

In the opulent halls of Yanghua Manor, where crimson roses bloom under the moonlight and shadows whisper ancient secrets, Detective Liang Meiying walks a tightrope of truth and legend. A blood-soaked rose, an ominous note, and a whispered curse - the Fengling legacy. Each generation is tainted by misfortune, each member a suspect. Liang, with eyes sharper than polished jade, delves into a maze of family secrets, where envy festers and loyalty bleeds thin. Is the curse a vengeful phantom or a cunning killer cloaked in darkness? As danger tightens its grip, Liang must face a chilling truth: one shall fall, and none will be forgiven. Will she untangle the web of lies before the next petal drops, or will Yanghua Manor claim another victim, staining its roses with an even deeper crimson? Excerpt Liang couldn't help but mutter under her breath, "Just what I needed – a haunted mansion with a side of family drama." Lord Yang Yuxuan shot her a look, a mix of annoyance and amusement, "Haunted mansion? Detective, this is a prestigious ancestral home with a few quirks, not a setting for one of those melodramatic horror films." They reached the top of the staircase to find Xia, a housemaid frantically pointing towards a portrait that now lay on the floor, its ornate frame shattered. "What happened here?" demanded Liang, her detective instincts kicking into high gear. Xia stammered, "I-I was merely dusting, and it fell on its own! I swear!" Liang arched an eyebrow, unconvinced, but before she could press further, a mysterious wind swept through the corridor, extinguishing the candles. "Who left the windows open?" Lord Yuxuan asked no one in particular. "Great. Now we're in a haunted, horror film," Liang deadpanned, her gaze fixated on the darkness. Lord Yang Yuxuan shot her a sidelong glance, lips twitching with a hint of a smile. "Detective, this is no time for jokes." Liang shrugged, "Humor is my coping mechanism. Keeps the ghosts at bay, you know?" But something didn't add up. "Lord Yang," she interjected, "you mentioned your father receiving the rose. But wasn't it your grandfather?" A flicker of surprise crossed Lord Yang Yuxuan's face, followed by a deep frown. "No, Detective. My father inherited it from his father, just as I did from him." The implication hung heavy in the air. If the note appeared just before his father's death, then the curse, or whatever was behind it, had chosen a different generation to claim its first victim.

Adela_Oma2000 · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Phoenix and the Binding Circle

Detective Lu Zhi followed Liang down the dimly lit library to the entrance of the basement. As they descended the creaking stairs, the air grew heavy with the musty scent of old books

Liang spoke first, breaking the uneasy silence that clung to the cold air. "This case has layers, Detective Lu. Layers of history, secrets, and something far more sinister."


Lu Zhi, her eyes narrowing with both intrigue and a touch of skepticism, replied, "You mean the curse? but knowing the curse doesn't solve the crimes."


Liang chuckled, the sound echoing in the confined space. "True, but they can guide us. The curse, the entity—it's all part of a pattern. A pattern we need to uncover."


As they reached the basement, Liang flicked on an old light switch, revealing shelves upon shelves of dusty tomes, some bound in faded leather, others bearing ancient symbols.


Lu Zhi's eyes widened with curiosity. "This is like stepping into a treasure trove of the arcane. But how do we know which book holds the key?"


Liang moved towards a specific shelf, her fingers gliding over the spines until she stopped at a weathered volume. "Instinct, Detective. Sometimes, you just feel it."


Opening the book, Liang began to sift through yellowed pages, scanning passages and illustrations. Lu Zhi, leaning in closer, asked, "What are we looking for? A spell to break the curse?"


Liang shook her head. "No spell can break what's already in motion. We're looking for patterns, connections, and any clue that might unravel the mystery. The entity thrives on secrets, and this family has a closet full."


Their search continued, each page turned revealing more about the Manor's dark history.


Suddenly, Lu Zhi pointed to an illustration—a phoenix, similar to the one on the locket. "Look at this. The phoenix is a symbol of renewal. Could it be related to the curse?"


Liang examined the illustration closely. "Renewal? Oh yes Lu Zhi, how I could've forgotten. My papa also said this when I was little. He always said Phoenix is a symbol of transformation." She closed her eyes for a moment remembering the memories she shared with her father as a little girl.


 Lu Zhi"s eyes wide with realization said "The entity feeds on the pain of transformation, on the secrets that change brings." her voice laced with excitement.

Liang looked at her partner with a smile on her face, Lu Zhi is a brilliant detective. They both continued to search deeper in the archives, looking for clues that would match what Lu Zhi said.


After a few hours, Lu Zhi held up an ancient map of the Manor, and asked, "If I get lost, can I call for backup? Or do ghosts answer the police radio here?"


Liang smirked, "I guess ghosts answer the police radio here, but we don't wish to disturb them, alright"


The basement echoed with their laughter, for a brief moment, they found solace in the dusty pages of history, a tiny escape from the heavy weight of their quest.

But within them, they knew the ghost of that powerful entity lurked, a constant reminder that their clock was ticking. Each turn of the page brought them a little closer to the truth, but also closer to the jaws of their enemy.

Lu Zhi, spotting a peculiar symbol that resembled the one on the locket, remarked, "This symbol appears throughout the Manor's history. It's like a signature."


Liang's eyes narrowed. "A signature left by the entity, tying it to the family's darkest moments. Let's keep digging, Detective. We might just find more clues."


As Liang and Lu Zhi searched deeper into the ancient texts, their partnership grew amidst the mysterious symbols and puzzling writings.

Lu Zhi pointed at a faded illustration of a ritualistic circle. "What's this? Some kind of spooky ritual?"

Liang's eyes lingered on the illustration. "Not spooky, Detective."

She then leaned closer to get a better view "Wait a minute…..this looks like a binding circle, a ritual to tie demons or witches to a specific place. This is what we need to understand, to unravel this mess."


Lu Zhi raised an eyebrow. "You think we can break the binding? That's pretty bold, Detective."


Liang smirked, determination glinting in her eyes. "Bold moves are the only ones that matter in this game. Now, help me check this symbol with recent events. Maybe we'll find a clue about the entity's next move or should I say demon?"

Lu Zhi chuckled "Oh I think it's a witch".


The two detectives gathered around a table covered in open books and papers, engrossed in their task. Lu Zhi glanced at Liang, breaking the focused silence. "You know, for someone carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders, you're surprisingly good company."


Liang chuckled. "Well, Detective, the burden feels lighter when shared. Now, let's solve this puzzle and lift it off for good."


Lu Zhi, with a mischievous grin, pointed to a particularly confusing passage. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say these ancient folks were just trying to confuse us."


Liang grinned back. "Maybe they wanted to keep their secrets safe. Lucky for us, confusion won't stop a detective on a mission."


As they continued their search for connections between the ancient symbols and recent events, Lu Zhi discovered a shocking pattern. "Look at this, Detective. The symbol seems to match how the entity attacks leading to each death and disappearances. It's like a twisted roadmap."


Liang's eyes narrowed as she studied the pattern. "You might be onto something, Lu. If we can predict the entity's moves, we might catch it in the act."


Their findings fueled a renewed sense of purpose. Lu Zhi, ever the optimist, grinned, "Who knew cracking a centuries-old mystery could be this entertaining? Beats a night of binge-watching detective shows."


Liang chuckled, "True, but let's not forget we're living our own detective story, and it's far from over. We've got an entity to outsmart and a family to save."



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