
Bloodlines Of Celestial Ascendence

In the gripping novel "Bloodline of Celestial Ascendence," readers join the main protagonist, Kevin, on a captivating journey. As he delves into the mysteries of the bloodline system, Kevin unravels the truth behind the cataclysmic events of the past and discovers the hidden secrets that have shaped the world. With every revelation, Kevin inches closer to unveiling the forgotten history and his own destiny in a world teetering on the brink of chaos. ____________________________________________ I don't even have a laptop, It's hard to write on my phone you know. Kindly help if you are rich. I'll appreciate it.

Angelofwriting · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Bound by Bloodlines: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Unfulfilled Expectations

Kevin's mind raced with a storm of conflicting thoughts and emotions. He found himself in a state of profound tension, unable to comprehend the reality of his mere level 1 bloodline. Doubt and frustration gnawed at his core as he questioned his own worth and potential.

"How could this happen?" Kevin's voice trembled with a mixture of disbelief and self-doubt. His eyes gazed into the distance, lost in a sea of unfulfilled expectations. "I was so certain that I would awaken a powerful bloodline, something extraordinary, something at least level 3. But here I am, stuck with this mere level 1."

His heart sank, heavy with disappointment and a profound sense of inadequacy. Kevin had always dreamed of becoming a force to be reckoned with, a symbol of power and greatness. He had imagined himself wielding immense abilities, effortlessly surpassing his peers. But the reality he faced shattered those dreams, leaving behind a trail of shattered expectations.

A wave of frustration surged through his veins, a fierce surge of longing for something more. He yearned to break free from the confines of his limited bloodline, to transcend the boundaries that had been unfairly placed upon him.

Paul gently tapped on Kevin's shoulder, jolting him out of his thoughts and back to the present moment. Concern etched across Paul's face as he leaned in closer, his voice laced with empathy and understanding.

"Hey, wake up Kevin," Paul whispered, his words a gentle melody amidst the turmoil within Kevin's mind. "Don't get frustrated, man. We all have our own journeys to navigate."

As Kevin's senses slowly returned to reality, he realized he was sitting in the confines of the classroom, his surroundings a stark contrast to the tumultuous realm of his thoughts. He found himself on the backbench of the third row, the weight of disappointment still lingering in his heart.

Kevin turned to face Paul, his eyes searching for answers. His voice quivered with a mix of curiosity and vulnerability as he posed the question that had been haunting him, "Paul, how can you say that? What's your bloodline, and what level is it?"

Paul leaned back in his seat, his expression thoughtful, as if contemplating the weight of Kevin's question. There was a brief pause, as if the air grew heavy with anticipation before he finally responded, his voice carrying a mix of pride and caution, "Ah, it's a level 2 bloodline, the White Tiger bloodline."

Kevin's eyes widened, a mix of awe and envy washing over him. The White Tiger bloodline was renowned for its power and grace, a symbol of strength and dominance. A part of him couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, comparing his own meager level 1 bloodline to Paul's superior level 2.

A flicker of uncertainty crossed Kevin's face as he grappled with his emotions. The contrast between their bloodline levels only seemed to deepen the chasm of self-doubt within him. How could he ever measure up to his friend's prowess?

Paul noticed Kevin's momentary lapse and placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder, a gesture of camaraderie amidst the sea of uncertainty. "Kevin, remember, bloodlines are not everything. It's true that the White Tiger bloodline grants me certain advantages, but that doesn't make me better than you."

As Kevin's eyes met Paul's, a flicker of disdain flashed across his gaze, a subtle reflection of the frustration that still lingered within him. The weight of his unmet expectations and the comparison to Paul's higher bloodline level had cast a shadow over his mood.

Paul's keen perception picked up on the subtle change in Kevin's expression. He instantly regretted his choice of words, realizing that his attempt to console his friend had inadvertently added fuel to the fire of Kevin's discontent. Determined to rectify the situation, he swiftly changed the topic, his voice filled with a newfound enthusiasm.

"I think you're right, Kevin" Paul said, his tone laced with a hint of excitement. "Let's shift our focus to our other classmates. We have a diverse group with unique bloodlines and abilities"

As Paul attempted to shift the focus and lift Kevin's spirits, his voice carried a hint of excitement. "You're right, Kevin. Let's go and see what our classmates are capable of. Who knows, we might witness someone awakening a truly extraordinary bloodline!"

Kevin's skepticism seeped into his response, tinged with a touch of bitterness. "Come on, Paul. Let's be realistic here. You know who we are. This school isn't exactly renowned for attracting the cream of the crop. It's mostly just ordinary folks trying to make the best of their bloodlines. If we were in some prestigious academy, in a higher-tier city, maybe then we'd have a chance to witness something truly remarkable."

Paul paused, absorbing the weight of Kevin's words. He understood the reality they both faced, the limitations that their lower-class status imposed. Yet, he refused to let their circumstances define their potential. With a determined smile, he placed a supportive hand on Kevin's shoulder.

Leaving their seats behind, Paul and Kevin ventured towards the bloodline awakening area. The air crackled with energy, an amalgamation of nervous anticipation and unrestrained potential. The room was filled with a kaleidoscope of colors, as students showcased their bloodline abilities in mesmerizing displays.

As they weaved through the crowd, Paul's voice rang out, attempting to lighten the mood. "Hey, Kevin, imagine if someone here surprises us all. Maybe there's a diamond in the rough, an individual who defies the odds and awakens an exceptionally powerful bloodline. It would be a sight to behold, don't you think?"

Kevin's voice dripped with a tinge of sarcasm as he retorted, his tone laced with a hint of playful banter. "In your dreams, Paul."

