
Bloody Fairy (First Version and Dropped)

Fairy Tail's very own Blood Dragon Slayer.

Starr_Dakota · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Change Of Heart

Drake followed Mira up the stairs to his new room. As he followed her around the way to big home he scanned the hallway. It had red carpet and white walls leading down the decent sized hall.

"This is your room." Mira said opening a door and walking into the room that could fit three full grown people. It had black carpet and red walls with a bathroom that had an over sized tub and shower. The room also had a king sized bed with a walk in closet and a dresser with mirror on it.

"Little much isn't it?" Drake said as he looked around struck by the overwhelming room.

"Maybe but it is what it is." She said simply. "Anyways to the shower with you."

"Ok, Ok." Drake said walking towards the bathroom and shutting and locking the door, "Crazy woman."

He took notice of all of the soaps and shampoos covering the side of the bathtub.

"Why do they need this much stuff in a guest bedroom?" Drake said taking notice all of the soaps in there as he turned the water on. He typically kept the water on hotter than people, excluding Natsu of course, could bear.

'I suppose I should get this over with I don't trust her with my privacy.' Drake thought as he picked through the giant assortment of soaps. Once he was done he realized that he had left his clothes in the room. He wrapped a towel his waist and walked into the bedroom.

'I knew it was weird that there was some much stuff in that bathroom.' Drake thought when he noticed Mira sleeping on the bed. Drake more than a little distraught grabbed his clothes and hurried back to the bathroom. After he was done getting dressed he quietly got out of the room and started exploring.

'I wonder if they have a gym. I'm sure Elfman is here somewhere it is night after all.' Drake thought as he explored the mansion looking for the youngest Strauss sibling.

"Ha, found you!" Drake said as he walked into their kitchen scaring Elfman.

"Whoa I forgot you were here." Elfman said shocked by the sudden arrival.

"Yeah, I was wondering if you guys had a gym?" Drake asked looking around the kitchen.

"Yeah I'll show you where it is." Elfman said walking out of the kitchen with a glass of water.

"Lead the way." Drake said following after him. It was surprisingly close, just a couple rooms down from the bedroom.

"This is little big isn't it?" Drake asked looking at all the equipment around the large room.

"I suppose yeah, but it gets the job done. Just look at me!" Elfman exclaimed. "Anyways have at it I'm going to bed."

"Night." Drake said simply while taking his shirt off.

~A Few Hours Later~

"200, 201, 202..." Drake counting while he was doing hand stand push-ups. Mira quietly sat and watched him.

'No wonder why he's as big as he is.' Mira thought watching how far he went with his workouts.

"Enjoying the show?" Drake asked as he pushed himself into the air and landed on his feet.

"Maybe, but you need sleep it's already almost 3:00 in the morning." Mira told him sternly as he put his shirt back on.

"Yeah I'm pretty tired. Why were you in my bed?" Drake asking just to confirm what he was thinking. He knew not to get on Mira's bad side.

"Because it's my room to." She looking him dead in the eye. She giggled at the surprised expression he had.

"So we're sharing a bed?" Drake asked while trying to process the situation. He had only ever shared a bed with Reckless so this was strange to him. Drake realized that he hadn't seen his buddy since their return to Magnolia.

"Yeah, unless the big bad Blood Dragon is afraid of girls." Mira said and smiled as she hit his pride, "If you're wondering, Reckless came back a while ago. He was playing with Happy for longer than he meant to."

"He certainly lives up to his name." Drake said as he followed her back to the room. This was something he going to have to get used to.

~October 15th x784~

"Wow everyone's so excited for the Harvest Festival and Fantasia." Drake said to Mira and Makarov as they watched Fairy Tail work.

"But of course, people come from all over the country to see our parade." Makarov said happily and they saw that Drake had disappeared. They looked up to see Erza dragging him away to help with the preparations.

"Yeah it'd be nice if Laxus would join us for once though." Mira said to Makarov. "I heard from Levy that he came back."

"He came back?!" Makarov said. "Why now of all times would he choose to come back?"

~The Day Of The Harvest Festival~

"Welcome everybody to the Ms. Fairy Tail competition! I'm Max and I'll be your host for this event!" Max shouted into the microphone hurting Drake's ears. He hated extremely loud noises and he didn't understand why they needed a microphone in the guildhall.

"This is dumb." Gajeel told Drake plainly. Drake had surprisingly hit it off well with Gajeel. They had more in common than they thought so they got along pretty well.

"Yes it is but it doesn't matter to me." Drake said bluntly as he laid his head on the table, "I'm taking a nap."

~15 minutes later~

'What the hell?!' Drake asked as the sound of panic woke him up and looked at the stage right after Lucy was turned to stone. His eyes widened when the curtains were raised and he saw the rest of the girls met the same fate as Lucy. Evergreen was standing there with a wicked smile.

"How dare you!" Drake yelled as he launched towards the stage. The table he was at sitting was flipped over and his speed was causing the others to move.

"Don't look her in the eyes!" Grey yelled but it was too late. Evergreen managed to turn him into stone just before he reached her.

"Seems like all you fans ran off! That's too bad because the party's about to start!" Laxus yelled with a maniacal laugh as lightning struck the stage.

"I should have know." Makarov said with wide eyes. He knew something was off when Mira told him that Laxus was back but he never thought he would attack the guild. It didn't take long for the Fairy Tail mages to start their fight through Magnolia.

"What the hell just happened to me?!" Drake asked as he returned to normal. He glanced around and saw that the girls were gone.

"Gramps!" Drake yelled as he jogged over to Makarov. "What the hell is going on?"

