
Bloodlines of Antiquities

...Outside the Cosmos, At the very outskirts of the universe, were Planes of Existence infinitely stacked upon another situated. These two neighboring aspects of reality are somewhat relative, and in some other ways, are not. In the Planeverse, At the green age of existence, Cultivation was possible for mortals, and those with bloodlines of higher beings had the privilege to evolve to become immortals —Some even gods. But a man deviated from this path and became a Celestial, he gained the power to venture into the cosmos, to devour and create stars and celestial bodies, and he was at the peak of his existence. Albeit he didn't find happiness in power. He seeks happiness and found it, he was about to reach his ultimate goal when it suddenly shattered and he was apprehended by the prime celestial— Cellerus — and his Solar servitors for breaking the balance of existence, hence, he was sent to hibernate for two thousand years. After he woke up from his slumber, he encountered a man who entrusted a baby to him, and also remembered the instructions that the celestial gave him, which was to 'Make more minor celestials' as the balance was about to shift once and for all. He began collecting babies for years, and millennials passed. His bay grew in age and power, but alas they had no experience as they were living at the very end of the lowest plane in all the Planeverse, in absolute seclusion. He realized it was high time he venture into the midst of the mortal cultivators with his babies so they could gain experience which would solidify their mentalities into becoming celestials. He ventured out, but he didn't find what he expected, instead of cultivators he found the disciples of gods. Unlike the chaos he expected, he found a world with a peaceful atmosphere but hazardous within. How will the celestial and his babies survive in this world governed by eccentric gods through their disciples while being sealed in their mortal forms?

Demoloque_22 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
56 Chs


Kramdery Forest...

Conan watched the men of Kongieus as they were being impaled and disintegrated to death. Those that tried to run away into the cave Conan spotted earlier were easily captured and their destiny arrived the same as the others.

Screams of agony reverberated amidst the still darkness of the breezy forest. The trees danced as they absorbed the bloody bits to nourish themselves, while men all died, only to become nourishment for the trees.

The death of lives benefitted the living of another. The men of Kongieus were the ones dying, while the trees benefitted.

The men all looked at him in horror. They all ran about as the semisolid water tentacles chased, caught, and killed them one by one in a grotesque manner.

"He's a wizard! Run!"A man screamed and was about to run when a tentacle suddenly caught and another went through his mouth, penetrating and freezing him from the insides, and soon, he became crimson ice shards.

"... Sorcery, It's sorcery!"Another spoke but soon he died like the others. The only word to define the scene was one; Carnage.

"It's not magic mortals. Just like every other being existing throughout the Planeverse, I'm a supernatural being, not a magical being. Magical beings exist though, but rare."Conan turned sage all of a sudden as he spoke. But those he was speaking to were already dead, few were dying though.

"We all have supernatural powers, but you guys don't know how to utilize your potential to the fullest. It's like being given a weapon yet not knowing how to use it, it's a pity."

"Every being, including the mortals without spirit energies are all supernatural in their ways. It's only up to you to find out what or how you're unique. Not many do. Many fail at who they are and only become what is expected of them."Conan walked around the men, lecturing them as they died slowly and painfully.

"What I did was to create a Spirit Array, I programmed the surroundings with an array of Spirit Codes, to draw water from the ground and shape them, thus the tentacles."Conan said and added, "I know, I'm great."

However, he got no response as the men were all dead, in pieces.

He went over to a man who was crawling and gasping for his dear life on the leaves and root-ridden floor of the forest. The man's body was freezing and crumbling down to crimson icy dust, spreading from where the tentacle had impaled him. The ice rigidity spread on him like a plague.

"Spirit Arrays are quite handy if you have the strength to implement your intents and visions. It looks simple but it's very hard."

Soon, the man froze and crumbled into pieces under Conan's gaze. The semisolid water tentacles waved leisurely in the air as they had no more enemies to kill, and got ready to kill more as Conan programmed.

Conan squinted as he looked at the robes worn by the men, which didn't freeze in the slightest and were sprawled to the ground, amidst frozen guts and bits.

He inspected the robes and chuckled at what he realized;

"These men use things that are more resilient than they are. Even the blast that hit me earlier is enough to turn each of them into meat pastes, given how weak they all are."

He continued scrutinizing and found a pouch hidden under the robe. He opened the pouch out of curiosity and was amazed by what he saw; First, the pouch had spatial properties, but what amazed him precisely, was its contents.

He beamed up and muttered "Money, a lot of money."He looked around and saw the clothes of the others who had died in the hands of his tentacles.

His smile widened and he started scavenging for more money—golden Mornt notes at that. But he didn't only find money; He found orbs among the frozen guts, which reeked of unclean spirit and divinity.

Conan's nose twitched in disgust and he cast the orbs aside, not being of any use to him.

He took time to scavenge all the money to fill in high spirits. Needless to say, he also found a lot of useless stuff like torture devices and cauldrons but cast them all away.

He went over to the Mustache man who was twitching in pain, stabbed by splinters of the broken trees. His chest was punctured by the mattock, and his head was sputtering blood.

Even force arts couldn't save him, but then again, he was strong to still be alive.

"Oh! You're still alive, Satyr kin."Conan bent and looked into the man's horrified eyes "You don't know what you're to do with your life at all."

He raised his finger and touched the man's forehead "You were given Spiritual energy by your god, yet you practice Force Arts. You're just as foolish as your god."

