1 Synopsis

Where in a teenage girl finds out that the stories her parents told her before sleeping when she was younger were all  real. Developing the disease let her have the courage to sort out and evaluate the difference of how she feels towards the people who she constantly is surrounded with.

 From the girl that always been there with her in good and bad times,

to the boy who she hangs out with whenever she's sad, 

to the upper class man who she always looks up to,

to the boy sitting behind her at class and whom she constantly make sure to share her notes with,

to the adorable upper class girl who likes to help her with her pranks

to the girl with resting bitch face but has the most adorable gummy smile 

to the boy who has a lot of scars on his wrist and dark bruises 

to the adorable guy with red hair and an incredible kind heart

to her childhood friend who supports her in anything and everything

to her best friend who she sees as the perfect guy (except his dumb at times)

"I love you but maybe not the same way you think it is."  That's it she think as she continue grasping her shirt tightly and coughing yellow flowers with blood. She will die loving someone who doesn't love her back. Until she felt a hand on her chin making her look up.
