well that is it for today. Go home and rest. Tomorrow is a big day. You will need all the energy you can get." I nodded and we went back home.

The next day I packed my things for the exam and got ready."I'm going.", I shouted. "Good luck, Izuku. Show them all you have got.", Sakura said."Good luck, Izuku.. Do you have everything. ", Inko said going in mother mode. Sakura put a hand on her shoulder knowing her motherly worries and smiled at her knowing what a good mother Izuku had. "Yes, I have everything.", I returned with a goofy grin on my face. "Izuku, show them." Sadara spoke up and held her fist out. I let my fist meet hers with a smile on my face and went towards the door where Sasuke waited staring at me."Let's get going.", he said and accompanied me to the gate. "I will be here when you finished your exam.", he said and disappeared. I took a look around before I went to the exam and saw Katsuki walking towards me. "Get out of my way or I will set you on fire.", he said and made wild gestures with my hands and stuttered incomprehensible words but got no attention, so I just watched him walk towards the building. I too decided to head towards the building, made a step and tripped... After some time I wondered why my face hasn't met Mother Earth yet but got my answer soon. I noticed myself floating above the ground and freaked out."Sorry that I used my quirk there. But it would be bad luck if you fell, right?" I turned my head and saw a girl with brown, bob styled hair. I freaked out again. "Guess I see you inside. Bye.",the girl said and went on. I still stood there in glee of 'talking' with a girl.

Inside Present Mic was doing the introduction. He tried to fire up the crowd but got no response."Tough crowd.", he mumbled and started to explain the exam. I was mumbling to sort out the information and got primated by a guy with glasses.I apologized and proceeded to listen to Present Mic's explanation. The written exam was pretty easy. Next was the the practical exam. I saw the brown haired girl from before and walked to her but I was interrupted by the glasses-guy. "Can't you see that she is trying to concentrate?" I got primated again. "I only wanted to thank her..." I trailed off not listening to his annoying rant anymore. Present Mic's voice sounded through the speakers."Start. What are you waiting for in a real battle there is no countdown." All people in the room ran off defeating the robots. I froze. I panicked and began to run around to look for robots to beat.Whenever I saw one he was snatched away by another student. Suddenly I heard loud noises and a giant giant robot emerged. It seems that this is the Zero-Pointer Present Mic talked about during the explanation. I prepared myself to run like all the other people when I heard someone saying "ow". It was the girl who helped me in front of UA. Her foot was stuck under the rubble from the attack made earlier. I rushed to help her and used my chakra to speed up and run along the walls. All the fear I had vanished. In its place was only the thought to save that girl. Once I was at the top I pushed myself of the wall and gathered as much of my chakra on my fist contact point as I could. I hit the Zero-Pointer and broke it into pieces. As I was falling down I barely noticed someone slapping me and that I did not fall down as hard as I should have in this situation. On the ground I made an last attempt to find a robot and whispered: "Just one more..." Present Mic declared the end of the exam and I fell unconscious.

A bit later I woke up in the infirmary. "You're awake, sonny.", a little lady with gray hair said. "Are you ok? On your body were only a few scratches nothing you would normally faint on." My hand moved to scratch the back of my head. "I only exhausted my energy too much. I used up too much chakra trying to save that girl back there. I guess I still need to improve my chakra control...."I began to mumble. "You do that then, sonny. Remember to not exhaust yourself like that in the exam.Want some gummies?" I thank her and took some."Wait! What about that girl? Is she safe?",I said worried. "She is safe.She just twisted her ankle a bit. I healed her." "That is great.",I said and ate one of Sakura's food pills."What is that?",the lady asked. "That? That is food pill. It is designed to give the body nutrients and energy as well as a bit of healing chakra to fuel the healing process of the body to heal small wounds and reduce tiredness and so on." I answered and my eyes wandered to the clock. "Interesting.", the lady whispered not loud enough for me to notice."So late!! Sorry Miss, I would like to talk a bit longer but I must be going now." I took my bag and everything I had with me and hurried out to where Sasuke was already waiting."How did it go?" "Not so good. I made no points on the practical exam." He looked at me. "Don't worry about it. A good friend of mine messed up his ninja exam a number of times. But he never gave up, became a ninja and achieved his dreams." "Really?", I asked with sparkling eyes. Sasuke smiled and messed up my hair. "Yes." To outsiders, it would seem like he was my big brother or something like that. To me he was.

We got home and met up with Sakura. "So how did it go? Do you think you passed?", she asked. "I don't know. I aced the written exam. I am sure of it. But I made no points in the practical exam. I had to save that girl from a giant robot and then the time was up." At the mentioning of the girl Sakura's face softened. "Well, we will see the results soon. Maybe you will be surprised. I'm sure that they looked for more than they would tell you. But you also know what that means.You must work harder if you want to accomplish your dream. Prepare yourself. Starting tomorrow we will start your healing training. I'm going to introduce you to my healing mentor in Konoha. Pack your bags and then go to bed."