
Bloodline Offline: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

A modern man from Earth died of a mysterious disease and got reincarnated in a world that was still in the age of knights While leading a peaceful new life, he suddenly got transported to the bloodline tower to help him prepare for the upcoming Apocalypse which will arrive in his world but luckily he possesses a very strong bloodline and the only human who can have a bloodline Watch our protagonist rise to power and build the strongest empire

Bloodsniper · Fantasy
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23 Chs

Ch-1: Bloodline tower

In the vast and unexplored world, where humans have yet to breach the skies, the lands are awash with formidable kingdoms and empires that have withstood the test of time for innumerable years. These empires, with their imposing presence, reign supreme over their respective continents, commanding unwavering influence among countless subjects and dominating vast territories.

Out of numerous continents, the seven continents that stand out the most, with their overpowering influence and formidable might, are Luxuria, a land of endless indulgence and titillating pleasures; Gula, a realm of insatiable hunger and boundless excess; Avaritia, a land of ruthless greed and unbridled materialism; Ira, a world of unending wrath and perpetual conflict; Acedia, a realm of crushing apathy and listless laziness; Invidia, a land of rife envy and pernicious jealousy; and Superbia, a world of blinding pride and unyielding arrogance.

Despite the seemingly sinful names, the people of these continents do not necessarily embody the vices that their lands are associated with. Rather, they are the most prosperous and powerful, with their advanced civilizations, indomitable military strength, and thriving economies, which allow them to wield immense influence over the rest of the world.

The world of knights and swords is one where modern weapons and vehicles are obsolete. Instead, knights ride their powerful steeds across the land, wielding their swords in close combat. The sound of clashing metal and galloping hooves is a constant in this world, as knights carry out their duties of serving their king, defending their people, and displaying acts of chivalry

In this world, knights don't rely on guns or vehicles like in modern warfare. Combat is up close and personal, with knights skillfully wielding their swords while anticipating their opponent's next move. The bond between a knight and their horse is essential, as they charge into battle together in perfect harmony to strike down their enemies

In a world that may appear outdated compared to the present, honor, bravery, and chivalry still reign supreme. The knights who roam the land are held in high regard, and their courage and skill are admired by all. Tales of their heroic deeds are retold over and over, ensuring that their legacy lives on for years to come

Somewhere in the vast lands of Luxuria, a young man stood gazing out of the window of his room. The sky outside was filled with dark clouds that obscured the sun, casting an ominous feeling across the landscape. Despite the gloominess of the day, the young man's face still managed to catch the light in a way that made it clear he was handsome, though perhaps not by the lofty standards of the land.

He had a simple hairstyle that emphasized the natural wave and shine of his short black hair. Sharp, defined features gave him a chiseled look, contrasting with his soft, expressive eyes. Despite being less muscular than his peers, his slim build allowed him to move with a fluid grace, giving him an almost ethereal appearance.

Luxuria was a land where beauty was an obsession. Women spent hours upon hours preening themselves, men groomed their beards to perfection, and everyone tried their utmost to look their best. So when it came to the young man gazing out of his window, one might assume he was just another face in the crowd. But there was something about him that set him apart, something that drew people to him like moths to a flame. Perhaps it was the gentle curve of his smile or the way his eyes sparkled when he spoke. Maybe it was the unwavering conviction in his voice, or the kindness in his heart that shone through in everything he did. Whatever it was, it made him a beacon of light in a world that often seemed dark and cold

The young man's name was Adam Bright, and he was the prince and only son of the current King of the Luminous Kingdom. The Luminous Kingdom was an independent realm that did not fall under the rule of any empire, making it a rare bastion of sovereignty in a world where many kingdoms were subservient to larger empires. Despite his lofty status, Adam's appearance was unassuming, as he wore loose-fitting clothes that did little to conceal his frail and skinny frame. This was a common trait among the men born into nobility in Luxuria, who often prioritized their faces and courtly skills over physical prowess

However, Adam was not content to rest on his family's name and reputation. Despite the challenges he faced in building muscle mass, he trained with unwavering diligence, putting in long hours of exercise and practice to improve his physique. It was a grueling process, one that would have exhausted even the most seasoned of knights, yet Adam persevered. However, despite his efforts, he had yet to see any significant progress in his physical development. It was almost as if some external force was preventing him from building muscle, leaving him frustrated and demoralized

"I wonder what will happen when the timer reaches zero," Adam muttered to himself, his gaze fixed on the strange text hovering in front of him.

