
Bloodline of the Kingdom

A lowly and humble beggar, a holy and noble prince, and a monster who is the enemy of the world—if you have three identities at the same time, which one will you choose to be happier? Thales didn't have an answer. He only knows that he has come to a magnificent and magnificent world, facing a future that is difficult to dream: the glorious empire has been destroyed for a thousand years, the decadent royal family is hard to return, the legendary holy war is full of shady scenes, and the divided world is in turmoil. But Thales has nothing. All he has left is his unshakable ego, the courage of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, and his uncompromising creed. "The king does not respect the blood, but the blood is honored by the king." The darkness washes away the light, the fire forges real steel, and the story of the forbidden prince begins.

DaoistEXPXZ9 · Fantasy
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101 Chs

Chapter 6 The First Drop of Blood

When Thales came back to his senses, Quaid had already grabbed his throat and lifted him in the air.

Thales struggled, tightly grasping Quaid's hand strangling his neck, but he couldn't seem to exert all his strength.

He opened his mouth desperately, but he just couldn't take in any air.

He kept kicking with both feet.

His head started to feel dizzy.

In the ear, all the voices came through as if separated by a thick layer of cloth. Kolia was crying, Ryan shivered in the hole in the wall and couldn't stop trembling, and Kailit sat in front of the hole in shock and murmured.

Cindy and Ned screamed angrily, and rushed over fearlessly, one hugged Quaid's thigh, and the other hit Quaid's stomach with his small hand.

Cindy flew out and knocked down the water tank, causing the water to flow all over the yard.

Ned was kicked hard by Quaid, screamed, and fell to the ground unable to get up.

Thales didn't have the time and mood to be amazed by Ned's bravery and the cowardice of Kellett and Ryan (he was aware of Cindy's actions). the back of the neck.

He wanted to break free, to take a breath of air.

Suddenly, the nail sank on the back of Quaid's right hand, as if digging into a hollow wound.

Thales didn't hesitate. His face was already blushing, and he desperately dug his fingernails in.


Quaid let out a cry of pain, let go of his iron-like hands, and threw Thales violently to the wall.

Thales felt dizzy and had a severe sore throat. He leaned on the broken wall and coughed uncontrollably.

Quaid grabbed his palm. On it, the wound pierced by Yala's knife began to bleed again.

"Damn Yara Sarriton! Damn kid!"

Quade suppressed the pain and let out an angry roar, anger and alcohol surged up at the same time.


The ferocious Quaid suddenly turned his head, only to see Ensola in the seventeenth house, scrambling and trying to escape the door, but the door panel that was just kicked down by Quaid couldn't support his weight and broke apart .

"Haha, you want to run?"

With a smirk, Quaid leaped forward and grabbed Ensola's left leg.

"no, do not want!"

Ensola cried and was lifted upside down by Quaid.

"Little devil, have you ever struck iron? Yes? No? Haha, it's okay, I'll teach you!"

Thales got up in pain, only in time to see Quaid swung Ensola's left leg with both arms, and smashed his head towards the wall against which he was leaning.

Thales only had time to instinctively turn his head to the side.

There was a muffled sound above his head, like the sound of a fruit and vegetable vendor selling Erlun melons that Thales had seen once, breaking open the melons and fruits.

By the way, it's the vendor who stole the Haoyue statue from them.

Kolya's cries turned into piercing screams.

Thales was stunned, he didn't have time to close his eyes.

The red and white liquid splashed on Thales's face far away, warm and cold at the same time.

Ned, who got up from the ground, witnessed all this. He broke down and yelled, then ran towards the dog hole leading to Room 17.

Quaid opened his mouth and took a breath, with a look of intoxication, as if what he inhaled was not air, but top-grade black pine wine. The demon in human skin turned his head, dropped the rest of Ensola, and looked in Ned's direction with an angry smile.

At that moment, Thales thought that Ned was small and flexible, and he would definitely be able to get through the dog hole before Quaid.

Get through there, and everything will be fine.

It's safe to drill through there.

Drill through there.

Drill through.


But before Ned got half of his body inside, Quaid grabbed Ned's legs.

"Are you that brat who can't pay any money?"

Quaid chuckled: "Then what's the use of you?"

Ned cried and yelled, but was dragged out of the hole by Quaid.

"Screaming, it's not bad enough--it's a pity, it's a pity that the water tank is broken--well, I can't play with catching fish anymore."

