
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"When is he going to wake up?" Mira asked distraught by the fact that he might just leave her again.

"Calm down girl." Porlyusica said sternly. "Although he might not wake up for a while judging by how severe his wounds are."

Mira began to get teary-eyed not knowing what she would do without him again. Porlyusica just watched in sadness at the couple. That's when Mira realized something.

"Would he wake up if I gave him some of my blood?" Mira asked with hope in her eyes.

"It is possible yes but if you do you must be aware of the risks." Porlyusica told her while looking at Drake.

"What do you mean risks?" Mira asked not aware of what could happen.

"Well for starters if you try it may take more than you can give plus the magic power you'll need to add just to be sure it works." Porlyusica explained, "Most importantly if he consumes blood he may turn feral."

"What do you mean?" Mira asked as she got worried about him.

"He could go on a blood craving rampage." Porlyusica told her with a serious face, "That's how Makarov found him. He got cornered by a dark guild when he was young and he ended up biting one of them to escape. Makarov said there were bodies everywhere."

"I don't care." She told Porlyusica as she stood up, "I'm willing to take the risks."

"If you say so but I'm going to get the other two dragon slayers and Makarov for backup." Porlyusica said as she began walking out of the room. When she returned she gave the three of them the same run down and the got ready.

"Go ahead when you're ready child." Porlyusica told Mira.

"Ok..." Mira said as she cut her arm. She sucked out some blood and infused her magic into it. She then kissed Drake allowing him to drink it. She did this two more times before they made her stop.

"Mira no more blood. You're body can't handle the loss." Makarov said.

"Yes Master." Mira nodded towards him. "At least I can say I tried." That's when Drake opened his eyes.

"Drake you're awake!" Natsu yelled out in glee before fire formed on his fists. Drake sat up with his eyes glowing.

"What?!" Mira said turning around to look at him, "Thank god!"

"Pfft. No ones gonna kill this dragon." He said as he shook his head and smiled at them.

"Drake you're alive!" Reckless said zooming into the room.

"Hey little buddy. I'm sorry I worried you." He said softly to the crying cat, "I won't make any promises about not doing anything like that again. Where's Laxus?"

"I have excommunicated him from the guild." Makarov said sadly.

"What why?!" Drake said shocked. "He was your grandson wasn't he?!"

"Any member of Fairy Tail, blood family or not, will not harm another guild member." Makarov said with a stern but sad voice. Drake just looked at the ceiling in thought.

"If that's the rules then so be it I suppose." Drake said never looking down, "No matter what your choice is Gramps I will stand by it. Unless of course it's against Fairy Tail. If anyone ever tries to hurt this guild again I will personally make them realize their mistake."

"I'm with you on that." Natsu said with an uncharacteristically serious tone, "Whether it's the Magic Council or a dark guild I will defend Fairy Tail."

A Short Time Later:

"So you two are our newest members?" Drake asked looking at Wendy and Carla.

"Y-yes!" Wendy said timidly to the lumbering teenager in front of her, "I'm Wendy Marvell and I'm a Sky Dragon Slayer."

"Calm down child!" Carla said scolding Wendy, "Why are you so timid all the time?"

"It's fine." Drake said looking at Carla calmly, "I'm a dragon slayer as well."

"Really?!" Wendy said shocked. She knew Natsu was a dragon slayer but had no idea that Fairy Tail had more. "How many of us are in Fairy Tail?"

"There's me, you, Natsu and Gajeel." Drake informed her smiling at her confusion, "Erza told me you weren't good at fighting?"

"Yes that's right..." Wendy said looking down sadly, "Grandeeney never taught me how to fight properly."

"So your situation is the same as mine was." Drake said while looking at her with an understanding look.

"Really?" Wendy said shocked. "But you seem so strong!"

"That's because I trained extremely hard." Drake informed her, "Do you want me to train you to fight Wendy?"

"Yes!" Wendy said with hope in her eyes, "I need to get stronger so I can protect myself in battles."

