


Tricia's face darkened, she clenched her hands tightly into fists and greeted her teeth.

"I presume you know the consequences of confronting a Luna right?" She said in greeted teeth.

"Of course, and I very much look forward to receiving my punishment after teaching you a lesson, dear sister." At the mention of the last word sister, she lunged forward hitting and punching Tricia like a tool to train with.

Tricia tried her best to attack but sadly she was no match for her sister, she eventually grew weak as time went by and gave up all resistance. She wanted to ask her to stop but she wouldn't stoop so low as to beg a subordinate.

For Tricia, everyone was under her now that she would become the Luna, every single soul within the pack was her subordinate aside from Alex and his family.

Alex watched the scene with a smirk on his face until he could see blood flowing from Tricia's body, her nose, her mouth, and her legs were already bare with no shoes.

"Tell her to stop, that is enough," Alex ordered one of the Pack's well-trained soldiers who moved forward to intervene.

"That is enough Celine." He said pulling her from Tricia but the woman was so vicious that she saw this as an opportunity to attack. She had always played the game (strike while the opponent least expected.

She immediately shifted into her wolf form and aimed directly at Celine's neck, she was sure to rip her apart but unfortunately, Celine knew all her tactics.

"Argh!" Celine groaned angrily and with one powerful kick, she jumped her strong right leg hitting Tricia's wolf's neck, and with a loud thud, she fell on the thorns she had earlier pushed Eva.

Celine knew that her sister was not the type to give up easily even when she was at her lowest, landed in a much safer place and turned her eyes glowing very bright yellow, and her claws ready to attack when she saw Tricia's wolf down on the thorns blood oozing from various parts of her body.

"Tricia." She called out loud going forward to save her sister. The two had always been at odds and fought often but that didn't mean they hated one another, at least for Celine, that had always been the case but on Tricia's side, she would eliminate anyone blocking her path.

"What are you waiting for? Take her to the clinic right now!" She snapped fear evident in her voice.

The Beta family, Tricia, and Celine's parents had long been informed about the situation outside, and all they were looking for was any spare keys they could free themselves.

"We are locked here thanks to Celine, only she is bright enough to complete her missions undisturbed." Lara the Beta's mate and Tricia's mother said angrily but the door flew open not less than a minute after her words.

"So she gave you orders to lock the door?" Lara asked massaging her temples but in the end, she only left the room heading to the prison center.

Her eyes landed on her daughter's wolf carried on a man's shoulder as he walked past her hurriedly toward the clinic.

Slap! Slap!

The sound of hot resounding slaps fell on Celine's cheeks and Lara lifted her hand to add yet another slap but her hands were held mid-air.

"That is enough mate, you didn't give her a chance to explain." Liam the Beta and also their father said in a low voice.

"We all know that I have always been wrong." She walked away from her parents suppressing her tears, which had always been the case after all.

"When are you moving out with your mate you good for nothing looser!" Lara snapped pulling hard on her daughter's hair.

"Oh, him? Do not worry because he is a reject. My main purpose for that trip was to let him know that he couldn't have me, so I said no to mating." She pushed Lara's hand from her hair and vanished far away from their side.

"Did you just see that? Your precious spoiled little darling has lost meaning and control over her own life, how heartbreaking." She sneered coldly and walked through the hallway to the huge clinic.

On the other hand, Alex's luxurious designer suit and his black sharpshooter shoes quickly made their way into the clinic. The two women lying on two different beds side by side as Joann the Pack doctor was busy with her skillful hands cleaning Tricia's wounds.

Truly discrimination was all over the pack, Eva had been brought to this clinic an hour earlier but it was clear that Joann had no intention of helping her out.

The thorn marks on both bodies were no longer visible but only the marks of their attacks, the deep claws Tricia had left on Eva, and the deep wound Tricia had inflicted upon herself.

Luckily for their wolf-faster healing ability, they only needed a peaceful rest and would be fine upon waking up.

Alex sat watching the two women as he dismissed everyone. His eyes filled with love, tenderness, and guilt were focused on the sleeping beauty.

'I would have given up on everything, everyone, I would have shielded you and confidently marked you my mate if not for one thing ' He thought.

He watched Eva peacefully sleeping a smile on his face. He wondered if there could be a way, any miraculous way to save Eva's wolf.

Eva's lips curved slightly into a sweet smile and Alex couldn't help but smile back hoping he was a character in the dream, it would be more appropriate if he was the protagonist in that dream.

He leaned in closer to steal a quick peck but he snapped when his phone buzzed indicating a message.

(The Blue Shells Pack's Alpha is here in X City) The message was short but precise.

'What is he looking for in X City? Could he have come to his senses and come back to take Eva as his mate?' He thought.

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