
BLOODY REVENGE: Journey to the Seven Kingdoms

A belief of ancient past that when the chosen ones of the seven kingdoms will appear and fight together against the dark lord Asmodeus, humanity will again see the dawn of a new era. A prodigy will arise from the ashes and will lead this team of seven wonders who will protect all lives from the clutch of the Evil Warlord and his savage minions, and peace will again prevail across the green medieval lands. Join this Epic Journey of our Hero, an ordinary warrior, who will travel through seas, deserts and dark forests to find his companions and find his way to the top to bring an end to the darkness and doom. For his peace only resides in the bloody retaliation and saving humanity. Few lines from the novel: "My existence is nothing except my retribution. No peace will prevail in these medieval lands for me until I bathe in my enemy's blood," Flax's eyes looked bloody with boiling rage. "I took an oath, didn't I? I will follow you till my last breath, this body shall perish, destruction shall cease my every part but I will never stop loving you…" A drop of tear fell from Tiana's eyes, on the cracked soil. "For the moon has blessed you Flax, your body might break apart but victory will be yours!" Fiona smiled looking at Flax's distressed face.

Disaster_Engineer · Fantasy
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7 Chs

03. Journey to the Elves' Land

Epoch 01: Journey to the Elves' Land

Chapter 03: Mischievous Prince

"Are you certain we're following the right path?"

"I'm very certain, warrior! Do you question my knowledge of these lands?" Princess Tiana slightly frowned at Falx's strange inquiry.

"I wouldn't be the one to question your royal greatness, although it would be a shame if our warrior passed away from old age while we keep roaming in the wrong paths, aye?" Falx chuckled, looking at Princess Tiana's changing expression with great amusement.

"Are you a jester Mr Falx?" Tiana laughed, "Or are you in love?"

"Love has a voracious appetite Princess. We better redeem ourselves from the clutches of love lest it consumes us whole," Falx said as he scanned the horizon. He appeared a bit more focused now, mindful of the path they were following.

"Have you never been in love?" Tiana asked with eyes full of curiosity.

"Maybe, maybe not!" Falx smirked as he flicked the reins, riding his horse ahead of her, "A little curiosity is favourable to health eh?"

"Foolish Tiana!" the princess whispered to herself, blushing red. Her foolish inquiry seemed further hilarious now.

After crossing the Mystic peaks, Falx and the princess looked at the map again.

"After crossing the river Amrod, we'll be reaching Eldamar, the land of elves!" Princess Tiana pointed with excitement toward the river ahead of them.

Falx carefully got off his horse and settled the little girl he had been carrying down on the ground. He named her Moon since she didn't speak much nor remember her name.

"She fell asleep?" Tiana asked, seeing her drowsy steps.



"I named her Moon," Falx said, patting her on the head.

"Pretty name!" Tiana smiled, glancing at the little girl, "Wanna go apple hunting? I heard the apples of this undying land are as good as nectar!"

Moon nodded desperately at her invitation. Falx observed that Moon must have been starving. For such a young girl, she had an amazing appetite for food. It was almost as if she kept consuming to appease some growing monster inside her body.

As Tiana and Moon walked into the forest to gather apples, Falx laid down on the grass, hands under his head, as he closed his eyes to rest.

In a matter of one day so many things had changed. He had been a warrior, consumed by vengeance and thirsty for blood, yet here he was now, accompanying a little girl and an enthusiastic Princess on a quest to save the world from the clutch of evil. He found it amusing. He knew blood was still what he desired the most. He was also aware of the chaos the dark lord Asmodeus could cause in a matter of seconds. Somewhere in his heart, he was still not convinced that it was a good idea to get sidetracked. But as long as he got his revenge he didn't really fear what may await him, be it purposelessness or death. What was left in this world for him anyway? Life was, after all, just a collection of memories to him.


A sudden frantic scream in the distance pulled Falx away from analysis. He promptly got up in an instant and ran towards the jungle where Tiana and Moon went. He was praying nothing awful happened to Tiana or Moon. He definitely can't forgive himself if they are harmed.

Unexpectedly his path crosses with a white-haired male elf. His simple yet elegant attire and the golden bow that he carried reflected the touch of royalty. But Falx cared less about any royalty. He took out his sword in the flash of an eye and pointed at the white elf before the elf could even react to his move.

"What did you do to them?" He howled in anger.

"I...I didn't do anything!" The elf said, slightly startled at Falx's behaviour. No way he was expecting an ordinary human to show this dominating demeanour in his father's kingdom.

"Avari?" Falx raised an eyebrow. But he didn't look like one. The elf's dark ocean eyes, perfectly structured face and porcelain white skin was a sight to behold. If Falx was a girl he'd be definitely flustered by his beauty but too bad for the elf, Falx was a man and indifferent to the elf's charm.

"How dare you accuse me of those filthy beings? I'm not a dark elf who has strayed from his path!" The elf's eye burned with rage as he glared back at Falx.

"Then state your identity!" Falx ordered.

"I'm Esther, the youngest prince of Eldamar! My father Aamon is the king of this undying land! And who are you? May I ask?"


"He's the chosen one! The one who'll bring the seven warriors together!"

Falx looked behind hearing the bold voice.

"Princess!" Falx was surprised that it was Princess Tiana.

"Huh! Quite amusing you believe in that! You must be daydreaming," Esther snickered looking at Falx, "He is a mortal on top of that. Mortals are weak!"

"Maybe I should show you who's weak and who's not!" Falx snapped back.