"Are you sure about this child?" Carla asked her, "He doesn't seem like he was joking about the toughness of his training.

"I'm positive!" Wendy said with a determined look.

"Ok let me get some things arranged then we can start whenever you're up for it." Drake told her with a smile.

Fairy Tail's Kitchen:

"Yo Mira." Drake said walking into the kitchen.

"Oh hi Drake!" Mira said turning and smiling at him, "Do you need something?"

"Yeah I do actually." Drake told her as he grabbed an apple off of the counter, "Is there anywhere I can train Wendy where we won't be bothered?"

"Hmmm." Mira hummed putting her finger on her chin, "You can use the property behind our home."

"You sure?" Drake said trying make sure she understood the damage that could happen, "This is Dragon Slayer training. Stuff could get messy."

"Yes I'm sure Drake." She said rolling her eyes and giggling, "If I didn't understand the risk of being with you I wouldn't be with you to begin with."

"Ok if you say so." Drake said as he walked out of the kitchen.

Guildhall Main Room:

"Yo Wendy I got permission to use Mira's property." Drake told the young slayer, "You ready?"

"Yes I'm ready to start." Wendy said with her eyes full of determination.

"Ok follow me then." Drake said walking out with Reckless next to him.

Strauss Property:

"Last chance Wendy." Drake said while looking at her seriously, "Once we start your training there's no quitting."

"If it means I can get stronger than I'll do it." Wendy said just as seriously. Drake chuckled because she sounded just like he did years ago.

"Ok then." Drake said, proud of her courage, "Hit me with your strongest roar."

"W-what?!" Wendy asked, shocked by his demand, "Why?!"

"It'll let me know how strong you are right now." Drake informed her, "Believe me I can take it. Now don't hold back."

"Sky Dragon's Roar!" Wendy yelled launching her strongest roar yet. Drake got completely engulfed by the magic. It was much stronger than he expected.

"Hah!" Drake yelled as he made his own magic expand out to disperse hers, "Damn, that was stronger then I thought."

"I-I'm sorry!" Wendy said flailing her arms in the air.

"It's fine." Drake said as he waved his hand, "I just wasn't expecting that much force."

"Now I want you to blast those trees." Drake said, pointing towards the forest.

"Ok!" Wendy said regaining her courage, "Sky Dragon's Roar!" Her magic knocking down one tree and slightly damaged two others.

"Ok good." Drake told her as he took a deep breath, "Blood Dragon's Roar!"

"Wow!" Wendy said in awe as his attack destroyed several trees, "That's a lot stronger than mine!"

"That's what my training did for me." Drake said looking down at her, "Ok, now spar with me."

"S-spar?" Wendy asked with fear on her face.

"Don't worry I'll hold back." Drake said, "But I can't promise you won't get hurt."

"But why do we have to fight?" Wendy asked getting even more scared.

"I told you that this was going to be hard Wendy." Drake said with his face not changing.

"Hold up Drake." Carla said walking in between the master and student, "I won't stand by this."

"I didn't ask you Carla." Drake said with a cold look that made her regret stepping in "I already told you two that once you decided to start my training that you can't stop."

"Carla he's right." Wendy told her friend, "I agreed to this. I already knew that getting stronger wouldn't be easy."

"Ok then let's go." Drake told her with a smirk.


"Ok guys let's end it there for today." Mira said walking towards them with a smile.

"O-ok..." Wendy said trying to catch her breath.

"Hey Mira?" Drake said his clothes dirty and also out of breath.

"Hmm?" Mira hummed looking at him.

"Could you get her home?" Drake asked kindly, "Erza will try to kill me if I go to Fairy Hills."

"No problem. You ready Wendy?" Mira asked the young girl with soft eyes.

"Y-yes." Wendy said walking towards Mira, "Bye Drake!"

"Bye Wendy." Drake said smiling once they were in the house. He sighed knowing that her training would take some time.