
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
20 Chs


"Now let's continue playing." Drake said as the demon charged him again. He kicked her so hard she bounced around the room like a ball and was stopped by Drake grabbing her face. He gave her a wicked smile before throwing her away like trash.

"Drake please stop!" Mira yelled and he looked at her with a non-caring face.

"Shut up girl." Drake told her and shocked all three women, "The me you're calling to is asleep right now and can't hear you."

"I said stop!" Mira yelled and Drake froze in place before he roared and broke her control. She was trying to takeover his Satan Soul but she wasn't strong enough to beat the Dragon Drake's will.

"I will admit I don't want to hurt you but try that again and I'll end you." Drake told her as the demon appeared behind him and was sent flying by an unseen force, "I'm talking."

"What the hell are you?!" The demon asked as she shook in fear. Drake looked at the blood on the ground and lifted his hand causing it to form a ball. He inhaled the blood and wiped his mouth clean.

"Did you really think a lowly demon could kill a dragon?" Drake asked as he began to walk towards her, "You're boring me so I'm ending this."

"Drake don't do it!" Mira screamed to no avail and he looked at her in anger. He raised his hand and pointed it at her before he suddenly thrown into a wall.

"I'm knocking some sense into you Drake!" Elfman yelled as the dust cleared. He turned into his Lizardman form as a Blood Dragon's Roar flew straight for him. Went back into Beast Soul and hit Drake with a back hand as he appeared behind him.

"Is Elfman stronger than Drake?!" Lisanna asked as Drake was beaten around the room.

"No I think he's either holding back on purpose or our Drake is fighting back." Mira explained as Drake roared again and the room began to shake violently. Drake woke up in a dark, blood red area in complete confusion. As his eyes adjusted he saw version of himself looking back at him. He had black scales on his arms and upper chest with glowing eyes.

"Where am I?" Drake asked him as he stood up, "What happened to Mira and Lisanna?"

"I'm currently using our body to fight that demon." He explained as he punched Drake across the room, "I'm not giving it up either."

"Like hell you're not!" Drake yelled as he rushed his inner dragon only to be slammed into the floor and kicked away. Drake rolled to his feet and both of them lost their balance as the world shook. A window of sorts appeared next to them and they saw that Elfman had knocked him into a wall.

"Dammit!" The dragon Drake yelled as he tried to get back to the outside world. Drake flew into him before he could leave and they clashed around the area.

"I'm not letting you hurt my family!" Drake yelled as they slammed their forearms together. The dragon grabbed his face and was bringing him to the floor when a bright light filled the area. Something slammed into him and knocked him away from Drake. When the light cleared he saw Mira in her Satan Soul form.

"How'd you get in here?" Drake asked as she helped him up. The other Drake roared was across the room as he stood up as well.

"I've been trying to use my Takeover magic this entire time and it finally worked once you started to fight back." Mira explained as the other Drake flew straight for them, "Let's get you out of here!"

"Yeah. I'm sick of this guy anyways." Drake told her as they charged him. Mira and Drake punched him in the face and sent flying towards the floor. Drake and Mira barely missed their kicks as he rolled out of the way. He jumped up and grabbed them both by the throat and gave them a wicked smile that they returned. They began to hit him in the face with ridiculously fast punches until he let go. As soon as he did they both kicked him in the chest and sent him bouncing along the ground. He stood up and they saw begin to inhale as a magic circle appeared in front of his face.

"BLOOD DRAGON'S ROAR!" Both Drakes yelled and as the attacks collided Mira flew behind the other Drake. She kicked him towards Drake and he slammed his fists on his counterparts head. Mira fired a Soul Extinctor at him while Drake got ready for one final attack.

"BLOOD DRAGON'S SACRED ART: BLOODY BALLET!" Drake yelled and his magic spiraled around him like a drill as he rocketed towards his dragon half. Blood red magic exploded on impact and when it cleared Drake was barely standing over his counterparts unconscious body. Mira disappeared as the area began to crack and Drake received a punch from Elfman. He was about to get another but Mira and Lisanna grabbed his arm.

"Drake's back!" Mira yelled as Drake gave Elfman a stupid smile. Elfman helped him up and he staggered for a moment.

"You really beat the hell out of me." Drake told him as Mira his arm over her shoulders. Suddenly tendrils shot out of the walls and they were absorbed into whatever they were made of.

Sometime Later:

"Anyone have the feeling Lucy just saved our asses?" Drake asked as he stood up and realized he was outside of Magnolia by himself. He could remember what happened after het got control of his body again but it also didn't matter. What did was the massive magic power he was feeling. He took a deep breath and sat on the ground with his eyes closed.

'You awake?'