"Laxus and the Thunder Legion are attacking the guild for Makarov's position as Guild Master." Porlyusica told him as she watched the explosions throughout the two.

"Where the hell is Mira?" Drake asked as he looked around for her.

"She went after Freed I believe." Porlyusica said looking out of the doors of the guildhall. The fight seemed to be dying down, except for what was clearly Natsu and Gajeel fighting Laxus.

"Why would she do that she said she couldn't use her takeover magic anymore?!" Drake asked his panic rose. He stood up and began to walk towards the door.

"You're correct she couldn't." Porlyusica said bluntly.

"What happened?!" Drake asked her as he cracked his knuckles. He wasn't happy and he was going to make them pay.

"I don't know but both her and Freed's magic power rose drastically." Porlyusica told fearing what Drake might do, "I believe she beat Freed."

"Then I'm going after Laxus." Drake said walking towards the door. He closed his eyes and focused on Natsu's magic power knowing he and Gajeel went after Laxus and he went up at a ridiculous speed. He smashed down outside of the cathedral causing the ground to crack. He heard explosions going off inside and he raced for the door. He bashed through it and ran inside to see Laxus beating Natsu and Gajeel no problem.

"Hey you two back off I'll handle him!" Drake yelled, "He's too much for you right now!"

"What?! No!" Natsu yelled at Drake but Gajeel put his hand on his shoulder letting him know to let him fight, "Fine! Just beat him and end this!"

"Ha! Weak little Drake's gonna fight me huh?" Laxus said laughing. "If you can then bring it!"

"You bastards hurt Mira and the rest of Fairy Tail!" Drake screamed while his magic burst out, "I kill you all."

"Whoa that's some crazy magic power!" Gajeel yelled holding his arm in front of his face. Their magic auras were pushing against each other and making wind whip around the room.

"Blood Dragon's Iron Fist/ Lightning Dragon's Iron Fist!" Drake and Laxus charged into each other and slammed their fists into each other's face. They kept clashing their fists, both going all out causing the ground shake. Drake faked a punch and kicked Laxus in his head and Laxus rolled on the ground for a moment. They both launched through the roof causing some debris to fall down. Natsu and Gajeel both ran outside, not wanting to miss a moment of this.

"Those two are monsters!" Natsu yelled watching as they clashed in the air. The only thing anyone could see was a yellow and a blood red streak colliding, each hit making the ground shake even more. They began to fight over Magnolia and Fairy Tail was watching in awe as the two dragons fought.

"Blood Dragon's Roar/ Lightning Dragon's Roar!" They both launched their attacks mere feet from each other. The attacks colliding made the two launch towards the ground in front of the guildhall. Landing and sliding on their feet they made a mad dash towards each other.

"This is bad!" Mira yelled. "Drake said he only uses his magic when absolutely necessary!"

"That means both of them are at the end of their ropes!" Erza yelled. "It's down to who can last longer!"

With both of their iron fists primed they began to wail on each other at blinding speeds, neither missing a hit. They both revved back fists packed full of power, ready for the final punch.

"Everyone get ready this is going to end it!" Erza yelled. As they both let out a war cry they slammed their fists into each other's face and both of them flew backwards. Porlyusica checked on them and told everyone that they were only unconscious.

"Yeah!" Fairy Tail yelled out for Drake's victory against the Lightning Dragon Slayer.

"Now's not the time to celebrate! The Thunder Tower is still up!". Erza yelled as she looked up.. This silenced everyone as panic began to set in.

"Reckless..." Drake said struggling to get to his feet, "fly me up there now."

"I can't your too injured!" Reckless said his eyes tearing up and stepping away from his best friend.

"Reckless do it or we all die." Drake told him with a serious tone Reckless hadn't heard in years.

"Roger..." Reckless said as he and Drake flew towards the center of all the lacrimas.

"What are you doing you fool!" Erza yelled out as everyone watched Reckless carry Drake, "You can barely maintain consciousness much less take a hit from those!"

"Reckless you can let me go." Drake said as he used some of the magic he had left to hover, "Get away from here now!"

"Roger!" Reckless yelled as he flew away crying because he knew what was about to happen.

"BLOOD DRAGON SACRED ART!" Drake yelled out with his arms extended each hand gathering magic. "HEART PIERCER!" He slammed his hands together and magic in the shape of javelins launched towards every lacrima.

"NO!" Mira screamed as every one of his javelins hit their mark. Drake simply looked down and smiled at them as the lacrimas' counter measures began.

"AAAAAGGGHHH!" Drake screamed in pain as the lightning exploded around him. They all thought that he was going to die. That was until they saw that Laxus had launched towards him.

"Like hell I'm going to let you die before we fight again!" Laxus yelled as he began to inhale the lightning. As soon as the lightning was gone they both started to plummet towards the ground.

"Gotcha!" Natsu yelled as he and Gajeel caught the two unconscious Dragon Slayers. They both started running towards the guildhall amd up to the medical area. Natsu kicked down the door and rushed Laxus to a bed with Gajeel doing the same with Drake.

"What was all that commotion?!" Makarov asked as he came into the room.

"Laxus and Drake fought and then Drake tried to take the full blunt of the Thunder Tower's power." Gajeel told him and Porlyusica, "Drake would have died if Laxus hadn't flew up there to inhale the electricity."

"Those fools!" Makarov yelled as he looked at the unconscious Dragon Slayers.

"Stop yelling!" Porlyusica yelled as she pulled out a broom, "You, Drake and Laxus need to rest! Now you two get out!"