
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Drake's Return

"You can't take another hit!" Cana yelled as Erza began to prepare for another shot from the Jupiter cannon.

'Dammit! She's right but I don't have a choice! If it fires and nothing stops it from hitting magnolia everything will be destroyed!' Erza thought as the next shot was fired. Gritting her teeth and slamming her eyes shut she prepared for its force but it never came.

"Huh?" Erza said as she looked up to see Drake with his arms crossed in front of his face and taking the full force of the cannon head on, "What are you doing you fool?! That was dangerous! Let Fairy Tail handle this!"

As the cannons shot faded Drake could be seen clearly. His black hoodie and shirt were gone and he had burns on his arms that quickly healed.

"Why would you do something so reckless?!" Erza yelled at him, "Who are you anyway?!"

"You're one to talk!" He yelled back not at all scared of her, "My guild was being attacked and I stepped in!"

"Guys this isn't the time to argue!" Macao yelled from the ruins."Go get those bastards for what they did to Master Makarov!"

"What does he mean? What the did they do to Gramps?" Drake asked as his red eyes began to glow and his pupils became slits.

"They drained his magic power from him and we took him to Porlyusica's home." Erza explained to the unknown man that claimed to be a Fairy Tail member.

"Those bastards!" Drake said as he looked at Phantom Lord's guildhall. Erza putting a hand on his shoulder caused him to calm down.

"I know how you feel but I need you to stay calm." She said with a softness in her eyes.

"I know but I'm still going to kick their asses." He told her as he launched towards the enemy's base.

"Who is that man?" Erza asked herself as she watched Drake fly away.

Ok so where's the entranced to this place?" Drake thought aloud as he was flying towards the Phantom Lord guildhall. As he was searching he saw Mira and Elfman being cornered by three white figures. He landed on one of the legs of the walking base and launched upwards towards them.

"You may have been able to kill one of the Element Four but they were pushovers compared to us!" One of the people dressed in white said as he dashed forward to punch Elfman in the face.

"Elfman no!" Mira screamed with her eyes wide in fear as she was about to watch her only remaining sibling die in front of her. Before any of them could react Drake had caught his fist while glaring into his eyes.

"D-Drake?!" Elfman asked as he saw Drake's unique Fairy Tail tattoo, "I thought you were never going to come back!"

Drake silently glanced over his shoulder towards the Strauss siblings. When he turned back towards his opponent he started to examine the three enemies in front of him. They each had black hair with pure white uniforms similar to military garments.

"Why the hell can't I break free?!" The man in front of him said while struggling and Drake just let him go. The man jumped back towards his comrades while rubbing his hand.

"You idiot why would you just let him go like that? You must be dumber than you look." One of the other men said while laughing maniacally, "Or maybe you're just stupid and are thinking maybe I'm stronger?!"

"I know I am." Drake told him coldly and Mira could feel his magic power rise.

"I'll show you not to underestimate me!" The man yelled in anger as he launched towards him at high speeds.

"You fool don't underestimate him!" The other man, who seemed like their leader, told him but the man clearly wasn't listening. Before anyone could react Drake had seemingly appeared above the man's head. He delivered a swift but powerful kick to his head putting him face first into their steel base. The man's body went limp, no one knowing if he was alive or dead.

'When the hell did he become this strong?!' Elfman thought, 'Last time we seen him he was just a weak kid!'

Mira, who was just as shocked as the rest of them, just stared at Drake with wide eyes. After scanning the man on the ground for any movement Drake looked back up to the other two.

"Leave or your next," Drake said bluntly, "and don't even begin to think I'm joking."

"Ha! You think just because you beat him you can beat the two of us?" He said motioning to the man to his right and they both launched towards him attacking in perfect unison, "Let's see how you fair against both of us at the same time!"

"I warned you." Drake told them while dodging every punch and kick they threw at him before he grabbed their faces and slammed them into the metal, denting it slightly.

"You two ok?" Drake asked the siblings as he turned around. They could feel the power radiating off of him.

"We're fine now." Mira said while smiling at Drake. Drake looked at her silently before turning around.

"That was damn manly if I do say so myself." Elfman said giving him a thumbs up. Drake looked up as Natsu and another Dragon Slayer fought above them. He knew Natsu could handle the rest as he saw his strength.

"Then let's get back I'm hungry. It took me a while to get back to Magnolia." Drake said nonchalantly as he casully walked towards the ruins of the guildhall.

"You're not going to help the others?" Mira asked slightly shocked at what he said. Drake never used to be this cold hearted.

"They can handle it just fine." He said without looking at her, "I want to catch up with everyone."

Back at the guildhall:

"I can't believe what those bastards did to the guildhall!" Macao yelled as Mira, Elfman and Drake walked to what was left of the guildhall.

"Now that's a face I haven't seen in a while!" Grey yelled out while walking over towards Drake.

"How have you been?" Drake asked with a Natsu like grin on his face. Everyone was surprised by Drake's sudden return.

"You must have helped fight them judging by your arms and lack of clothing." Lucy said walking towards him as well. She had to admit that his body seemed extremely refined, even among the other Dragon Slayers she had met.

"Who are you by the way?" Drake asked Lucy with curious eyes. Judging by her smell she was around Natsu and Happy a lot.

"My name is Lucy Heartfilia. Nice to meet you!" She told him while extending her hand.

"My name's Drake." Drake said as he lightly shook her hand.

"Fight me!" Natsu yelled while falling towards Drake. Before anyone even had time to process what Natsu said he was kicked across the room.

"Shut up and heal dumb ass." Drake said while glaring at him. "I'm going to Porlyusica's house to check on Gramps."