The man's face started freezing, starting from the point where Conan touched him at. His complexion started turning frosty and cold rigidity spread throughout his whole body like decay.

"That's..."The man used his last second to prove Conan wrong but crumbled before he could.

"Whatever..."Conan shrugged and started looking for the man's spatial pouch but found a ring instead— an old-looking ring.

Conan inspected the ring and peered into what was inside, there he found; Bottles containing the Weeping Spirits; varieties of chains and torture devices, foul-looking oil and other strange items, then, finally, money.

But what was more eye-catching were the two disk-shaped objects. He took out both disks and observed.

One of the disks had a lightning symbol roughly ingrained in it. The other however had nothing on it and was just a plain piece of contrivance, which piqued his curiosity.

But on both, the word "Joy's Spidisks" was ingrained roughly on its surface.

"Joy?"Conan frowned, wondering how someone who could create such powerful weapons came to have such awful naming sense, but disregarded the thought to focus on the disks "these things are called Spidisks huh."

He pressed what seemed like a button on the plain Spidisks, curious about what will happen if he did and he got his answer soon.

The Spidisk whirred and edifices opened up on its body, through which it rapidly sucked in Spiritual Energy from the atmosphere.

Under Conan's confused gaze, the disk glowed bright blue, having reached the limit of the spiritual energy it could absorb and was about to climax.

Conan gasped as he realized what was going to happen, having sensed the dangerous amount of compressed Spiritual Energy that was about to be released at once as an explosion.

He flung the disk away but he was too late. The disk hadn't flown far from his arms before exploding—releasing an absurd amount of Spiritual Energy all at once in a blast and hurled Conan away.

Trees broke, and Conan's semisolid tentacles got destroyed including the Arrays of spirit codes shaping and powering them.

Conan rose from amidst the debris of trees and leaves and laughed in amusement. "Who created this formidable weapon?"

The blast was so powerful that even his mortal form was almost defenseless against it, albeit it wasn't powerful enough to hurt him, except for mild numbness in some parts of his body.

It didn't release energy that could burn, but energy that could rupture vessels and break bones. Pure Spiritual energy, and one that came directly from the atmosphere at that.

He didn't lose the second disk however and he observed it as he walked towards the cave— where he sensed heat signatures, life force, and negative emotions earlier.

He pressed the button on the second spidisk—the one with the lightning symbol on it— and like the first one, it also absorbed spiritual energy from the surroundings, but this one was even more frantic and dangerous than the first.

Crackles and flashes came from it as it was about to reach its climax. Conan immediately threw it into the cave and it went in easily like it was shaped that way for throwing.

Soon, screams resounded from the cave, accompanied by flashes of blue light and crackles. A flash of blue lightning came toward Conan from the cave which he waved but was surprised on seeing what the lightning pushed out from the cave.

Pushed on a tree and being assaulted ferociously by the lightning bolt was a man of kongieus, whose skin melted under the relentless assault of the lightning.

Soon the lightning ceased and a smoking puddle of melted flaming mess was left at the root of the tree.

Conan was surprised greatly on seeing what the lightning symboled Spidisks could do. It released bolts of lightning made out of Pure Spiritual energy and targeted anything with spiritual energy in them.

If one of the lightning were to hit Conan in his mortal form, then he would be mildly injured—maybe. He even had a sense of respect for the one who created it after seeing its effectiveness.

"Joy? Whoever created these things must be powerful. And surely is Pure Spirited."

Thus, he calmly walked into the grim cave but was met by a bright hallway, which was contrary to his expectations, as if he had arrived somewhere else.

On the floor was the charred mess of those that faced the wrath of the lightning Spidisk; On the walls were temple lamps and ahead of the murky hallway was a turn to the right where doors to five rooms were located.

On the end was a spiral staircase leading to another hallway, where other doors were situated. Coming from these doors were faint screams and shouts.

Conan walked up the stairs, observing every detail of the hallway as he did. his steps made no sounds and his serpentine eyes spoke of utter disgust as he walked up the stairs.

He walked through the hallway and was met by a single door at the end of the corridor, which he effortlessly pushed open.

He was led to a large, murky hall, with men cleaning the floors and some bowing before the big idol of Kongieus, god of Satyrs.

"Oh hello, worms!"Conan hollered but not before hurling spikes of ice toward the men. The spikes impaled their targets, freezing them from inside and breaking them down into shards in seconds.

"Weak ones clean the floor l, I know..." Conan muttered, looking around. He saw four doors suspended in space. They were Doorways connecting directly to a point in space—no one except the goose Creeds knows where exactly.

"Intruder–"A still breathing man sitting behind a desk in a corner was alarmed but an ice spike invaded his open mouth and impaled his throat making blood and brain chunks spatter on the wall behind him. Shutting him up for good.

His head hit the table as life left his body, coincidentally hitting the alarm button.

Narra:Having a good one guys?

Narr:Okay so we were absent not because of the holiday but because we were lazy, sorry about that and thanks for reading.

Narra:As you can see the author gave three chapters today to make up for the days he missed, why don't you give him some motivation so he won't do such thing again?

Narr:I'm starting to feel that the author is writing crap, utter nonsense!

Conan:That Joy Spidisc gave me one helluva a joyride!

Narr:( ・ั﹏・ั)


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