Passing classrooms filled with eager students, Kevin couldn't help but notice the genuine determination etched on their faces. They hailed from different walks of life, their attire ranging from well-worn clothes to hand-me-downs, a testament to their financial struggles. The diversity within the student body mirrored the richness of their aspirations.

As they approached the bloodline awakening area, the atmosphere changed, crackling with anticipation. The room itself lacked the opulence of a prestigious academy, with simple wooden benches arranged in rows and a makeshift stage at the front. Yet, it was transformed into a vibrant showcase of potential, as students prepared to unlock the hidden powers within their bloodlines.

Kevin's gaze swept across the room, taking in the diverse array of students. Some whispered nervously to one another, while others exuded a quiet confidence. The bloodlines they possessed were as varied as their personalities, offering a glimpse into the diverse tapestry of abilities that existed within their community.

Sunlight filtered through the windows, casting warm rays upon the scene. Kevin noticed the determination in their classmates' eyes, the shared understanding that greatness could emerge from even the humblest beginnings. It was a reminder that their bloodlines were not predetermined by their socioeconomic status but by their spirit and determination to rise above their circumstances.

As Paul and Kevin settled into their places on the periphery, the room came alive with a buzz of energy. The air was thick with a mix of nervous excitement and unwavering resolve. Despite their limited resources, this school served as a melting pot of dreams and untapped potential, a testament to the indomitable spirit of those who refused to be defined by their circumstances.

In that moment, as they stood among their classmates, Kevin felt a sense of unity, a shared sense of purpose. They were a community of individuals with ordinary backgrounds, each striving to carve their own path in a world that often favored the privileged. It was here, in this humble institution, that they would discover the strength and resilience within themselves and one another.

As the bloodline awakening ceremony began, the room filled with whispers of encouragement, heartfelt applause, and the occasional gasp of awe.

After a few minutes of aimless wandering and absorbing the atmosphere of the bloodline awakening ceremony, Kevin and Paul found their way back to their seats. The buzz of excitement still hung in the air, mingling with a tinge of anticipation and lingering hopes.

As they settled down, a moment of quiet reflection washed over them. Kevin's gaze drifted across the room, observing the diverse expressions etched on the faces of his fellow classmates. They both came back to their.

Kevin's voice held a hint of disappointment as he absorbed Paul's response. The weight of their conversation settled upon him, reinforcing his previous doubts and dashed hopes. "I told you, nobody can awaken above level 3," he muttered, a touch of resignation seeping into his words.

Paul's gaze softened, understanding the mixed emotions that swirled within his friend. "Maybe you're right," he conceded, his voice tinged with a hint of sympathy. Though Paul was often the voice of optimism, he couldn't deny the stark reality they faced.

Curiosity flickered in Kevin's eyes as he continued to probe for information. "How many individuals in our class have managed to awaken a level 3 bloodline?" he inquired, hoping to uncover some glimmer of possibility.

Paul's response was disheartening but not unexpected. "None," he sighed, his voice carrying a tinge of resignation. The absence of significant awakenings within their class further reinforced their belief that their dreams of surpassing level 3 might remain forever out of reach.

Kevin's brow furrowed as he contemplated the situation. The absence of notable bloodline awakenings in their class compounded his own sense of inadequacy. It seemed as though they were confined to a world where greatness was but a distant dream.

A glimmer of intrigue sparked within Kevin as Paul mentioned two individuals in the school who had managed to reach level 3 awakenings. His curiosity piqued, he probed further. "Tell me more about them," he requested, eager to understand the nature of these rare achievements.

Paul's voice carried a hint of fascination as he delved into the details. "Well, there's Laila. She awakened something called Lunar Radiance, a bloodline said to be intimately tied to the moon. It grants her abilities that harness the ethereal glow and power of the moon itself," he explained, a sense of awe coloring his words.

Kevin nodded, absorbing the information. The thought of a bloodline so intrinsically connected to the celestial body stirred a sense of wonder within him. His mind then turned to the other individual Paul had mentioned. "And what about Alex?" he queried, eager to learn more about this seemingly contrasting bloodline.

Paul's expression shifted, contemplating the unique nature of Alex's bloodline. "Alex is said to possess the Solar Cascade bloodline, a power that channels the raw energy and radiance of the sun. It's quite the opposite of Laila's bloodline, yet equally extraordinary in its own right," he shared, a touch of admiration seeping into his words.

Kevin couldn't help but marvel at the contrasting nature of the two bloodlines. The yin and yang of celestial forces represented within their school, a cosmic coincidence that fascinated him. "How extraordinary," he mused, a hint of fascination in his voice. "To have such opposing yet equally remarkable powers awakening within the same institution."

Kevin's mind wandered, contemplating the infinite possibilities that lay beyond his current level of bloodline awakening. "Only if I had this..." he whispered softly to himself, a hint of longing in his voice.


A sound of blast entered their ears. Startled by the sound of the blast, Kevin and Paul's instincts kicked into high gear. Without a moment's hesitation, they dashed towards the source of the commotion.

Racing through the corridors and up to the fourth floor, their eyes widened as they reached the balcony overlooking the playground. Below them, an intense confrontation unfolded between Alex and Laila, their voices filled with heated exchange.

Alex's voice carried a note of warning as he faced Laila, his words laced with an undercurrent of tension. "You shouldn't have come here," he stated firmly.

Laila's response was swift and filled with disdain as she turned away, her expression revealing a hint of defiance. Without uttering a single word, she departed, leaving the confrontation hanging in the air.

Paul's disappointment was evident in his voice as he questioned, "What, that's it?"

Kevin's response was measured and serious as he replied, "Yeah, that's it." A sense of gravity weighed upon his words, hinting at the deeper implications of the encounter they had just witnessed