Quaid shook his head, dispelling the dizziness caused by the alcohol in his head, and muttered as he looked at Cindy who had just woken up from the ground and the water tank beside him.

"Then keep it simple."

During Ned's cries and kicks, Quaid threw him face down to the ground, then raised his right foot, and stepped hard on the center of the six-year-old beggar's back.


"Boom! Click!"

Simultaneously with Thales' heart-piercing roar, there was also a heart-breaking crisp cracking sound.

Everything in front of Thales' eyes was blurred.


This is Quaid's second kick.


The third foot.

Cindy screamed with all his might, grabbed a fragment of the water tank, and rushed towards Quaid.

Quaid just laughed loudly, and kicked away the fragments in Xinti's hand, then grabbed the collar of the coarse linen clothes on Xinti's body, and lifted him up as well.

It turns out that I, I can't do anything.

Thales lowered his head.

In the corner, Ensola's body was still twitching silently but horribly. Ned lay face down on the ground, motionless.

I thought I was protecting these children.

But I can't do anything.

Nothing can be done.

Cindy kicked and howled angrily, while Quaid's increasingly high-pitched laughter intensified.

"Little ghost, why are you screaming? Keep screaming. I like hearing you screaming the most. Maybe I'll let you go when I'm in a good mood."

Thales' eyes were dim, and a familiar scene returned to his brain.

"Deviant behavior, this is what we call human behavior that violates social norms, and most people are used to calling it crime. But we must know that crime is only a small part of deviant behavior - what we focus on is not the behavior itself, but the It is the meaning and understanding of this kind of behavior at the social level and at the collective level—Durkheim was one of the earliest scholars who put forward the theory of social norms, and he also looked at deviant behavior from the perspective of functionalism—"

"There is such a point of view that the law enforcement and punishment of deviant actors is one of the basic means for the main body of power to shape the people and shape the social structure—"

This is the memory fragment of Thales' previous life, and just now, he recovered a part of it.

"Devil! You devil!"

At this moment, Cindy kicked and howled angrily, dispelling the scene in front of Thales again.

"Yes! I am the devil!" Quaid laughed, "Tell me, how will the devil concoct you?"

Thales took a deep breath.

Damn bastard.

His mind is clearer than ever before.

He knows what to do.

He should do this.

He gritted his teeth, and rushed back to the corner of the room.

He knows.

Thales grabbed a stone in the corner of the room, lifted it violently, and put his hand into a hidden hole behind the stone.

hurry up.

Hurry up and touch it.

"Forget it, seeing how kind you are, I'll save you until the end."

Quaid laughed so that his lips became asymmetrical. He pulled Cindy's right leg fiercely until the other's lips turned pale, until——


— until dislocation.

Quaid dropped Cindy, and stomped hard on the opponent's dislocated leg.

Cindy's suppressed but still unbearable howl reached Thales' ears, making him speed up his search.

Quaid left the yard and walked towards the house.

The half-collapsed roof, the bright moonlight falling, shone on Quaid's smiling face.

Ryan folded his arms, stared at the floor below him, and tried his best to shrink his body into the hole in the wall.

Kellit tremblingly crawled out of the hole in the wall, trying to pull Kolya, who was already silent and hoarse, out to escape together.

But Kolia seemed to have been paralyzed with fright, weeping, and remained motionless.

Kellit didn't dare to look at Cindy, but just begged and pulled Kelia.

But the next moment, Kolia suddenly raised her head and wailed like a lamb.

Kelly realized something. He turned around and saw Quaid's grinning face.

He only felt his crotch wet for a while.

Got it!

Thales touched what he wanted and slammed it out.



Then he was grabbed by the right arm from behind by the cheerful Quaid.

"Do you think I'll miss you, brat? I knew that you are the most cunning and treacherous of these little bastards! Haha!" Quaid's hands gradually tightened, and he grinned triumphantly.


Thales felt the pain of his right arm being tightened, and tried hard to turn around, and at the same time wanted to stab the thing in his left hand towards Quaid.

"Look!" Quaid seemed to have discovered some treasure, he dodged his body to get out of Thales' stab.

Then, he snatched something from the boy's left hand.

"A dagger! Haha! Brat, you actually want to use a dagger to deal with me? Hahahahaha, what are you going to do? Stab my thigh?"

Quaid pulled Thales up and laughed wildly.



Thales thought desperately, the dagger, the scabbard dagger he stole from the Sunset Bar.

