
Chapter 5

2019: Frank, Jordan, and Alex opened the door. The house looked eerie as they stepped inside. Dust quitley flew by. They started to set up cameras all over the house.

Frank looked up and saw the attic door. He decided to open it. He pulled the keychain and the attic door slid open. The ladder came out making Frank nearly jump. He then pulled out his flashlight and aimed into the attic door.

He imagined a demonic face appearing from the darkness. No such thing occured though. He started to climb the ladder. When he poked his head inside he moved the flashlight around.

He climbed up inside. He started to explore around. He crawled further inside. He then found a photo. It was a photo that made his stomach do flip flops. It was photo of him.and his family as a 8 year old. They were all around a Christmas tree.

"How is this photo in here?!?" An image appeared in his head of flames engulfing his father. Tears came down his eyes and onto the photo. He heard Alex scream.

"Hurry up!"

"I'm coming!" He then wiped away his tears.