[ Time Remaining: 00:59 seconds]

Adam had a secret that he had hidden from the rest of the world. In his previous life on a planet called Earth, he had been diagnosed with a mysterious and incurable disease at the age of 16. Despite the best efforts of the most skilled doctors and scientists, he succumbed to the illness at the young age of 18.

When he opened his eyes in this new world, he was shocked to discover that he had been reborn as the sole heir to a powerful kingdom, with a strange timer embedded in his mind. Despite his charmed life, Adam could not help but be haunted by the memories of his previous existence. He had been an orphan in that life, struggling to survive in a world that was often unforgiving.

As he watched the seconds tick away on the timer, Adam couldn't help but wonder about its purpose. Would it somehow be connected to the disease that had taken his life before? Or was it simply a quirk of his new existence? Only time would tell

[ Time Remaining: 00:45 seconds]

" * Yawn*, what's up with this weird weather, why am I feeling so drowsy" Adam mumbled to himself

[ Time Remaining: 00: 23 seconds]

Adam was alone in his room, his eyes feeling heavy as he rubbed them in exhaustion. "I can't sleep now," he muttered to himself. "Only a few days are remaining for my coronation, I also need to check my royal dress for the ceremony"

The silence in his room was only broken by the faint sounds of music and celebration from outside, as the kingdom was alive with excitement for the new king's ascension to the throne

Adam knew that this was the moment he had been preparing for his entire life, and the weight of responsibility was heavy on his shoulders. He walked towards the window and looked outside, taking in the view of the bustling kingdom. He wondered if he was ready for this if he could handle the burden of ruling an entire kingdom.

As he paced around the room, he could hear his mother's voice echoing in his mind, as she eagerly talked about the marriage proposals that had been pouring in from various nobles and also suggested he make a harem for himself, he was shy in nature and when his mother brought topics about his marriage he would avoid her, well, what do you expect of a person who did not have any romantic partners in his past life and died a virgin

As, he was thinking to himself suddenly weird text started to appear in front of his vision

[ Time Remaining: 00:19 seconds]

[ Mana will invade the world within a few days ]

[ Dormant bloodline has been detected within the individual named ' Adam Bright' ]

[ An anomaly has been discovered ]

[ Congratulations, your world has been successfully connected to the Bloodline Tower]

[ Connecting Adam Bright to the Bloodline Tower ]

[ Connection Established ]

[ Granting the skill ' Dreamer' to the individual named ' Adam Bright' ]

[ The skill ' Dreamer' has been acquired temporarily ]

" What the hell is this?" Adam screamed loudly when he saw all these weird texts in front of him

[ The skill 'Dreamer' is being forcefully activated ]

[ Your soul is being separated from your body temporarily ]

" Damn, why is my vision turning dark?" Adam said to himself as his mind was assaulted by increased drowsiness

[ Time Remaining: 00:03 seconds]

[ The skill 'Dreamer' is being forcefully activated ]

[ Your soul is being separated from your body temporarily ]

[ Your soul will now be teleported to the Bloodline Tower]

" Damn, why is my vision turning dark?" Adam's vision grew dark, and his body was consumed by an overwhelming drowsiness. He tried to fight it, but it was no use. He collapsed onto his bed, feeling a strange energy coursing through him


[ You have entered the ' Bloodline Tower' where the chosen can only enter ]

"Ugh," Adam groaned, squeezing his eyes shut and gripping his head with both hands. The pain felt like a thousand knives jabbing into his skull all at once.

Finally, the agony subsided, and Adam cautiously opened his eyes. He found himself standing on a vast, grassy plain, surrounded by a throng of people who looked just as confused but instead of being frightened their eyes were filled with excitement

As he surveyed the crowd, Adam's eyes widened in disbelief. Everyone around him was dressed in modern clothing that he recognized from his former life on Earth. He couldn't believe what he was seeing.

When he looked down at his own body, he was even more shocked. He was wearing a loose black t-shirt, white joggers, and a pair of white sneakers. It was all so surreal, like a dream he couldn't wake up from.

"Welcome to the Bloodline Tower, otherworlders," declared a handsome young man as he rode a wyvern that hovered above the crowd. His authoritative voice commanded everyone's attention, causing them to look up at him in awe

"Wow, a wyvern!" exclaimed one of the newcomers in amazement, as they gazed up at the man on the floating creature.

"I can't wait to level up and get myself a wyvern," said another player, their eyes shining with excitement.

"The graphics of the new VRMMORPG game Bloodline Tower are so realistic," remarked a third player, nodding in agreement. "I'm sure it will surpass the older games as well."