That is the last hope.


Quaid looked behind Thales in surprise.

There was a coin that Thales brought out with too much force when he pulled out the dagger from the hole.

"Look what I found?"

"A silver coin?"

"Silver coin! Hahaha, it really is a damn brat! You have hidden a silver coin!"

Thales wanted to struggle with his left hand, but a seven-year-old child's strength was completely insufficient, so he could only smash Quaid's abdomen that was as hard as iron, in vain.

The silver coin was a gift from the noblewoman in the Red Square District. Thales wanted to say that he was not lying.

As for the copper coins, the velvet lady only gave herself twelve.

One silver coin.

Thales was thinking wildly in despair.

But everything ends here.

I failed.

"As the price for daring to lie—"

Quaid ignored Thales' innocuous punches and kicks, but grinned grinningly, picked up the silver coin with the dagger, flung it in mid-air, and then caught it with the other side of the dagger.

This kingdom's Mindis silver coin is of great weight, and it is rare even today. Its front is engraved with the head portrait of King Mindis III, a virtuous king rarely seen in the history of the Star Kingdom, or even in the history of the Eastern and Western Continents, and an inscription engraved in ancient patterned characters.

Kings don't honor their bloodlines, but bloodlines are honored by kings.

Thales couldn't understand this line at all. Its true meaning was the answer Thales got when he boldly asked the female nobleman.

Hehe, Thales thought silently in his heart, he still wants to learn to recognize characters, learn to read, and learn the knowledge and wisdom that this world possesses.


Quaid held the silver coin with the dagger again, and flicked a few knives. He nodded, very satisfied with his knives, and it seemed that he hadn't regressed.

Then, he pulled Thales a few steps away, and threw the silver coins into the fire next to the yard.

"As the price for lying—then I will reward you with this silver coin."

Thales looked at the gradually blackening silver coins in the fire, and suddenly realized what Quaid was going to do, and he kicked and beat them more and more frantically.

At this moment, Thales suddenly glanced out of the corner of his eye, the lame Ryan, who had always been cowardly and timid, was tremblingly touching behind Quaid and lifting a stone.


Thales thought sadly.

Ryan didn't fight much.

That stone.

too small.

too small.


Ryan's strength was insufficient, and the stone only hit the back of Quaid's neck.

But enough to get Quaid's attention.

"Run! Ryan!"


Thales, and Xinti, who was hugging his right leg on the other side in pain, all shouted!

But Ryan was a lame man, and his leg was broken by a bad-tempered thief while he was begging.

Ryan backed away in panic, turned around, and ran away with a limp.

Thales was dragged by Quaid and followed him towards Ryan.

Ryan was soon caught up by Quaid.

Quaid laughed back in anger.

"Cripple!" Quaid opened his mouth wide, panting fiercely like a wild boar, "It was so fun just now."


Ryan was kicked to the ground by him, his eyes were full of fear and regret.


Before Ryan, who was terrified to the extreme, could finish speaking, Quaid flew up the dagger in his hand and slammed it into Ryan's right wrist!


Ryan's screams were deafening, and even Thales trembled.

"Aren't you crippled? You broke a leg!" Quaid yelled frantically, "Then you should be more symmetrical!"

Then, Quaid drew the dagger, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

He pushed Thales to the ground with one hand, turned around and focused on dealing with Ryan.

He slammed his knee hard on Ryan's stomach, raised the dagger, and pointed it at his pierced wrist.

Like sawing wood.



Thales closed his eyes in pain.

"No! No! Ah! Ah! Don't! Then! Ahh!"

Ryan's screams have turned into rhythmless and continuous wailing.

Cindy's roar rang in his ears.

Thales didn't look at Kolya who was still sobbing, nor did he look at Kellit who was silent.

Please, let this end quickly.

It's over soon.

When Ryan's uninterrupted wailing turned into a moan of pain, Thales, who was already numb, felt Quaid grab his collar again.

A burst of scorching heat hit.

Thales opened his eyes and saw the dagger with the silver coin on it.

A silver coin that was scorched and blackened by the fire.

The scorching fire came over.

"Open your mouth." Quaid said harshly and indifferently.

On the side, Ryan was holding his bloody right hand. There was no emotion in his eyes, and he just lay on his side numbly, his body trembling from time to time.

His right palm, with only a little flesh left, was connected to his wrist.

Thales withdrew his gaze and looked at Quaid coldly.

