
Bloody Journey: The System Challenge in the World of One Piece

"Reincarnated in the New World: One Piece Anti-Villain Rise" tells the story of a grown man who is reborn in the One Piece universe without prior knowledge of the series. However, instead of becoming a conventional hero, he becomes a power-hungry anti-villain willing to do anything to achieve it. Armed with his past experience and with no moral restraints, he will embark on a dark and twisted journey, facing deadly challenges, forging alliances, and unraveling hidden secrets in search of his dominance in this new world. Get ready for an intense narrative full of surprising twists, where the line between heroism and evil blurs in this gripping tale of an anti-hero in the One Piece universe. Will this protagonist be able to conquer the world or will he succumb to his own inner darkness?

Killer_Shiro · Anime & Comics
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77 Chs

One Punch

Arlong and Shiro were looking at each other face to face, obviously Arlong had a look of superiority, and Shiro was very focused with great alertness.

"Silly human!"

[System I want to use my tickets].

>You want to get a new skill or improve it<.

[New Skill].

>How many Tickets do you want to use?<.

[The 5 Tickets].

>Using the 5 tickets, getting a random skill rank "Unique"<.

>Wait a moment please...<.



Arlong with one step was already in front of Shiro in an instant to then hit him with his left arm, Shiro, since his sword was in front, tries to deflect his blow with it while trying to move as much as possible, dodging the attack to the jousting

Shiro then does a footwork where he turns and positions himself to the right of his adversary sending a cut to Arlong's neck, but the sword....It stopped just colliding with Arlong's skin.

This made Shiro's eyes widen abruptly in surprise.

"HAHAHAHA, you're very weak, I even think the bounty hunter would do better."

Arlong raises his hand to take the sword, but Shiro reacts and pulls his sword away from his grasp, but the guy cleverly sends a pressure to the ground which destroys it and cracks it completely at a range of 10 meters, causing Shiro to lose. a little balance, which gave himadvantage to Arlong.

Who managed to take the sword, and forcefully destroy completely.

The force that he used to destroy it, made a small air shock that sent Shiro back to almost hit the wall, and I said almost because Shiro's reaction was fast, and he put both his legs to the wall to reduce the shock and not take any damage.

[Shit.... I ran out of weapons].

>Congratulations on getting a new skill<.


>Black Flash: A blow with distortion to everything it touches. (Effect, multiplies by 2.5 the damage hit by the user) [Maximum uses 3 times per day].

[System, you don't help me].

[This ability depends on my strength and is the least I have].

Shiro noticed how his enemy was about to get closer and took a small smoke bomb out of his pocket, it was the only thing he had.

Thanks to the smoke, he was able to avoid Arlong's other attack and position himself 10 meters from him.

"Why are you running now, not that you were going to fight me, human."

Arlong with a merciless smile said these words that Shiro did not answer...

[Shit, there won't be any alive, I just need to level up and adapt to their speed].

He began to search the whole place and saw that there were about 3 Fishmen who were defeated but still alive.

It is so that shiro, begins to run to the one who was close.

"Don't run away, weak human."

Arlong again rushes towards Shiro to attack him, Shiro had no other option to crouch down letting his body fall and avoid the attack, but it seems that Arlong thought to put all his arms together to make air shock and send Shiro flying and have him weak for finish it easily.

But at the moment that Arlong completed his movement, he received a blow to the cheek which sent him crashing into the house that was nearby.

"Sorry for being late".

It was Luffy's voice, which this time was more serious.

-Luffy....and zoro.

"He fell in a faint, he used all his last strength to get me out from under the sea and to come back to life that was completely exhausted."

"That's why I'm very angry!"

Shiro looked around and saw Zoro in the distance who was all wet and almost dead.

"I will take care of this battle from now on."

Luffy sped towards Arlong's location.

Shiro kept thinking, then quickly approached the fishman's body.

He took one of his arms and using his own fingers, he pressed on one of his eyes until he reached the brain, killing him completely.

>You got 200 EXP<.

>Congratulations on leveling up<.