As Adam listened to the excited chatter around him, he felt a growing sense of panic

'What the hell is happening?' he thought to himself

'This is a VR game? How the hell am I able to interact with it? I don't even have a VR helmet. Heck, the people of my world don't even know what technology is!' Adam cried out inwardly

"Mortals, do not treat this as a mere game," the young man spoke in a stern voice, his words carrying a weight of warning. "This is much more. Your own conviction and effort will determine your position in the new world. You will soon see changes in your own world."

As the young man's warning sank in, the newcomers looked at each other in confusion. "Changes in our world?" one of them repeated, frowning in disbelief.

"What does he mean?" another asked, their voice tinged with skepticism.

Ignoring the young man's words, one player spoke up, "Ignore him. I have seen developers create such dialogues for NPCs to make the game more immersive."

But Adam took the warning seriously. His mind was still reeling from the realization that he was inside a VR game without any equipment. He made a mental note to be careful and to take the game seriously

"First and foremost, let me inform you about the Bloodline Tower," the young man said, his voice commanding everyone's attention.

The murmurs and chatter around them immediately quieted down.

"The place you all are currently in is called the fake floor," he continued, his gaze sweeping across the gathered crowd of newcomers. "This is where new otherworlders like yourselves gather before they start to climb the tower and embark on their own adventures."

The young man paused for a moment, letting his words sink in before he continued. "The tower has 100 floors in total, and the people here aim to climb the top of the tower"

As he finished speaking, the other players looked at each other with excitement and anticipation. For them, this was a chance to explore a new world and test their skills in the virtual realm.

But Adam couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that still lingered within him. He couldn't help but wonder what kind of changes the young man had warned them about earlier, and what kind of impact it would have on his own world.

"Now, let's talk about the power system in this place," the young man said, his voice clear and concise.

"As you all know, there are four different kinds of powers in this world. Three of them are called Energy, Ki, and Mana."

"Mana is the rarest form of power an individual can use," he continued. "The being who can use Mana is able to manipulate the surrounding mana to create powerful elemental attacks."

"Now let's focus on the other two forms of power that humans like ourselves can use. The most common and weakest form of power a being can use is called Energy. It increases the individual's stamina, physical strength, and speed, making them more powerful than an ordinary mortal. This allows the Ascender to wield and use powerful weapons."

"Secondly, there's Ki, which comes third in the ranking. If a human possesses this power, then they can use special moves that allow them to walk the path of a knight. They can at least gain some amount of respect and admiration among ordinary people. This power is exclusive to us humans who cannot use mana. There are many knight techniques created by humans in the form of skill books which you can use. But if you're talented enough, you can also create your own skills."

"Lastly, there's Mana, which is the strongest of the three. Those who possess this power can easily defeat hundreds of knights with ease, no matter how powerful they are. They can manipulate mana in the air to create attacks like using fire to burn everything or using water to drown their enemies. This power is only accessible to beings of other races, but we humans can also use a trace amount of mana which we can use to tame powerful beasts."

After the young man finished talking about the three powers, one of the players raised his hand and asked, "Excuse me, sir, you said there are four different kinds of powers in this world. What's the fourth power?"

The young man paused for a moment, his gaze wandering around as if lost in thought. "Ah, I almost forgot to mention it. The fourth power is called Blood Essence. It's the most powerful and rarest form of power in this world."

The players exchanged curious glances, their interest piqued by this new information. "What is Blood Essence?" one of them asked.

"Blood Essence can only be obtained by a person who has a special bloodline," the young man explained. "It allows the user to create mana using their own blood essence. These users can manipulate mana to a degree beyond what others can achieve, and they are ranked based on their bloodline strength."

The players listened intently, but one of them spoke up, " Can it be used by humans??"

The young man looked at the player with a sad expression. "To my knowledge, no pure human has ever been born with the ability to use Blood Essence. However, there have been instances of humans who were born from the union of a human and another race possessing Blood Essence. These individuals are extremely rare and powerful, and they are sought after by many factions and families"

The players looked at each other in amazement, realizing the vastness of this game's world and the possibilities that it held.

As everyone looked on in anticipation, the young man announced, "Get ready, everyone! I'm about to teleport us to the nearby village"Suddenly, one by one, the group began to disappear into thin air

Before Adam vanished, he noticed a message materialize in front of him

< Bloodline: Origin Bloodline>

Hey, guys this is my new novel I hope you guys will support, I read some of your comment and will begin editing the previous chapters of my other novel soon and will also try to upload daily

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