"Will you not?"

Quaid shook his head and smiled: "The eyes are also fine."

After speaking, he grabbed the dagger and the blackened silver coins on the dagger, and brought it close to Thales' eyes.

King Mindis, who was burnt black, was getting closer and closer to his eyes.

The line of inscriptions became clearer.

Kings don't respect their bloodlines.

But the blood is proud of the king.

The moment he was about to stick his eyeballs on.


With a roar, Thales made a violent struggle, and bit the little finger of Quaid's palm holding the dagger!

Quaid hissed in pain, leaned back, and the silver coin fell from the dagger and landed on Thales' bare chest.

A burst of scorching heat hit her chest!

"Oh no!"

Severe burning sensation! It even caused severe pain!

Thales couldn't bear the burning of the silver coins, he let go of his teeth biting Quaid, and reached out to grab the silver coins on his chest.

"Bastard!" Quaid looked at his bloody little finger, bursting into anger.

"Then leave some souvenirs for you!"

He knocked down the boy with one punch, then rushed forward, overwhelmed Thales, pressed the hot black silver coin firmly with the dagger, and pressed it against Thales' chest.

"Hiss—" It was like the sound of a soldering iron being rapidly cooled.

It's just the cooling material, it's flesh and blood.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--"

Thales howled angrily, and along with the burning temperature in his chest, there was also a burning smell.

The muscles all over his body began to ache like burning again.

Quaid pressed the silver coin for a full five seconds, staring at Thales' painfully deformed face before he felt relieved and let go of Thales.

As soon as Thales broke free, he yanked the silver coin stuck to his chest, ignoring the still hot temperature, and tore it off with blood.

With scorched flesh and blood pulled out by Thales, the silver coins rolled to the ground, clanging.

Thales' blood fell to the ground and dried up quickly.

And he was lying on the ground, tears streaming down uncontrollably.

Damn, he's obviously an adult, isn't he?

Why, why can't I help but want to cry?

"Unfortunately, it would be nice to swallow it or press it on the eyelids."

Quaid carefully picked up the silver coins and continued to throw them into the fire, "It's okay, we'll come back in the next round."

Thales closed his eyes fiercely, the burning sensation in his chest didn't seem to have weakened, but intensified, getting hotter and hotter.

It seems that there is a force surging.

is accumulating.

Just let me, let me, let me slit Quaid's throat. He muttered silently in his heart.

When Thales opened his eyes again, he just stared at Quaid coldly.

Looking at those lifeless eyes, Quaid suddenly felt a little bored.

"Hey, brat, don't you want to play?" Quaid kicked Thales.

Thales just looked at him coldly.

Come on, he thought, this time, whether it's the eyelids or the nose.

Iron it as you like.

Anyway, if you travel by yourself, you can't do anything, can you?

Quaid looked into Thales' eyes and confirmed the indifference in the other's eyes.

Quaid hated this kind of indifference. When he was collecting black debts, he was most annoyed by such debtors. This means that no matter how much he tortures the other party, he will not be able to collect any money.

boring. Quaid spat, thinking viciously, the fun has been ruined.

Too much time wasted.

But when he turned his head and saw the other two beggars in the hole in the wall, his eyes lit up again.

In the midst of Kelia's crying and Kellett's terrified eyes, Quaid reached out to a hole in the wall of the sixth room, toward the only and youngest girl.

Thales' pupils focused instantly, and Cindy watched this scene in horror. Even Ryan put down his severed hand and raised his head.



That's Kolya.

That is their youngest child.

That child!

The burning heat in his chest became more and more hot, and the muscles in his body seemed to be burning.

Kolya just wailed loudly.

She is only four years old.


how dare you!


"Devil! Come towards me!"

"You dare! You can't!"

Thales, Cindy, and even Ryan, who was holding his severed arm, frantically crawled towards Quaid, but he was swept away by the corner of the wall one by one.

"You are not allowed to hurt her!"

At this moment, a figure stood firmly in front of the hole in the wall.

That was Kellit who was scared back to the hole just now.

At this moment, he bravely rushed forward, trying to protect Kolia.

But Thales just shook his head in pain.

No, you are not enough.

Kellett's fist was easily grabbed by Quaid.

"Don't disturb the sideshow." Quaid chuckled, without any hesitation, without any hesitation, without any hindrance, he cut Kellett's neck.

Kellett opened his eyes wide, as if he couldn't believe what was happening in front of him.