Shiro thought about it for a while and decided to increase his defense, even if he needed strength, he saw it as more useful to increase his defense now, when he cannot surpass his enemy in speed.

Then he goes to Zoro's body, fortunately and very lucky in his opinion, Zoro was alive.

When he arrived he also noticed the presence of someone.....that was Nami.

Shiro just ignored her for the moment.

While Nami yelled at the civilians who were watching this whole fight, asking if they had bandages and things to try to prevent Zoro from bleeding.

By pure luck, if they had them, they gave them to me and I began to replace Zoro's previous bandages with the new ones, to tighten them more and put the necessary pressure on him.

After doing that, he finally sat down to rest breathing several times in a row.

"Shiro.......sorry you were right."

Nami's face was now in front of Shiro, she was trembling and already crying.

"Because...because of me, you guys are getting hurt, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry."

Shiro looked down, shaking his head, then with his arm he pulled Nami's body towards him to hug her.

She herself felt Shiro's body embracing her, and she hugged him beginning to let off steam, tears fell non-stop.

Shiro only gently rubbed Nami's back while she cried on her shoulder.

-Yeah...yeah, crying won't change anything, we're already in this mess, we just have to face it and move on.

Nami breaks away from the hug a bit and nods, wiping away her tears.

But at that time tremors were felt repeatedly.

1...2....3....4...strong tremors coming from the giant house where Luffy and Arlong were fighting.

To then see Arlong rush out into the previously cracked floor to crack more, to the point of breaking.

Al Arlong looked a little hurt.

Then a luffy was seen in the air stretching his leg up to the top of the air.

"Gomu gomu no....".

"Rubber Axe!"

Luffy's leg, which was in the air, fell at a high speed towards Arlong's body, which he managed to connect with, hitting Arlong brutally.

But there was a detail, the floor was already cracking from before and with this blow caused a large part of the floor to be destroyed, and what was below it would be seen... the sea itself.

When Arlong crossed the floor and when he felt the water in his body, he began to accumulate it in his body like the Fishman that they were.

And just like Luffy's kick that pierced the ground, this leg also reached the bottom of the sea, which Arlong took advantage of and held Luffy's leg, now with much more force, since a detail, all of Arlong's physical abilities, were double when in contact with the water itself.

The grip was very strong, so much so that it attracted Luffy very roughly to it.

"LET GO!!".

Luffy could not avoid being taken to the sea itself and when he touched it, his body became extremely weak again, Arlong knowing this proposed a huge beating to Luffy, since he could not defend himself, he suffered all the damage received from the attacks of Arlong.

//Returning to Shiro//.


Nami's cry was given, as she saw how the water fell.

Shiro got very angry when he saw this, he thought there would be some possibility but it seems not, he also noticed that the floor was being destroyed little by little, revealing the sea below.

[Damn, you can't leave all this to me].

-Nami, get away and make everyone run away from here, it's very dangerous that these civilians are close.



A whistle could be heard, and it was the speed of Luffy's body that was being thrown into the air, Luffy's body went through the wall that protected the entire base and which was about 3 meters from Nami and Shiro.

-Shit, quick, go...

"You're not going to run away..... are you?"


Shiro turns around, but feels a big hand on the whole of her head.

Arlong had held him tightly and after lifting him into the air, Shiro used all his strength to try to break free of Arlong's grip, but it was too weak.

His punches and kicks were very weak.

"Now...Nami, I think I'm going to have to have a serious talk with you again."

"You belong to me, you are going to continue in my group and work for your whole life creating maps for me at my pleasure, you are useful to me Nami".

"So, to make you accept this quickly, I'll put it like this.......".

"If you agree to remain a member of my crew, I will leave all the civilians alive, but I will kill these pirates."

"But if you refuse again, I will kill everyone in front of you, so you can see how they suffer before their death."

"It's time to decide Nami."

A very evil smile from Arlong made Nami freeze.

She was going crazy, a single word would decide the lives of the people in her town, but whether she accepted it or not, both Luffy, Zoro and Shiro would die.

