

After catching up to all of the latest games that took nearly the entire day, Xiao Yun went to take a shower before cooking himself a simple dinner of fried eggs and white rice, enough for two.

Quickly finishing his food, he went back upstairs and began surfing the web.

[Bloodline is the world's first VRMMO that surprisingly gathered over one billion players after being released for only a short time of one month!]

[Bloodline is so surreal that many people would mistake it as a real world after playing for some time!]

[Join Bloodline and its 1 billion playerbase today!]

[Team Green Ivy has finally surpassed team Fire Panda's Dungeon Clearing Record <3:21> for the dungeon 'Skeleton's Cave,' reclaiming their first spot for the rankings!]

"Bloodline, huh."

Xiao Yun stood up and walked to the closet, retrieving a small box.

On this small box was a word colored in red; this word was, of course, Bloodline.

Opening the box, there was a silver bracelet resting inside, surrounded by a soft, silky material.

Xiao Yun hasn't had this bracelet for long, maybe a month at most. But during the past month, it would sit inside his closet to collect dust.

Xiao Yun sighed. He's had this bracelet for a whole month now, and every time he tried to play it, the game would give him an error before he could even go to the character creation.

"Everybody and their mother is playing this, but I cannot even create my character?! What a shitty game!"

He had tried searching the web for a solution to this error and to see who else might have experienced a similar situation.

But alas, to his surprise, it seemed like he was the only person in this world lucky enough to have this error.

It was as if the Heaven made it so that he would be the only one left out.

Xiao Yun sighed again before closing the lid, but before he could fully close it, his hands froze.

An image of a young girl with an apologetic expression flashed in his head, and he threw the box lid away, taking the bracelet out of the box.

Recalling how his very first girlfriend that he has been dating for a whole year broke up with him for a mere E-Ranked professional gamer caused his blood to boil.

"A mere E-Ranked professional gamer!? You dumped me because I was 'too boring'?! After all that I have done for you?! Fuck! I will never date another woman ever again!"

He angrily slapped the bracelet onto his wrist, jumped onto his bed, and shouted—

"Bloodline, activate!"

The silver bracelet glowed, and Xiao Yun could feel his conscious suddenly being ripped away from his soul and pulled into the bracelet, causing his eyes to shut.

And when he reopened his eyes, he was in a white room.

Seeing the white room, Xiao Yun was pleasantly surprised. "Oh? That stupid error did not show up this time?"

He looked around the white room only to find a large mirror at one of the four corners.

He walked to it and stared at the figure shown inside that mirror.

The mirror showed a young man who looked to be around 16 years old, maybe younger due to his naturally innocent-looking face. He had short, black hair. His gaze was calming with a mysterious light that glowed deeply within his black orbs.

His expression was nonchalant and blank, as though there are very little things in this world that he cared about.

He was Xiao Yun, a 16 years old high school student who was recently dumped by his first girlfriend, putting an end to his year-long love life— if it could even be considered one.

And while Xiao Yun was admiring his own face, a ripple suddenly occurred in the mirror as though the glass was water.

Xiao Yun, surprised, jumped backward and distanced himself from the mirror.

An extremely beautiful girl with pink hair emerged from the ripple the moment Xiao Yun jumped back, making a sound as though she was surprised.

"Wow. You have very good reactions," said the pink-haired girl. "Your legs moved the instant the first ring of the ripple appeared… I have seen plenty of people for the past month, but none of them reacted as quick as you, young man."

The pink-haired girl looked to be in her early twenties with a face beautiful enough to bring down a whole nation. Her body was supple and tall, wearing a tight fantasy-looking outfit that naturally puffed out her decently sized breasts.

"What is your name, young man? Your talent will bring you a long way in this world…" she smiled at Xiao Yun as though she was trying to seduce him with her mesmerizing smile.

Xiao Yun's expression barely changed at her seduction, thinking—

'My name? Does she mean the name I will be using for my character? So this must be the character creation… How unique.'

"My name will be [Klis]." He said with a slight smile.

"Will be?" The pink-haired girl was puzzled by his words. "Klis, huh. What a weird name. But then again, everybody that came before you also has weird names."

"Alright then, Klis. What do you wish to achieve in this world?"

"Absolute dominance," said Xiao Yun instantly without thinking twice.

The pink-haired girl's bright eyes widened in surprise upon hearing his words. "A-Absolute dominance…?" she silently mumbled to herself.

Xiao Yun nodded with a calm expression, and the pink-haired girl suddenly burst out laughing, sounding like heavenly bells.

"You want to dominate this world with a weak-looking face such as yours?! Ahahaha! I like it! I like it very much!"

"Klis! If you think you have what it takes to rule the world, then go ahead and try to look for the <Emperor's Bloodline>!" she said to him with a mysterious smile.


A transparent screen suddenly appeared before Xiao


<You have obtained knowledge regarding 'Emperor's Bloodline'>

"Emperor's Bloodline?" he was intrigued by the name, but he stopped caring after a few moments.

With a smile that changed his innocent-looking face to one filled with sharpness and arrogance, he said—

"Who do you think I am?! I am all I need to conquer any game!" He said in a domineering voice, one filled with overflowing confidence.

The pink-haired girl was dumbfounded at his confidence and ambition. There was so much confidence in his voice that she believed him for a second! It was just a second, but the fact that he made her believe him to achieve his foolish dreams was just shocking to her!

How can someone have so much confidence? Xiao Yun's existence suddenly piqued her interest, something that rarely happens.