Thales collapsed on the ground, Ryan started crying and laughing as if he was insane, and Cindy just hammered the ground hard.

Quaid pushed Kellit, who had a damaged trachea, blood spurting from an artery, and who was speechless, to the side.

Kolya cried more and more fiercely.

"Don't! Don't catch me! I'm very good! I don't have typhoid! I don't!"

Quaid grabbed Kelia's hair, and couldn't help but lift the crying girl out of the hole in the wall like a pet.

Then he stretched out his dagger and picked out the silver coin from the fire.

"Bastard! Damn bastard!"

Thales closed his eyes and roared with all his strength.

He hated himself.

Hate this damn world.


Then, he stared at Quaid helplessly.

In the girl's desperate and frenzied struggle, she pressed the second blackened silver coin on Kolia's face with a dagger.

Next to my ears were the sobbing of children.

Kolia's cries were even incoherent.

how so?

Thales lay dead on the ground, as if he had given up all hope, motionless, his eyes were full of gray despair.

Only the chest, the burnt place, felt waves of scorching heat.

Quaid lifted the dagger and the silver coin from the girl's face, causing the girl to scream.

He took a breath, looked around, and suddenly felt a little bored.

Quickly solve this problem and find other brats.

Wait, is it not good for the Brotherhood to do this by yourself?

Quaid's drunkenness gradually subsided.

Whatever it is, since Rick and his thugs didn't show up, it's okay.

He closed his eyes and shook his head.

Then he wanted to use both hands to break the girl's neck.


When he raised his left hand, Quaid suddenly felt strange. Didn't he hold the dagger and press the silver coin on the girl's face just now?


He didn't think much about it.

Quaid continued to raise his left hand, and wiped it on Kelia's neck.

At this moment, Thales, who was lying on the ground, seemed to have touched something with his right hand, which made him tremble slightly.


He didn't think much about it either.

Thales got up tremblingly, hiding his hands behind his back

That's how it all happened.

In Cindy's eyes, Thales, who was still trembling on the ground a moment ago, suddenly jumped up.

"Go to hell!"

The seven-year-old traveler, struggling with the madness of two worlds and two lives, stabbed and twisted towards Quaid's neck.

"It's so annoying!"

Quaid had seen his movements a long time ago, so he just elbowed back indifferently.

Then, Thales was elbowed by the impatient Quaid.


Thales knocked his head against the edge of a hole, staring at his eyes, but he still stubbornly raised his head and looked at his hand.

There, holding the dagger stolen from the Sunset Bar.

A dagger with a bloody blade.

Everything seemed to stand still at that moment.

Quaid was stunned for a moment, then lowered his head in surprise, looking at Thales who was knocked out and coughed on the ground.

Quaid's surprised eyes didn't last long before he realized what had happened to him.

He suddenly let go of Kolia, and in disbelief, he stretched out his trembling hand and touched his neck.

It started with a warm, moist and sticky feeling. This feeling spread down the collarbone and quickly spread to the chest and abdomen.

In Quaid's eyes, that damned brat—Thales is struggling, U read www.. et But firmly, slowly got up from the ground, the dagger in his hand was trembling slightly with his right hand.

But the frequency is steady, trembling.

At that moment, Quaid panicked.

He threw his hands on his neck indiscriminately, and held down the big hole in his neck that was gushing blood in fear.

But the trembling hands and chin seemed to be resisting his intentions, and arterial blood, as bright red as paint, gushed out, unstoppable.

Quaid clenched his teeth, but felt a little weakness under his legs, so he took a step back.

But this step made him fall limply to the ground, unable to get up again.

The burning pain in his chest continued, but Thales raised his head. Under the shocking gazes of Kelia and Cinti, and amidst Ryan's indistinguishable laughter, he looked indifferently but firmly at Quaid.

He opened his mouth word by word.

"go to hell."

"No one below, waste."

Quaid clenched his teeth even tighter, and his anger surged again.

But it's different from before, with the anger, everything in front of me is getting darker, blurred, farther away, smaller, and collapsing.

His eyeballs protruded, as if they were about to pop out of their sockets, and he stared at Thales.

Then, he stretched out his slightly trembling hand, the hand pierced by Yala, in the direction of Thales, and spoke hoarsely.

"Damn it—kid—"

The bloody hand brushed against Thales' icy face.

These are "Blood Axe" Quaid Rhoda's last words in Errol's world.