
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Porlyusica how bad is it?!" Makarov asked as he barged into the infirmary with everyone behind him, "Answer me!"

"The magic particles barrier has taken its toll but they'll make it." Porlyusica explained as Drake and Natsu looked at Laxus and the Thunder Legion. Everyone felt Natsu and Drake's anger as they processed what happened.

"Gramps." Drake said as he and Natsu shook with rage. They looked at the two Dragon Slayers and their blood ran cold.

"This means war!" Natsu told them and the two walked out of the infirmary. All of Fairy Tail felt their bloodlust and tackled them to the ground.

"Get off!" Drake yelled as he threw his guildmates off of him. Mira and Erza quickly grabbed hold of him and stopped him in his tracks.

"Drake what's wrong?!" Mira asked him as his eyes stopped glowing, "What happened to Laxus and the others?!"

"They hurt our own and this means war!" Natsu yelled as he struggled against the pile of mages on him.

"I have no objections to that but we don't have enough intel yet." Makarov told him and Drake began to shake with rage. Drake roared like a dragon before Mira hugged him tightly and he calmed down.

"I'm coming out of retirement Gramps." Drake told him as Mira let him go, "Tataros is going to regret the day they pissed off Fairy Tail."

"I couldn't have said it better myself! The blood they spilled is our own! Put all of your pain and suffering in making them regret picking a fight with out family!" Makarov yelled and Fairy Tail's anger could be felt throughout Magnolia. Over the next few days Fairy Tail learned that Tartarus was after the Magic Council and Makarov sent several mages out to find them.

"Wait if Tartarus knows where the former council members are, which is supposed to be classified information, someone must be telling them." Drake told Makarov as he looked at the map laid out on the table. They had marked down where each team was sent and were waiting for their word.

"That's information that only a higher member would know." Makarov told him with a serious face, "Drake I sent Mira and Erza to the Head Councilman's home!"

"Shit!" Drake yelled as he flew through the ceiling with Reckless close behind him. He was flying as fast as he could and saw Natsu land in front of the destroyed home. He must have realized the same thing and came racing over.

"Natsu are they here?!" Drake asked as Natsu was smelling the tea on the floor. Natsu's face told him everything he needed to know and they both blew the building apart in rage.

"Guys calm down!" Hapoy yelled as he and Reckless flew up to not be caught in the destruction, "We can't find them if you destroy everything!"

"Don't underestimate a dragon's nose!" Natsu said as he began to smell the ground. Drake could feel his inner dragon screaming to come out and at that point he wanted to let it. Natsu found their scent and both dragons raced to their location.