


A man could be seen lying in a dark alley with an open umbrella to his side, he was looking up at the night sky as rain poured down on him.

If it wasn't for the pool of blood forming underneath him and the multiple stab wounds on his neck one might've assumed he was just weird.

The man began to think of how he ended up where he was. He was walking back home from the store when he heard a woman yelling for help.

Normally he would have ignored her, he was someone who found joy in the suffering of others as messed up as that may sound, he's been like this ever since he was young.

Though his life was normal he felt as if something was missing, he couldn't feel anything, that was until he was in high school and 'accidentally' killed one of the students.

Honestly, he was just curious about what it would be like killing someone and ended up enjoying it way more than expected. 

The fear in the student's eyes and the way they begged for him to stop really did it, for the first time in his life he felt something and he was hooked.

Of course, the police were called and they took him in for questioning, but he did the best he could to make it seem like it was an accident.

Being his first time doing such a thing, he was sloppy and left too many clues yet he was let go upon them not finding anything that led back to him.

Ever since then there was an itch that constantly got worse over the years until he was able to leave his parent's home and do things that would distract him.

A month later he was invited to work for one of the local crime families who saw potential in him. Knowing he'd get paid well and there was a good chance he'd be able to act on his instincts he accepted.

And he wasn't wrong, he loved the chaos, the misery, the bloodshed, the wars. Every minute without chaos was almost torture to him.

In only a few years he was able to become the head of the family at the age of 22, being at the top had left him with too much free time so he decided to get into anime and manga, officially joining the weeb community. 

Noticing he was getting off track he began remembering why he was there, lying in a dark alley waiting to bleed out.

He was supposed to be walking home after finishing a meeting he had earlier but decided to head to a nearby store first.

Normally he would have had guards with him but he had told them to leave once the meeting was over, he knew it was irresponsible but being surrounded by men constantly wasn't his thing.

On his way home he heard a woman yell while passing by an alley, when he turned his head to see what was going on a tick formed on his forehead. 

A man was pushing a woman against the wall of the alley with a knife pressed against her throat, he didn't need to be a genius to know what was going on. 

There were only a few things that could piss him off, **** and NTR. The former was happening in front of him.

He quickly took out the assaulter and turned to check on the woman but she was gone, that didn't surprise but the fact that she didn't make any noise did. It was as if she magically vanished.

Being distracted he was left wide open and an unknown assailant snuck up on him, stabbing him three times in the neck. 

Getting out of his thoughts the man's vision began to darken until there was nothing left. 

Unlike what he expected his eyes gained clarity and he found himself sitting on a train with red lights above him. 

"The hell.." Two words left his mouth as he looked at his surroundings.

No one was around with the only sound being the train moving on the tracks along with a horn being heard periodically.

When he looked out the window next to him there were only concrete walls with train platforms coming now and then.

On those platforms stood shadowy human figures standing still like statues, even though they weren't looking at him the man felt they were all watching as he passed by. 

This continued for hours, hours turned to days, days turned to months, and months turned to years. The man didn't know how long he had been on that train but it was driving him more insane than he already was, the train never stopped.

As he was about to shut his eyes he felt the train slow down then come to a complete halt.

The doors to his right opened and a shadowy figure of a woman walked in. The doors immediately closed behind her, allowing the train to begin moving again.

The man watched as the figure sat in a seat across from him and stared back. It remained silent until the woman started speaking in a language that sounded like something straight out of a nightmare.

Seeing the man's confusion the woman stopped talking then made a gesture of clearing her throat as if to shake off embarrassment, earning her a confused stare.

"Would you like to be revived?" The shadowy figure asked.

Now being able to understand her the man asked a question of his own. "Does that mean getting off of this train?"

The figure nodded her head. "Yes, that entails getting off."

A smile formed on the man's face as he nodded his head towards the figure. "Sure, I'd love to get out of here." His smile never went away but his eyes became sharp.

"But please do tell me why you're offering me such a thing~" the man's voice was so cheerful that it was almost unsettling.

Even though he wanted off the train he knew better than to just accept, everything comes with a price after all. 

The figure was taken back seeing his demeanor change but she kept her professional voice answering his question. "Our lord has considered you worthy enough of a second chance, you'll get 3 wishes and be reincarnated into a world of your choice. Once you're reincarnated you're free to do as please."

What caught the man's attention was this so-called lord but knowing he'd most likely never meet him again he shrugged it off. "Alright, do tell me where I am and how much time has passed before I begin."

"You're in hell, you died 200 years ago due to 3 stabs to the neck thanks to some random lower god. Where you are at the moment is your own personal limbo that was meant to never end, even if the world crumbled upon itself." The figure answered.

The man's smile never left his face even after hearing he was in hell. He knew if there was a heaven or hell he'd definitely go to hell with the shit he's done.

"I see, well it's better if we stop wasting time, this train was really getting to me haha!" The man clapped his hands together with a laugh.

The figure nodded in agreement and waited for the man across from her to begin.

The man didn't need to take long to answer. "I'd like a system, one that would stick with me even after death, but don't let it be one of those systems that threaten me with death if I fail." 

"For my second wish, I'd like to have quick mastery and such. Like learning things quickly, if the system has exp I want it to double the amount I earn." 

"And lastly I'd like to be reincarnated as a phoenix, I'm quite tired of seeing dragons get all the glory." 

The woman nodded her head, the last one would be a slight problem but nothing she couldn't handle. "It will be done, now tell me. What world would you like to be reincarnated in?"

The man's smile became eerier hearing her question. "Tokyo Ghoul." 


Hope you don't mind me coming back, I just wasn't inspired to write this fanfic until now. I reread the story before this and I could tell it needed some serious work so I decided to rewrite it.

For those who stayed, I thank you for sticking with this lazy author.

If there's anyone who wants to suggest a girl for the harem do so here, don't be afraid.

I'm back!

FallenScathachcreators' thoughts