"You two stop!" Tiana pressed the Falx's sword down with one hand and hinted to him not to fight. "Esther, we're here to meet your father, not to fight you. We are only mere instruments of the prodigy. Please guide us to your father!" Tiana proposed.

"Well follow me!" Esther said, walking towards the river ahead of them.

"Who screamed like that and why?" Falx asked Moon and Tiana while they followed Esther.

"Was it you Princess?" Falx asked, looking at her. She became red instantly.

"Do you think I'll scream like that? I'm also a warrior Falx!" Tiana defended, "It was Moon. She got scared because Esther scared us with his arrow by landing a precise aim at the tree in front of Moon.

Falx glared at Esther but he seemed to be careless. The white hair elf whistled as they walked and soon entered the elves' valley.

"This is my home!" Esther said proudly, pointing at the white castle at a distance. The valley portrayed grace and beauty as they stepped deep inside the place.

The beautiful elves of the valley whispered among them, staring curiously. Esther led them inside the castle and they entered a beautifully marbled chamber.

"Wait here while I inform my father about your arrival. You guys look like you could use a bath before meeting him," Esther said looking back while heading towards the doorway. "You people are radiating a nauseating stench! My nostrils feel cooked." He faked a mischievous grimace as he fled, while bursting out in laughter and escaping Falx's fumed retort.

"Come back here you!" Falx got up with the intent to pulverise Esther but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Perhaps he's right, we do smell!" Tiana said, smelling her hair. Moon copied her, doing the same thing and nodded.

"No, he's fooling around. You guys don't smell! Don't pay attention to him!" Falx sighed. This elf prince is getting on his nerves slowly.

"Bloody hell!" He said to himself, "What have I gotten myself into!"

After a long bath and an extravagant lunch later they were taken to meet the Elf land's ruler Aamon.

"Welcome my friends!" Elf king Aamon welcomed them with open arms.

Falx was surprised after meeting him as he looked way too young to be called a king. He did know elves age slowly due to the blessings upon them but this was his first time witnessing it firsthand. The simple gold ornaments undeniably added to the elf king's elegance and charm.

"Uncle Aamon how have you been? It's an honour to meet you again!" Princess Tiana went forward and greeted Aamon.

"My dear you've grown up to be such a beautiful and fine young lady! During my last visit to your father's court, you were only twelve years old as far as I recall!" Elf king smiled, putting a hand on Tiana's shoulder. Tiana smiled back, blushing a little.

"So this young man is the chosen one who'll lead the seven elite warriors?" Aamon seemed to be in doubt as he eyed Falx from head to toe.

"Yes, I'm supposed to be the chosen one unless someone fed me some erroneous information," Falx looked in Tiana's way, teasing her slightly with a mocking smile.

Tiana sulked glaring in Falx's direction.

"I must say there is no doubt that you showed conspicuous bravery in accepting your fate, young lad. Yet you have distant paths to cross to attain your prophesied glory. Perhaps in the meantime, alongside your skills you can enhance your behaviour as well?" Aamon remarked, chuckling while conversing with Falx.

"Perhaps!" Flax replied with a smug, "Unfortunate but true that, living in the street makes you way harsh as each day passes my lord. There's no escaping from it!"

"That I can deny either. However, my eldest son can be your guide and help you adapt the noble qualities while accompanying you in your journey," Aamon offered.

"The chosen one?" Flax asked, slightly curious about the chosen warrior from elf land.

"The best archer Eldamar can offer, my eldest son, the future king of elf land, Aron!" King Aamon gracefully presented his son as he walked towards the throne room and stood in front of them.

"The golden bow!" Tiana gasped.

"Yes, I've gifted my son the legendary golden bow. It will assist him in this voyage," Aamon said, staring at his golden bow.

"Is there a story behind the golden bow?' Curiosity peaked again in Falx's eyes.

"Don't you know King Aamon executed the

Hellbrim with his golden bow and saved the elfland? Hellbrim was about to take down our lands as well but King Aamon stopped him and vanquished him from these lands!" Tiana explained.

"I apologise for not knowing about your glory and bravery King Aamon. I must say you're a true king!" Falx praised.

"There was a lot I wanted to learn from my father. Tragically, I have to leave so soon for my destined journey!" Aron holding the golden bow in his right hand.

"I can teach you everything that you couldn't learn after your return my son!" Aamon said settling his hand on his son's shoulder.

"Yes, father!" Aron smiled looking at his father.

Falx could feel the loving bond between the father and the son. At times like this, he misses his father the most. The presence of Falx's father just dwells in his memories now and as he grows old each day the memories keep getting foggy.

"Hey, you alright?" Tiana asked Falx, softly nudging him with her elbow.

"Such princess-like behaviour where did you learn my grace?" Falx teased Tiana again, snickering.

"Didn't know you were living in a fool's paradise. It's my fault presuming that you were sad!" Tiana mumbled.

"Hey princess! Jokes aside, I'm grateful. Thanks!" Falx smiled looking at her.

"Ah umm...you're welcome…" She replied, startled by Falx's sudden appreciation.

"But don't be flattered, princess unless you wanna join my fool's heaven!" Flax smirked.

"You're hopeless, warrior!" Tiana sulked looking away from him.

"Don't worry in due time, maybe you'll start liking me!" Falx said laughing.

"Never!" Tiana said walking towards King Aamon and Prince Aron who were occupied in the discussion of the next journey.

"Someday you'll fall in love with me princess and I've already foresaw it!" Flax whispered to himself.