
Chapter 8

Harry was looking into rooms. When he saw a creepy doll room. He guessed he hadn't noticed it when he checked earlier. There was a table full of the dolls in the center of the room. All of the dolls were at least several years old.

He entered into the room when the flashlight flew into the wall. The door slammed behind him and locked byitself. No one downstairs heard the slamming door. When a doll suddenly crawled up his back. The doll then wrapped barbed wire around his neck.

Blood oozed out and down his body. Then the doll pulled him to the ground with amazing strength. The doll was still on him with the barbed wire. Harry did not make it for long soon after. Oliver slept farther from the rest of the group.

He was sleeping right under a chandelier. The chandelier fell and slammed onto Oliver killing him. Everyone woke up right when it landed onto him. Jeff screamed, "Oh my fucking god Oliver's dead!"


Frank had just finished peeing. He turned around when he saw Jordan pointing a gun at him in the doorway. "Any last words?" Jordan made a menacing grin.