

My name is Lucas the savage a reincarnation that came from the earth. It's been 100 years since I've come to this fantasy RPG alike world, where kingdoms go to war, monsters and demons lurked through the dark, and swordsmen, mages, and many more.

This world's geography is the same as earth. Currently, I am in the land of England. My adventure killing demons and monsters spread through the whole continent of Europe some believe me as the champion of the gods, some called me Luke the savage as the word spread that I fight like a savage and give no mercy.

Of course with that stories kingdoms offered their daughters to me or be the general of their great army. I refused all the offers as I do not want to be distracted from me getting stronger but of course, that was 70 years ago. Now I have achieved what I wanted I could probably go make my own kingdom and conquer the other kingdoms.

Through the 100 years of my journey, I have achieved what's called immortality where I do not age nor weakened but can be killed. I have claimed 500 million souls by defeating dragons. Have claimed the sword of the Elden Sword and Elden Ring that gives me extremely powerful strength and magics.

I am here in the city of Pethfhamhod known for its powerful mages and the second-largest city in England. I am here to restock my potions and foods, but of course, I also came here to hump women.

"Thank you, my friend" My voice is very deep as someone says there was as deep a corpse.

"Oh, of course, my friend it's been a year since you visited my shop" He is Hector the one who makes and sells potions the same as food, I am also friends with his father but unfortunately his father died by the plague 40 years ago.

"Anything new?" I say as I am storing my potions and foods in my spacial inventory.

Hector stopped cleaning the mug with a white cloth and came near me. "The king of Mercia has died months ago and the successor of the throne is his only child Princess Rhea."

"That princess must be strong then" As I chug the beer.

"Indeed, she is said to be as strong as the grand elders of the Tower of Mages." As he continued cleaning the mug.

After that talk with my old friend he closed down his shop and he and I spent the drinking beer until we passed out.