
Silent Valley

After what felt like an eternity, a bright light suddenly blinded Xiao Yun, and when he reopened his eyes, he was shocked to find out that instead of falling into the abyss, he was falling from the sky!

<You have entered 'Silent Valley'>

"Are you kidding me?!?!?!" His cries echoed in every direction.


Like a meteor, Xiao Yun slammed onto the ground, and his body suddenly experienced pain as though he ran into a concrete wall—


(You have died)

(-0 Exp)

(You have obtained the title <Skydiving>)

(Skydiving: You have died from falling at a height of at least 1000 meters)

(<Skydiving> has been automatically equipped)

(Nearby City Revival cannot be used if you have never been to one)

(Reviving on spot in 15 minutes)


Xiao Yun, who is now dead, could not move his body no matter how hard he tried, and his vision was pitch black.

The only thing he could do at this moment was listen to the sound of leaves brushing against each other and smell the freshness in the air.

He was in a state that was similar to a sleep paralysis. His body was asleep, but his conscious, hearing, and smelling worked perfectly fine.

'To die the moment I enter the game after creating my avatar… How embarrassing— No! This was all that damned pink hair's fault! What kind of NPC was she? It felt like I was talking to an actual living being with their own soul and intellect!'

Although he was angry at what happened in the white room, his surprise and admiration at how advanced of an NPC the pink-haired girl was, quickly took over his emotions.

The way she acted, her lively aura, her emotions, the way she spoke— just about everything about her seemed surreal, as though he was talking to a real human being! She was so surreal that he had actually forgotten the fact that she was an NPC and treated her like a real human!

It was such a real conversation that it was scary!

'What did she do to me in the end?' He pondered about the golden drop of blood.

'It was sweet…' he suddenly recalled the soft touch on his lips along with the sweet taste that gave his taste buds a shock.

As he submerged himself in his thoughts, 15 minutes passed by in a flash.

<You have been revived>

Xiao Yun slowly opened his eyes, and a green scenery filled his vision.

He was currently in the middle of a wilderness, one filled with healthy-looking trees.

"Where am I?" He mumbled to himself, only to remember the text he saw at the beginning of the skydive a second later.

"Silent Valley, huh."

"Map!" he suddenly said out loud.

Although he was unable to play the game for a solid month, he has read every guide and tips about the game. So despite just starting the game, he already knew every game mechanics discovered so far like the back of his hand.

As weird as it sounds, the game and the device used to play the game never came with any guide or instructions on how to play the game, but just a piece of paper on how to activate the bracelet.

With no guide or instruction book, the players had to discord and learn the game mechanics themselves, making the experience much more lively and exciting.

A transparent screen appeared in front of Xiao Yun, and as he expected, it was a map filled with mostly black.

'Only danger zones, dungeons, and hidden places will have an Explorable Map…' he thought.

There are two types of maps in Bloodline— Explorable Maps that required the players to explore the unknown to remove the black and reveal the map by themselves, and Free Maps that are fully accessible to the players without the need to explore.

Explorable Maps will only appear when the location is a danger zone, dungeon, or a hidden area.

'The question is whether this place is a danger zone or a hidden area…' He pondered. 'Dungeons will usually have a clear entrance, so this place that I entered from the sky is very unlikely to be a dungeon.'

'Danger zones are rare places, but a hidden area is even rarer, so I will take it that this is a danger zone.'

"Map, zoom out!"

The map suddenly moved, looking as though it shrunk.

The map was no longer black, and there was a little castle icon right outside the black.

"A kingdom, huh." He decided to make this place his first destination, and he started walking towards that icon.

After walking for a few minutes, the admiration Xiao Yun had for the game increased.

The way he walked and how his body reacted to his thoughts felt so real that he could not believe how advanced technology has become in so little time.

The graphics, his five senses, the details, everything about this game made him feel as though he was not just playing the game, but also living it!

"And then the pain I felt… it actually, physically, hurts…"

Although he was aware of the fact that getting damaged in the game would also feel as though he was damaged in real life, he didn't really believe how realistic it sounded from the mouth of others— until he experienced it himself.

"This game… is fun!" He smiled, and deep within his eyes, the glowing light brightened, as though the slumbering dragon was showing signs of awakening!