
Darkened the Day

She walks slowly down the park, her head was down and she didn't bother to look ahead. She's a young girl with many misfortunes. She have long pretty hair, sharp nose, sparkle eyes that beautify the person who gaze at her, she have dimples on her both cheeks that satisfy everyone day with her smile. Her name is known to be Jasmine... As she kept walking down the park, she bumped into someone, she didn't look up nor did she say sorry. She kept walking straight lost in her thoughts and someone followed her and tapped her shoulder. She didn't look back then that person grab her hands and pulled her against his chest by accident. Jasmine looked up weirdly and pushed him away. Then she asked, "who are you???". He remained silent for sec. Then he told her "you dropped your ID while you bumped into me...", he returned her ID then he walked away... Jasmine was wondering like "who the heck is that person!". His name is YungMin, he's very mysterious, and very handsome. Jasmine continue to walk, saw a bench in the park and she sat down. She been sitting there for an hours. Slowly the clouds join together and make the day darker. Suddenly, rain start pouring and she kept herself remained in that bench. She was very lost in her thoughts. Out of no where she didn't felt the rain on her, so she looked up, and she saw an elegant man with suit and tie holding an umbrella for her. "why are you in the rain alone?" he asked... She didn't bother answering him, she got up and ran out of the park. The man noticed that Jasmine have dropped her ID on the bench. He picked it up, went after her and sadly he lost her in the crowd.

To be continued...

It's an romance and dramatic story for those who are interested in reading. Blooming Jasmine is known to be a girl named Jasmine with many depression going on in her life. Two man came into her life to safe her from depression. If your interested in this story I will continue chapters daily...

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