His heart was beating thousands of times and despair was evident in his eyes.

He had many thoughts in his head, which were driving him crazy, but something was a fact, even if it hurts, he could no longer save the boys, now unfortunately he could only save the people of his city, since there was his sister and very important people.

So with tears, she says: "Okay Arlong... I'll still be part of your crew, so please don't do it to the townspeople."

"Ooh, good girl."

"That's good, that you make good decisions...."

"But unfortunately you are still very naive."

With force he throws Shiro's body very far with force, suffering this 40 points of damage, which he did not base his defense on, but he was very disoriented.

"You made me angry Nami by sending me these useless, but these useless, they won't fill the hate I'm having right now."

"That is why, right now, to calm my rage, I will kill all the people of the town."

"WHAT!!, NO, WAIT!!".

Arlong unscrupulously ran towards the civilians, but if his first victim was Nojiko, Nami realized that and screamed.


Arlong was closer and closer, until he came face to face, and with speed he sent his first attack.

The next second the whole environment turns black and white so that later a large accumulation of blood came out from Arlong's attack.

But there was a detail, the blood was not from Nojiko and from some civilian, the blood was from Shiro who took the lead to stop the coup.

The fist didn't go through Shiro's body, but if it had gone too deep, Shiro started to draw a large amount of blood from his mouth.

>You have received a damage of 100 points<.

>His defense has been reduced to 10 points<.

>It increases 90 points in speed and strength<.



(142/1300) [EXP] | [1 Golden Tickets]

Class: Hunter.

Points of Benefits: 60 points in Energy, mind and spirit. | For each level raised, it is an increase of 5 points.

Class Bonus: If the user kills his prey, the experience will be doubled.

Class Skill:

[State Vision]: As a hunter, you will be able to see the exact points that your prey has in each statistic, in order to devise plans. (Maximum vision, with people who double your level).

[Improvement Points] [0]

Strength:15 (+90)

Speed:67 (+90)





[Passive Skill].

Last Wish: This ability returns the suffering of the user, to an advantage for those who managed to hurt him and return double the pain, for each point of defense that he has lost, those points will be doubled to his resistance and strength, that is, minus 10 points of defense, is plus 20 points inspeed and force.

[Active Skill].

Black Flash: A distorting blow to everything it touches. (Effect, multiplies by 2.5 the damage hit by the user) [Maximum uses 3 times per day].

Returning to the scene, Nami was paralyzed when she saw that the one who suffered the damage was Shiro, meanwhile the civilians there were surprised, they never saw this boy coming, on the other hand Nojiko, I want to take a few seconds to recognize the person, he was also surprised.

"B-but, why?"

Shiro who was now feeling the increase in power, only responded to Nojiko.

-Take it as payment for your delicious Tea.

"Silly human, even knowing that you will die, you dare to continue fighting."

-Haha, that's how we humans are, we never give up, do you want me to teach you a detail about humans too?

Shiro squeezes Arlong's arm hard, which he noticed.

"What the hell!".

-It's that we... can exceed our limits.

Shiro drew back his arm ready to launch a blow, when the attack was in progress, the space began to distort, turning everything white and when the fist touched Arlong's chest, a black Flash darkened the place in an instant, and then return to normality but withthe effect of demolition.

Shiro with that blow had dealt a damage of 262 points, but the blow had the secondary effect of total distortion, causing a wave in the shape of a circle the size of 2 meters, which made Arlong's body fly much higher. away and crash into his house, so that atfinally died.

>You got 600 EXP<.

Shiro who saw the notification, made a smile, but his happiness would not last long as his body would slowly fall to the ground, as he fell he slowly lost his sense of hearing, just seeing how Nojiko tried to hold him and Nami began to run towards him.


This did not last long since his eyes would close completely and leaving his whole being to whatever fate wants, he did not notice who screamed fire, he just fell asleep.


The reference of the word fire, is that according to ODA, the one who takes the photo of the characters for the wanted posters, is a little man who, before taking the photo, yells "Fire".

So when you hear the word fire, that's because the photo was taken.